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The Hundred Year Darkness (The Second Great Schism)


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"I want you to keep an eye out for yourself and for Seriphyn. He almost turned once, and we have no reassurance that he won't be in that situation again in the next couple of months. Contact me or your master if anything changes in Seriphyn that concerns you" he said and smiled warmly.


"You may go" he said and nodded, slowly closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He fell into meditation again quietly as Valgo opened the door and looked at them. He held the door open for Jill

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Jill was unsure, she didn't want to make him worry or make him angry at Emukiel again. But on the other hand she didn't want to lie to him.


- "He's concerned with our feelings for each other, he said that basically we've lost our way on the path of the jedi and if we continue in this relationship, there could be chaos, namely the council doesn't trust us" - Jill said.

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Seriphyn stepped up to Jill, and placed both his hands on her shoulders.


"If the Council separate us, then..." Seriphyn sighed, "I won't be able to protect you. Remember what I promised you a while back. I can't protect you from the Sith if we're seperated. And, if we do get seperated, there's a chance that you can fall. According to the Council, if we stay together, we will fall to the Dark Side. That is, if the Council's wisdom is correct"


Seriphyn frowned. He made it sound like a lose-lose situation. He brushed his hand through her hair and down her cheeks.


"Which isn't, is it?"

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Valgo walked over to Emukiel and sat next to him, waiting quietly. The room was silent and dark, only one lamp lighting a small table dimly. The two jedi were silent for over an hour before Emukiel opened his eyes and looked at Valgo.

"Master Ae-Saefar, we have gotten word of other jedi academies. They are pretty scattered already and all send a contact person over to us. They'll be here in 50 minutes"

"Allright, Valgo. Inform the council that we should gather before the contact personnel arrive"

"Yes, master"


The intercom crackled open and Valgo's voice rang inside the ship.

"All jedi council members, please gather in the conference room. A meeting will be held before more jedi arrive from other jedi academies"

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Jill smiled at him.


- "I say they aren't right...I don't want to leave your side, but what if they force us?" - Jill said frowning.




Juhn-Kai still meditated, Val-Kan had not attempted comunication in all this time, but he sensed his presence in the force non the less. Juhn-Kai got up and heard Valgo's message. It was then that he heard something in his mind. A whisper.




What could that mean? It could only be a planet and they had to find it. Juhn-Kai decided not to dwell on it for the time being and went to the conference room to await the other masters. He sat down on his chair and everyone started to gather. Juhn-Kai waited for who had called the meeting to speak.

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Emukiel was the last of the masters that walked into the conference room and the door closed with a hiss. He stayed in the middle of the room and looked at the council quietly until everyone was ready.


"I have called this meeting to finally decide what the jedi should do. we have recieved word of other jedi academies being overrun and the jedi scattering everywhere. The academies have sent contact personnel here to help us in deciding our next move" he said and looked around the room at the jedi. He turned to Juhn-Kai and looked at him for a while before continuing.


"Also, one of the transports that had lost it's hyperdrive near a system called Korriban has noticed heavy in-and-out activity. It could be the sith, but the jedi need to stay hidden and so cannot see if the ships have the sith symbol on them" he continued and then bowed slightly, ending his turn

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Seriphyn sighed, "If they force us then...I guess we'll have no choice. We could still see each other in secret. It's been done before. I just...won't be able to protect you"


He was irritated by everything at the moment; he wished it would all go away. Seriphyn pulled Jill closer to him, leaning his head on the top of hers as he rubbed her back, thinking about everything in his life.


All this stress turned him off what he intended to do by luring Jill here in the first place. What is more important? Being a Jedi? Or loving?

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Jill held on to Seriphyn she didn't want to part ways from him but she would have to if she didn't have a choice.




Juhn-Kai nodded. Korriban was what he had heard from the whisper.


- "That's where the sith are, there is no doubt. We must be careful though. Storming the place I feel will only get more Jedi killed. I propose to have only a contingency of Jedi...strong and capable jedi able to hide their presence in the force. We must do this with stealth and perfection, otherwise it will all be in vain" - Juhn-Kai said.

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"I shall go and I have no doubt Valgo will come also. Seriphyn is a good pilot and can bring us close to the sith compound without being noticed" Emukiel said and nodded, leaning back in his seat. The door hissed and opened. Valgo came in and boed deep.


"Council, the spokesmen of the academies have arrived" the weequay said and bowed again, taking a step back and waiting for a response before he would leave

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Valgo bowed again and then turned and walked out. The door closed only to open again a moment after. Twelve men and women of all races walked in, wearing their jedi robes of many colours and shades. Valgo walked throught the group and they all bowed.


"Masters, the spokesmen of the academies" Valgo said and straightened himself up. He would act as the spokesman of Sriluur for now

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Juhn-Kai greeted all of them.


- "As you have probably felt through the force, a grave danger threatens our Order. The Sith are more powerful than ever and have taken our Padawan from Coruscant and Dantooine as hostages. Master Embok turned to the darkside and had a hand in the plot. He is held in a room guarded by Jedi Knights. To explain the status of our situation I will ask Master Ae-Saefar to further elaborate on the matter" - Juhn-Kai said.

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"As most of you have already heard, the attack that we had planned a long time was unsuccesful. However, we have again found the sith on Korriban and are planning a mission to Korriban, which is currently a top secret project you will not hear details about" Emukiel said


"The time is dark and worrying, but we need your help. We need details of our current strenght in numbers. If we are to face the sith in open battle again, it is most probable that all of our jedi must attend"

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- "Hence we're going to need a full head count, all academies will report the number of Jedi available and in fighting condition, as the council we will try to solve this situation as peacefully as we can, it is never the intention of the Jedi to be messy, but wars are messy...this time only Jedi Knights, Masters and padawan ready for graduation will be taken...but children and lower level padawans must be counted in the census" - Juhn-Kai said.

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Seriphyn awoke, the young 17-year old curled up beside him on this rather cramped single bed. I guess the Jedi Order has no need for double beds, he thought.


He slowly brushed Jill to the side so he could get himself out of this uncomfortable bed. He sat on the side, careful that he wasn't sitting on Jill's petite hands. The Jedi Knight buried his head in his hands in deep thought. Was what he done wise? Enjoyable, yes, but he's not supposed to be doing stuff like that. There was a huge difference between a normal person and a Jedi. Though, he wasn't required to be celibate* though, just not have such attachments.


That would have to be the last time. And there would be only one way to make sure of that.


Seriphyn kissed the sleeping Jill slightly on the head, got dressed and then walked out the door, in a deliberate attempt to get himself lost onboard this ship.


((*George Lucas said that Jedi aren't required to be celibate))

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Jill awakened alone on the bed, she took her clothes and put them on. Seriphyn was nowhere to be found. She went and took a shower in her room and changed to other clothes. She was thinking too, she had spent the night with Seriphyn, she felt good but worried as well about him. Why did he leave her there on the bed by herself? Where did he go?




Juhn-Kai had finished talking about the head count and proceeded to the mission.


- "Master Emukiel and Master Valgo have signed on to the mission, I must ask if there are others who will follow us in the rescue?" - Juhn-Kai asked.


Lady Andril got up from her seat.


- "I will go" - Lady Andril said.


Master Borus was about to get up when Juhn-Kai spoke.


- "Borus, old friend I must ask you to remain and watch over the council, on Illum you will have to keep an eye on the other academies and I consider that since you were a council member back in the day, then you are one of the most qualified" - Juhn-Kai said.


Borus bowed and sat down. The ships were already on route to Illum.


- "Once we arrive to Illum the mission will take place, council is adjourned" - Juhn-Kai said. The masters started to leave to their quarters. Juhn-Kai was still in the room and turned a holoprojector with the image of Korriban and stared at it.

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Seriphyn had quickly grown bored of wandering the ship, which seemed to be a hybrid of a Republic ship and the Jedi Temple. He tried to sense where Juhn-Kai was, and homed in on the position.


The doors of the council chamber slid open. Before him, he saw an all-too-familiar sight. Next to it, there was Juhn-Kai. Seriphyn walked up beside him, in a manner that didn't draw too much attention to himself.


"Quite an Icon of the Dark Side, eh Master?" he said looking at the image of Korriban beside Juhn-Kai.

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The jedi council and the spokesmen of the academies started to scatter about. Emukiwl walked to Juhn-Kai and Seriphyn, Valgo behind him.


"Seriphyn, you'll be flying us there when we're ready" he said and grinned, placing his hand on Seriphyn's shoulder. Valgo looked at the planet hologram and shook his head. He couldn't believe that they were going into a sith base without an army

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- "I have a very strong feeling that Val-Kan is there...and so are our padawan learners, as I said we have a better chance of success if we go in a small team, loosing anymore Jedi will result in then extinction of our order...Embok was a fool" - Juhn-Kai said still looking at the hologram.

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Seriphyn turned back to Juhn-Kai, while looking at the image of Korriban. It was all pretty obvious now.


"We should not fret, Master. The Sith have never been able to achieve dominance in the galaxy as long as we have. Their path has is always short-lived...right?" Seriphyn said trying to comfort Master Juhn-Kai.

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- "Yes but I feel this time they are more organized, they have a leader who has promised them power and until he gives them this power, they will follow him without question. It makes me feel uneasy...and I sense Jill is looking for you" - Juhn-Kai said slightly turning his silver eyes to Seriphyn and then back to the hologram. Then he sighed.


- "I'm going to need layouts and scans of the planet, I need to know exactly where we are headed" - Juhn-Kai said to a padawan who bowed to him and went to the bridge.




Jill in the meantime still walked through the ship, looking for Seriphyn. She had closed her mind and did so very good to prevent anyone from reaching inside her mind and see what she had done with Seriphyn. She was clearly worried about him disappearing like that.

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