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The Hundred Year Darkness (The Second Great Schism)


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Eki shut fown his lightsaber and revealed hismelf, breathing heavily himself.

"It drains your energy like nothing like you have before done. You must train it as much as you can before we leave for Korriban and rest on the way there if your master wants to take you with us. You did well and you have learned the basics of style VII. Go and speak to your master. Remember, if you need further training of what I have told you now, ask from me or Valgo to train you" he said and nodded as his breathing started to calm down. He clipped his lightsaber back onto his belt and walked to his robes.


Valgo walked to his robes and putthem back on at the same time as Eki did it. The two looked at each others for a while and then Emukiel nodded. They had obviously used their natural weequay communication skills and now agreed on something. Emukiel looked at Jill and smiled. "We shall see again, padawan Devious" he said before left the training room and towards the bridge

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Jill walked to the conference room and found Juhn-Kai with Seriphyn. Juhn-Kai turned to Seriphyn.


- "Let us go to the bridge, we will talk soon enough for now we are arriving at Illum" - Juhn-Kai said and he walked to the bridge. Jill looked at Seriphyn for a moment and then walked after Juhn-Kai.

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Seriphyn sighed out of his nostrils; irritated, embarrased and not really sure of anything. Juhn-Kai seemed to be find with it, or so he seemed seeing as there were more pressing matters at hand.


He followed Juhn-Kai to the bridge, then stopped there and made a random comment,


"I need new armour...and...wait, where's my lightsaber? We didn't leave it at Rhen Var did we? And my pistols...where are those?" Seriphyn moaned.

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Juhn-Kai looked at Seriphyn.


- "You lost your lightsaber and possesions? Well you'll have to use a spare one of the Masters may be able to give you one. Master Olkun?" - Juhn-Kai turned to a man standing on the farside of the bridge. He came walking to him.


- "Please escort Jedi Seriphyn to the quartermaster and give him a lightsaber, he misplaced his saber during the battle for he lost his arms" - Juhn-Kai said.


- "Yes Master, right away...come Seriphyn" - Master Olkun said and walked to the armory.

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Valgo stood at the main window with Emukiel and they were quietly consulting each others with their natural ability. A pair of jedi were talking in the half-pit next to Juhn-Kai.

"Have you heard that the council is fighting amongst itself about what happens now?"

"Yeah. I don't like to critisize the jedi order, but the council is turning too bureucratic for my taste. And what's with Master Ae-Saefar?"

"How so?"

"He's been acting odd since the last battle. You've seen him, right? When you ask something about what's going to happen next, he just grints and walks away. Valgo is no better"


Eki looked at the planet they were closening on and shook his head. a pair of other ships were hovering over Illum, quite close to each others.

"Captain, there's a message coming throught. Shall I put it on the screen?"

"Yes. Main screen"

The main screen lowered and the picture of a jedi master appeared.

"This is JOS Northernstar from Corellia. We were driven out by the sith and heard of your travel to Illum. Our hyperdrive is leaking and we are low on fuel. The main generator and two of our backup generators were destroyed in battle and our life support systems are barely running. We are glad that you arrive. A couple of hours and we migh've not made it even to land on Illum"

"We'll send a group of technicians and some spare parts to you. If needed to, get all of your shuttles and escape pods loaded and send them out. We'll pick them up. But that is only your last option"

"Roger that, sir. JOS Northstar out"

The screen shut off and was raised back up. The captain told an officer to ready the spare parts and technicians to be sent by shuttle to the other ship.


Emukiel turned and looked at the people on the bridge for a moment before looking at Valgo and nodding quietly. The force was somehow twisted in the bridge and the jedi there seemed to be either anctious or otherwise concerned of the future. The hope was starting to fade and they needed a plan... fast

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- "If you want to dig for months on the surface of Rhen Var to get your lightsaber I don't have a problem with it, just know that everytime there is a blizzard there the coats of snow grow thicker and there is a blizzard every minute. You still wanna try and find it? Go ahead otherwise I would really recomend that you don't loose anymore. I can supply you with the parts needed for the saber if you wanna construct a new one. You would only need to go to the surface of Illum to retrieve a crystal of the collor you want" - Olkun said arriving at the armory he showed him a rack with at least a dozen spare lightsabers.


- "There are the spares, if you want parts go to the rack over there, just don't grab the improved power cells, if you do...I shall know and I don't take lightly to thievery" - Oklun said and pointed to another rack with saber hilts, lenses, emitters and powercells.

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Juhn-Kai looked at Valgo and gave him a small grin.

- "I'll talk to him" - Juhn-Kai said and patted Valgo on the shoulder. Then walked to Emukiel.


- "Eki, what is it that you feel, do you think you can describe it?" - Juhn-Kai asked him. He himself was feeling something but mostly was pain that had been exchanged with Val-Kan when they connected through their force bond, so it was difficult for him to concentrate at the time.

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"It's out of balance..." he said and looked at Illum. The weequay gave a sigh an shook his head.

"The force... Its out of balance down there" Eki explained before looking at Juhn-Kai. He was worried of the other jedi ships. They did not have strong jedi to keep them safe and organized. Emukiel looked at Illum and shook his head again.

"There is a dark, powerful energy coming from down there. I am not comfortable being near Illum. We must get ourselves read for the infiltration. It could be a trap waiting for us"

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Seriphyn scrunched up his face in further irritation. He remembered his last journey to Ilum, and how he was trapped in the caves for a week until he was rescued by the 17th. He'd just have to go again.


"Very well" he said, trying to cover up any hint of bitterness before going to grab the parts he needed. He laid them out on the table, then assembled the lightsaber within seconds using near-perfect effiency.


Seriphyn shot the lightsaber out in front of him, then ignited it. It was of a viridian colour.


"Awww, green? I hate green!" he moaned like a youngling, "Stupid crystals have to be transparent, don't they? So you have no idea what colour it is!"


"It'll do..." Seriphyn said in a sudden sombre voice, before spinning it round his fingers several times and placing it on his belt.

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- "Then we'll go down there first to see for ourselves. Keep the ships in orbit and keep the shields on at all times" - Juhn-Kai said and looked at Eki.


- "Come on, I don't want to loose anymore Jedi on this war, if I have to die to save others so be it" - Juhn-Kai said as he walked to the door and waited for Emukiel to head to the hangar.




Olkun looked at Seriphyn.


- "A fine blade you have constructed Seriphyn, now let us get back to the masters" - Olkun said and waited for Seriphyn to go back to the bridge.

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- "I'm going down there and see what's going on, look for the origin of this dark side energy. We won't make the other ships land until we have secured the planet. Illum is a secret place, how could the sith know about it? I must see to it that it's safe down there for our fellow Jedi, if you want to check it out, you can come with me, if you feel we need more Jedi let it be masters, since I prefer experience over youth" - Juhn-Kai said.

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- "What else can we do? Run again? To where? If we run now we'll run forever. What else do we do? Do we have them all land down there and have them all killed while we're at it? We have more than enough experince and power to fight whatever it is we encounter down there, our padawan don't...should we send more rabits down the snake hole, or do we couple of snakes go inside and do some hissing of our own?" - Juhn-Kai asked, he knew he wasn't making much sense, but right now his mind was dwelling on his friend...no..his brother Val-Kan and all what the sith were putting him through.

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Eki chuckled at Seriphyn's question and then sat down.

"Snakes are a kind of an animal that live naturally in a few forest moons and planets around the galaxy and are very popular pets amongst rich people. Scientists have speculated a long time of their true origin, but the main theory would be that they have spread from Tatooine a long long time ago and then almost completely disappeared from there" he explained and then relaxed, leaning back in the chair.


"Excuse me" he said before closing his eyes and starting to meditate and concentrate on the source of the dark energy. They would need to get throught this fast before the Sith regroup and strategize a powerful attack against the jedi. The regroupment will also make it much more tougher for them to infiltrate their HQ

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The ship landed safely on a cliff near the temple. Juhn-Kai felt some energy come from the cave nearby to the temple. He looked at Emukiel.


- "Do you feel that? Can you make out anything from it?" - Juhn-Kai asked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eki closed his ees and took a deep breath, concentrating. He let the air out slowly and poked the energy with the force and tested it's nature. He opened his eyes and took a quick breath.

"It is nor jedi nor sith. I have heard of their kind. They keep hidden rom both us and the sith and practice what they elieve is the neutral type of force between dark and light" he said and rushed to the lowering ramp.

"Let me handle the talking" he said and rushed out quickly, only to get to the edge of the cliff and see a freighter with people in many colours of robes walking down near the tempel. Some were training in lightsaber combat, some were taining in force powers. He jumped down and landed softly next to the younglings that were playing on their free time. the kids screamed and ran to the adults that were training in lightsaber combat.


The situation was explosive as the exiles(let's just call them those, even thought the exiles will be their name in the times of the Clone war) turned to him and took their lightsabers ready. Emukiel gathered himself and took a step closer, the people jumping a bit of his cocky attitude.

"What are you doing on the holy grounds of the Jedi?" he asked loudly and one of the elder exiles stepped from the crowd.

"Why do you ask? Who are you, stranger?" he asked and Eki smirked.

"I am Emukiel Ae-Saefar, a Jedi master in the Jedi Council" The weequay said and the man smiled.

"I am Daugrath, the Elder. We are here to rest for a while, for the Sith have chased us all over the galaxy"

"Then we are brothers in faith, Daugrath, for we have what is left of the jedi up in space, ready to land here in search of safety"

"We can make room, Jedi"

"That is up to the Jedi council to decide if we share this are. If they say you are too near to our sacred temple, you must move or face the consequences"

"I hope it does not come to that, for it would be a waste of time and men to drive us from our camp"


Emukiel laughted and took his comlink out. "Juhn-Kai, get down here, and tell the council to gather"

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