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Casting call.....KOTOR: Darkness falls.


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We're going to use this thread for Darkness Falls II, so as not to clutter the forum with an unnecessary thread.


There are some specific rules that need to be set in place (these are for the new people that willl be joining, as the people from Darkness Falls already know what is expected of a DF thread).


Rule number one:

There is a difference between what your character knows and what you as the player know. I don't want to point fingers, but the person(s) this is directed at knows who they are. I beg of you: make sure that you are not posting something that your character(s) should not know!

Rule Number Two:

If you have an idea that may affect the story, PM myself, JasraLantill, or ForceFightWMe12 before putting it in to action. Do not post something that could potentially alter the plot in any way.

Rule Number Three:

Proper spelling and punctuation are an absolute must. If you have to, type up your post in a word processor with spellchecker first, then copy it into the post box. That will make the conversion much easier, and will make WJ and I hate you less :p


That's it, basically. Jasra and Kira, if you have anything to add... I can't stop you.

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Name: Marshall Tylor (Perfers to be called Tylor)

Age: 29

Species: Human

Alignment: Light

Appearance: Click here

Class: Soldier

Weapon: Republic Blaster

BIO: Born and raised in the peaceful environment of Naboo. His father was a poilt for the Naboo security force. Marshall decided to follow in his footsteps and release he had a natural talent. However he felt that the NSF was limiting so he moved to Coruscant and took a job there. As it seems that nothing sepectular has happened in his life. Marshall now feels that he's back in the similar environment of a dead-end job and is looking for a way out, a way to a more exiting way of life.


((Appolgise for the spelling mistakes. They have been corrected))

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  • 2 months later...

Well, Rob's been on the forums and not posted here a few times now. I don't know if he's caught up on DF yet or not - he was gone for a while. I recommend that Jasra continue to play Karda, at least partially, until Rob's had a chance to catch up a bit.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey, can I joing too?? I'm new to this so I won't be creating a powerful character.

Name: HK-47

Age:Built during The Mandalorian Wars


Appearance: Rusted and damaged parts, with a few modifications.

Alignment: Whatever Revan's alingment is.

Class:Assassin Droid

Weapons: Grenades, Heavy mandalodian blaster x2 , self-destruct mode.

Info: HK is the personal assassin droid to both Revan and the Exile(but obeys Revan mostly) and is redy to kill all opposition.

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The Fic was being done by both WJ and I, and WJ has decided to end his time here on LF, for unknown reasons. We're still trying to work out what's going to happen with his character. I guess I'll be finishing up the conversion myself. Hope I can get what he had done from him, but I'm not holding out too much hope.


As for taking new players, I think it's a little late for that. We're just about finishing up. Maybe you can join in on DF III, if we decide to continue with it. Jas, Kira and I still need to talk some more about the idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
(((Is this thread still going, then, or is DF doomed to decay? I can't believe JW's leaving... *sniff*)))

It's still going, as far as I know. It's dying a slow death, though. We need to decide whether we're going to continue without Crystal, or if we're going to pass this on to my list of writing assingments, where it will most likely sit untouched for a few months while I work on other projects.



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Well, I for one think we should continue on and just make Crystal an NPC. But to keep this story going, Doc, we need to do three things:


1. Have Revan with the help of Karda, Tylor, Crystal, The Doctor and Rose, and the Republic marines, rescue the captured Padawans that Valclav Amek has detained on Myrkr. (They are to be sold as slaves.) Send the Padawans back to Dantooine with some of the marines.


2. Kira needs to meet separately with 'Clone' Atton under the pretense that Atton has found the location of Bastila. Kira will disappear with Atton (to Vros' lair.)


3. Revan and the rest of the group will need to follow Kira (most likely using the ion trail of the Ssss before it went into hyperspace and then plotting that vector against known habitable planets.)


I can post another snippet with Vros, Bastila, Atton, Brax and Jasra, but that's not really going to advance the plot any (unless someone can help me figure out a way to get one or more of them out of their force cages so that they can do some more investigation of Vros' lair and his intentions!)


I'm not sure what you were planning to do with the 'other' Doctor, so you'll have to work that into the story. That's about all the 'thoughts' I have. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Doctor asked and I have accepted the role of Crystal. I'm doing so in part so this thread doesn't die out. Come on, people! This has been one of the most successful thread series' in the DTC, topped only by the Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire, I believe. So let's get it moving again, shall we?

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