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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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I just bought one of those Sonicare toothbrushes. Supposed to be better for your gums.


It's been raining again here. Heavy. For a couple of days now. And I couldn't be at all happier about it. :rolleyes:


I JUST finished cleaning up the basement from the last time!!! Give me a break allready, willya'?!?? :mad:

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yeah it's been raining here nonstop as well. i thought april was like 2 months ago??? -_-


it definetely wasn't raining this often when i moved up here last month! next week's forecast calls for plenty of rain. it's going to be so fun. i wanna get out and go fishing, but not in a tstorm. :(


today I work 1am-10pm....in another week i'll be on my 5pm-1am shift....hoping it'll be fun.


i stayed up til about 2:30 this morning playing Galaxies....i love Jump to Lightspeed, reminds me of TIE Fighter. I have a TIE Fighter named Savage Flewt and a space yacht named Disturbing Peace. I just need to get past this one mission for the Imperial Inquisition so I can get myself a TIE Bomber and TIE Interceptor...I already have the TIE Bomber chassis, just can't get it deeded because I lack the certification to pilot it. :(



Had my car looked at, the guy said it looks like my second gear is deteriorating, and said he'd have to open it all up, which could in a worst-case scenario cost a good amount, so I said 'ah leave it like it is' cause i'd do just as well getting another used vehicle.


My parents are now on my case about me not being motivated to go out and hunt for one. I always get this depressing feeling when i'm around my dad like he thinks i'm lazy or a deadbeat or something. It's not my fault i don't care about anything, nearly everything i've attempted to be successful at has ended in failure...so why should i give a **** anymore when it just makes me worse-off in the end?

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If its a molar, get it pulled ASAP. The nerve that runs to the molars also connects directly to the mainline nerve that runs to your optic nerve. So once the molar's nerve gets damaged from decay, your eyes will explode into pain and you'll temporarily lose sight in the one on the side of the head your damaged molar is on. A dentist told me this when I had a busted molar I didn't want to get pulled.

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Already have a puddle in the cellar, and the rain shows no sign of stopping. Oh, joy. :rolleyes:


Did a lot of running around and some shopping done today... pretty much everything that I didn't get finished last weekend.


I would have much rather spent the day working around the yard or getting some exercise,.. but, well, you know.


When I got home I watched "Munich." It wasn't exactly what I expected...

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If its a molar, get it pulled ASAP. The nerve that runs to the molars also connects directly to the mainline nerve that runs to your optic nerve. So once the molar's nerve gets damaged from decay, your eyes will explode into pain and you'll temporarily lose sight in the one on the side of the head your damaged molar is on. A dentist told me this when I had a busted molar I didn't want to get pulled.


yeah i'll prolly have to do that.....not sure how bad it is. but it was hurting like hell all day. i got some of that umm stuff that is supposed to numb it....it didnt do much but paralyze my tongue for about 30 seconds.

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ahh so far it's been a crap year....


got scheduled for dentist appointment on thursday morning at 8:00 am...


then yesterday...

my car's alternator went on me. so i am without a car. need to find the number to this place that's just down the street, where I had it inspected, and can't find it ANYWHERE. pisses me off.


my manager called me and i don't have to go in to work til 5...and she said for the rest of the week, so there goes my hours i guess, but i guess i need the rest, what w/my tooth feeling like someone went too far w/a cheek-pinch, and my car just sitting in the parking spot pissing out the rest of the transmission fluid. now when i tell my mom and dad that i'm gonna be going to work 5 hours later, they're not going to be happy w/that. but like i said in my previous post, i don't care anymore, i'm not even mad, soon things will clear up, i'll have a better tooth and a better car by the end of the month.


still, a somewhat crappy year. and it's only half over.


my sister bought a nice 27" flatscreen samsung w/her credit card on sunday, so i'm kinda watching the french open on it. stayed up til 2:30 this morning playing galaxies. i've been up since 8:30, so that's only 6 hours of sleep. :)

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Will someone please make the rain stop? :rolleyes:



Try to have a good time in L.A. regardless, K. It's not my favorite place in the world, but it's possible that you might be able to enjoy yourself. I seem to remember the restaurants being pretty good out there... and if you are on a per-diem, or better yet an expense account... :naughty:

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Try to have a good time in L.A. regardless, K. It's not my favorite place in the world, but it's possible that you might be able to enjoy yourself. I seem to remember the restaurants being pretty good out there... and if you are on a per-diem, or better yet an expense account... :naughty:


You bet I was. All the higher-ups from the company were there so we were spending some mad cash. We stayed at the Hollywood Roosevelt right across from Grauman's Chinese Theater. Thursday night there was a big party at the pool bar there with a bunch a famous people. David Spade was there, Christina Aguilera, some jackass from Blink-182...I don't know - the other guys recognized way more people than I did. I just wanted to go to bed. But it was somewhat entertaining to see all my bosses get super-drunk and make asses of themselves. One guy just wanted to talk to all the hot girls, but he was old and married and had to behave himself, so he kept trying to get me to talk to them with him, like he was trying to help me "close the deal" or something. That got...strange.


So no, I definately did not have fun. Yeah, we had some really fancy meals, but the thing about those really fancy places is that they cost so much (not my problem this time, thankfully), it takes forever to get your food, and the portions are very small. And it's not like the food is really super great either. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I'd rather eat at the Italian restaurant right by my house, frankly.


Plus, I used to live out there, so it's not like this was a new experience or anything. I'm definately glad to be back home.

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Hmmm... It always amazes me that some people feel that being away from home pretty much means that you have free licence to act totally differently than you do when you are in the same zip or area code. I've never quite understood that.


I always have to wonder which is the real personality...


But I'm with you: I hate to travel for work. The college used to send me out to Cali every summer, but I put my foot down a few years ago. They even wanted me to take it over this year, but I said "No way."

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work was interesting this weekend....


learned that my manager was fired for no good reason. they just simply decided they didn't need that position in the store anymore, and her husband is one of the managers so it would create some kinda rift in the walmart or something like favoritism so no more mgr.....this in turn, could create a hellalot of chaos, cause she is the one that did our schedules, so i dunno what it'll be like....oh and they're waiting til after summer to implement the computer doing the scheduling, they want us to suffer through the foreign exchange students/camps, then they're gonna start slicing hours. it is walmart though, it was inevitable. :joy:

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I've been re-reading through the thread a bit, lately.



Did you ever record your band, Nitro?


If so... how'd that turn out?

We never did get it done... Couldn't get everyone in the same city at the same time long enough to do it before I moved.

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