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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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my dad brought me some ginger ale, orange juice, tylenol extra strength, and some pepto bismol. the pepto bismol helped the stomach. i still feel like crap tho....gonna see how i feel by 10 and if i dont feel any better gonna see about going to work later.


Last night I watched 2 weird movies....Blessed and One Hour Photo.


One Hour Photo creeped me out. if i pulled half of that crap i'd be fired. lol. i like the part where he made all the lady's pictures into 5x7, and kept an extra set of all of that lady's pictures for himself.

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I have to do laundry this weekend. I'm almost out of clean clothes again... and all the hampers and laundry baskets are already overflowing.


Problem is, I think I'm out, or nearly out, of laundry soap. That means a trip to the wholesale club store for supplies first. Whee!


Better start making a list...



Kinda forgot my mom's birthday yesterday in my haze. Oops!


Good thing we really don't make a big deal of birthdays in my family.


... Norah Jones CD...

Hmmm... that's not really soooo bad. Could be a lot worse...


For example: Had you said "... John Mayer CD..." I would have had to hunt you down and kill you, for your own sake. It would be a mercy killing, believe you me. :dozey:


I actually did sound for John Mayer, once. It was pretty excruciating.

Not exactly the high point of my career, to date.


We graduated from the same college, in the same year.

In theory I could have been in class along side him at some point... although I really don't remember him at all. I either never met him while he was around,.. or met him and he didn't make the slightest bit of an impression on me at the time.

My guess is that we moved in completely different circles.


Doesn't hurt my feelings much...

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Hmmm... that's not really soooo bad. Could be a lot worse...


Yeah, but my parents bought this exact CD back when it came out. I've gone from being all RAMMSTEIN AND FOOTBALL RAR to being like Norah Jones and curling. I almost got a Vanessa Carlton CD too. The entire operation is falling apart over here. Next thing I know I'll have a Michael Buble CD.

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My mom made me buy a couple of his disks for her. That was an embarrassing time at the checkout.


He played where I work also... Fortunately, I had the day off.


I heard his road crew were a big pack of penises, to put it kindly. They didn't make any friends that day.

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Nature tried to assassinate me.


Nature failed.


I laughed..... well, more puked for about 10 minutes straight, then laughed.... then puked somemore.....


My girlfriend was transfered to another store. We had to tell our store manager because people are NOT AS STUPID as we originally thought. (Yes, we have that much contempt for humans... ) So, we told him, instead of someone ELSE telling him.


Sucks, i miss seeing her at work... ;_;

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My mom made me buy a couple of his disks for her. That was an embarrassing time at the checkout.

Know what's embarassing going through the checkout with? Condoms and tampons. People look at you kinda funny, and trying to explain that the tampons are for your girlfriend's roommate never seems to get rid of the funny looks...

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augh today i have to work 11-8.....i get no time to relax. :( i have to work 7-12 tomorrow.....can't wait until summer when they have me 2-11 all the time...morning shift makes me treat customers like crap. at least in the summer, i'll have to deal with foreigners. that's fun, they bring in like thousands of people from england, russia, and france, and they all go to the various camps around here.


my sickness has seemed to have disappeared. i have a slight headache, barely traceable but i'm going to take the tylenol anyway.


watched final destination 1 & 2 last night. pretty messed up movies. prolly going to go see the 3rd one on friday...depends. heh. i can't wait til wednesday, my next day off. i am sick of all these morning and midshifts, it's very unhealthy for me. =\ my next schedule doesn't look any better....at least i can say i'm making over 30 hours a week....


i hate the way the weather just went from 50 to 9 degrees in a matter of 2 days. :(


Knights of the Old Republic II is fun. Been playing that at nearly every chance. Funny thing is, i don't remember half of it even though i got farther than i am now when i rented it. After i beat it, gonna check out Empire at War. Hopefully i can get my taxes done on friday morning and get my refund...


i ran out of shaving cream so i'm thinking of trying to dry-shave...


my hair grew longer within the last 2 days. long enough to make me want to shave it off again, before it gets all oily and itchy. maybe i'll let it grow out and just use styling gel, otherwise i want to rip it out.

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Know what's embarassing going through the checkout with?

Yes. A jumbo pack of extra-strength Depends, in the largest size.

Not fun.

There's a story there... but you're not going to hear it from me.


I've always wanted to walk into the convenience store across from where I work and go to the counter with several tubs of petroleum jelly, a couple of boxes of Kleenex, and then point to all the skin mags behind the counter and say "Give me all of 'em! I've got me a long weekend comin' up,... if ya' know what I mean!!!" :naughty:

Y'know... just to give them something to talk about for a while...

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Diane AND Nikki, most likely. :naughty: Hell... Diane puts her number right at the top of the the checkout slip!

I also find it very telling that the word "Pleasure" appears twice on the receipt. And what happens if you use the long "U" sound when pronouncing the name of the store? Hmmm...


A regular den of iniquity, that's all that is! Eh?

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It's not just you... Although I think "Pube-Licks" sometimes as well.


I managed to get most of the things I set out to do this weekend. The laundry took me most of two days though. Got some shopping done.

Finally got my hair cut.


One of these weekends that I have some extra time off I'm going to actually do something to actually enjoy it... like go somewhere. Get out of the house.

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Had a crappy day at work. It should have been an easy one, but people kept trying to work their way around the system we have set up for the way to have a concert, and then getting in my face about it when things didn't go the way they planned. Too much attitude.


Oh well... it's behind me now; but something tells me that this show will keep coming up every time we have a meeting for a long time to come, so I'll have keep reliving it for weeks or months... if not longer.



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Decided to spend my income tax refund on a decent electric... Found a brand new Epi Les Paul (in Canada, so the shipping was next to nil) on eBay for $500 US, so I ducked off to one of the local guitar shops and ran the same model (that they priced at $150 more :rolleyes: ) through the paces, dropped by the other places in town to check out prices (closest was $150 more with a hardshell case tossed in), then headed home and bought myself a gee-tar.

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