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Saber system suggestions


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I have a suggestion for attack parrying. How about changing the anims used for it? If I attack parry right (meaning i press D + left mouse button), then my saber actually swings left, which doesn't look very appropriate. It seems that the anims are all reversed from left to right in the wrong direction

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Well, attack parries use the animations of basic fakes, and basic fakes start a swing. You can't really change the animations, atleast not the basic fake one, maybe an impact animation for a successful attack parry but I don't think the former is possible.

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I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed in every game type. Most of the time saber locks don't last that long anyways, I am almost positive it wouldn't be gamebreaking if they were in all gametypes.

Well, the main issue is that you're pinned down while in a saberlock. Other players could possibly have you for lunch.

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Makes things more interesting




Then again, we could decrease the saber lock's duration, maybe by increasing the strength exerted per click of the mouse

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this is a bit off topic, but I just wanted to say that the lunge needs to be fixed very very badly. Its become more spammable than MB2s slap and I feel ashamed when I use it. It need to do no more damage than the attack fake and maybe have the cool down periods that jack mentioned.


And you know my idea for the saberlock. It would be so quick that it would almost be it would be almost impossible to get pinned down.

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A lock long enough to pin an opponent would be really good if there was a way to bring it on deliberately, as a tactic. It could take some skill to execute and cost a bunch of force points. Then there could be short random locks once in a while just for looks, like normal but shorter.

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I've changed the lunge attacks to cause as much damage as the attack fakes (x1.25 normal). This change will be seen in the next update.


WOOO HOOOO! Goodbye, lunge spam. It was nice to know you.....oh wait... NO IT WASN'T!!! :p


Now if only I could figure out a way to beat jack without it. LOL!


Quick question razor. would it be possible to make the normal bots on the coop maps walk when they swing and maybe use attack fakes?

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mmm, maybe. I could look into hacking some TABBot code into the NPC code to allow for that sort of thing. I'm not sure how successful I'd be until I tried.


Yeah, that would be cool. I wouldnt change their behavior too much though. Maybe vary it based on how hard a particular bot is suppose to be. Lower level bots could probably run more than upper level bots and not use attack fakes.

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Sushi makes an interesting point with his comments about the new mishap system. I could probably set up the balance bar to constantly improve over time.


However, the problem is that I'm worried that this will result in mishaps being too rare. Maybe mishaps should only occur when the defender doesn't parry and dramatically jack up the imbalance cost of parries? That way, a skilled defender could control how much mishap he causes in his opponent by "comboing" the parries in rapid succession?

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However, the problem is that I'm worried that this will result in mishaps being too rare. Maybe mishaps should only occur when the defender doesn't parry and dramatically jack up the imbalance cost of parries? That way, a skilled defender could control how much mishap he causes in his opponent by "comboing" the parries in rapid succession?


Ok, maybe its late, but I'm a little confused by what youre trying to say here. You mean when their opponent gets high on the meter, to mishap them you just '"get hit" without parrying? I'm lost.


I had an idea that might make the system a little bit harder when it comes to slowbounces. Jack made an interesting point that people might get too use to just holding a certain button (crouch now) to block a kick the second they see that they've been slow bounced and it might become hardly used like the MB2 manual block (since everyone except noobs hold block after they swing there). What if we use a saber punching animation or even that animation that MB2 uses for slap to create a second possible move that also can knock a slowbounced person down and has its own block. As to not make it overly difficult, but still harder, this is how I propose doing it:


1. to execute a punch, just press alt attack without any directional key

2. to block a punch in slowbounce, you do just dont press anything including crouch. Kick and blocking a kick would work the same way it does now.


What do you thing? too easy? too hard? Bad idea? Good idea? I personally thing it would add another level of depth to this combat, keep the kicks used in this fashion, and just be an excuse to give this system a punch and make it more movie realistic.

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Ok, maybe its late, but I'm a little confused by what youre trying to say here. You mean when their opponent gets high on the meter, to mishap them you just '"get hit" without parrying? I'm lost.

Basically. It's a bit different than the current system as most mishaps would be caused after the parries rather than during them. I'm not sure if that's counter inititive or not but it's an alternative.


I had an idea that might make the system a little bit harder when it comes to slowbounces.

I seems like a decent idea, but I really dont want to over do the slow bounce blocking stuff. Slow bounces are much rarer now and I don't think we want to overload the user with special situations for slow bounces.

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I seems like a decent idea, but I really dont want to over do the slow bounce blocking stuff. Slow bounces are much rarer now and I don't think we want to overload the user with special situations for slow bounces.


Well, slowbounces arent quite as rare for someone whos good at attack parrying. I'm just saying thatrather than get vets just automatically get use to pressing crouch everytime they see themselves in slow bounce, they should have to pay more attention to what move there opponent is actually doing. Plus, it would be a good excuse to add a punch to the gameplay.


Another quicker alternative it to penalize getting hit while in crouch (or just holding it) with a saber. That way, if their holding it while they get hit in slowbounce, they lose more DP. It would also stop anypossibility of future crouch spaming, not that it is a visable problem yet.

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Interesting playtesting note. RPtheHodRod helped today and pointed out an issue with staffs being able to insta-combo people to death. We experimented with having the transition moves do no damage and that actually worked! Right now, it looks liek the staff/dual/singles are fairly balanced now, they just had different styles of play. :)

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Interesting playtesting note. RPtheHodRod helped today and pointed out an issue with staffs being able to insta-combo people to death. We experimented with having the transition moves do no damage and that actually worked! Right now, it looks liek the staff/dual/singles are fairly balanced now, they just had different styles of play. :)


Thats good news. RP may be very stubborn when it comes to fighting OJP style, but he's great for helping us find new bugs.


Anyways, what about may last comments about the punch thing? If anything else, I think that that idea about hitting crouch for more damage should be implemented so people still have to becareful and watch while in slowbounce rather than just automatically press a button.

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Extra damage for crouch? Yowza that's a pity for the poor guy who gets hit when he happens to be crouching for a perfectly legit reason, like swinging low. If there absolutely has to be a disincentive to crouch then make it something more spread out, that only hurts much if you overdo crouching. How about lowering DP a little for each .5 second spent crouched? After all, crouching and being crouched could be considered akward physical acts/conditions which could inhibit your ability to dodge stuff. Crouch-walking should lower dp even more. It's like duck walking and have you ever tried to do that? It's very clumsy and tiring. (FPS characters can all do it like Chuck Berry though lol.)

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I like this mod ... but i think jedis shouldnt be able to block shots or sabers from behind ... Weapons should be a bit better against sabers (in the movie they couldnt block everything, too)


And the punishment while saber fighting is strange

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