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Saber system suggestions


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Ok, a few things real quick.


I when you said on the code server that conversions should only be done when a person is heavy bounced, I must say I agree with that because they can happen pretty easily if you aiming right or even seemingly at random; however, this gives me an idea.


Maybe they should only happen on a normal slowbounce when a person is holding crouch. While I'm not sure this is a better idea than making double damage for hitting a person in slowbounce with a no kick, it just might be enough to make the players watch a little more carefully before they automatically press crouch in a slowbounce and hopefully saving the slowbounce kick combo from going in to near future extinction against vets. Personally, I think it would be better if both ideas were in there but I'll take what I can get on this idea.


About the saberlock, it seems better than it was before, but it almost seems a little too ramdom at the moment since pressing a natural direction fo walking of swing may occur even before either person releases that they are in a saber lock (like it both people are pressing forward like sushi mentioned. Maybe add the requirement of pressing alt attack along with the proper direction?


Finally, its obvious that the last idea on how to fix or change crouch isnt very popular. I put up a few ideas above it. Any body else or ideas?

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This is a bit far off discussion, but I just hada crazy idea. I've been noticing that when we walk during saber combat between single sabers, our walking looks a bit stiff and moonwalk-like especially while swinging and not in any kind of lower stance like it usually is in th movies to absorb hits or even in real life sword combat.


I notice in this in 4th mode and I decided to try using staff and watch that walking. Staff seems a bit wider, more ridged, and more realistic looking. I was wondering if it would be possible to change the lower leg animation for the single saber walking to the staff walking as a test and see if it looks better. This is a long shot, but it worked for 0.0.6 when we changed the upperevents for the walking to the stance they each person is using.


Anyone who can change animations, I would like you to give this a try and see if it looks any better for single saber (I cant because my modview doesnt work). It might be fun to screw around with and is worth a shot. If this does end up looking better, maybe Razor could code it so these animation only happen when your walking with a saber or swing it while walking. I cant imagine this looking too good walking in malee. :p


And btw Razor, what do you think about adding the pressing of alt attack along with the right direction to win the saberlocks like I suggested above. It would save alot of random wins in my opinion. Oh, and in case I don't talk to you before, good luck on your interview tomarow, Razor!! And Happy 700 posts Saber Suggestions Thread!!!....um.....yeah......

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Woot, longest OJP thread!


Anyway, I think the alt-attack requirement to the saber locks seems like a good one. We'll probably have to try that.


As for walking animations, I agree that the current set don't look right. However, without more animation help, I don't think there is much I can do as the staff animations would make the player look bowlegged. Personally, I'd like to see a Luke style sideways stride, but who knows what would work good with our system.


And I certainly hope I get the job. It would totally rock. :)

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Hey Razor! It's been awhile but I see you have expanded the OJP into new territory.


The saber system is looking good! I noticed you have added the tavion/fast and desann/strong. Are there any other styles that you can add? If Tavion and Desann's style are set by thier class profile, why could you not use a fighting style like Luke, Alora, or even a Shadowtrooper.


Or say for example using the staff style for dual sabers or vice versa. Instead of crossing animations over sabertypes, you could cross sabers over animations.


And OMG! You're about to cross over to the private sector! Good Luck my friend! ;)

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Hi guys, Im back again!


Been without teh intrawebs for a few weeks now since my provider didnt cover where I live now, though my download-speed is about 6 times faster than it was before now.


Hope I havent missed anything, been scrolling through the forums and seeing a lot of people asking for animations and stuff, well I think I can help there.

After reformatting my pc the only thing I've lost is modview, the anims I worked on are all still there and so are my other mods that Im going to release to this community in a few weeks.


Now prolonged periods of time without internet.. does .. something with people, I was so bored out of my mind I took to salvaging photoshop from my backup folder and started working on my sabers again. Well it took me about 1.5 weeks of work but I've done it; my sabers are done, and they work with TGRB! Other than doing endurance-runs in the parks infront and behind my new house (!) I've set myself on adjusting and perfecting tidbits of the game and finally finishing those sabers. IT took me so many hours just stripping away parts of the blade, pixel by pixel, but I've gotten it to look excellent now; finally.


I'll be right back to tell you guys more about my new house, graduation and the work I've done till now but Im being forced to reboot, just a sec guys.


There, back.

Where was I? Oh right, moving. Well I've moved to the most south-eastern place in Holland. I think I've told you guys before that Im not Dutch if anyone cares. Place I live in is called Venlo, google for pics ;).


Graduation.. tough story. Gone through my exams, passed. Did all of the crap I had to do before the year ended and I finished everything. My rapport looks good, at least to me, lots of 60% marks, one 80% and two 70%'s, not that I care. I haven't opened a book this whole year, haven't done any homework (long story, deal with teachers) and I've been faking sick for about 1/3 of the year and I still passed. I dont care about, Im.. well.. I get just enough points to pass just to piss off the administration and my year's coordinator. Its not like I dont want higher grades, Im just too lazy to open a book and get them. Enough about me ;)


Even though I passed everything there are some.. difficulties around getting my diploma, I hope I can work something out with my new school and get them to admit me without one. "Admit me" is a rather big word, Im already admitted and have gotten the green light to start the year but I dont know if they need to see my diploma. Got an appointment - hopefully the last one- with my old school in August, I'd rather not go and use plan 1 just so I can flip the bird to them but heck, plan B's are always nice.



Okay, what I've done so far:

-Reworked my sabers

-RGB compatible now, thanks Lath

-New gloat anim for blue and tavion

-new red sidewards slash anim

-Gave lightning a nice new colour

-changed the electrocution colour

-made dark rage's aura look much more powerful, Im going to try and give it a bloom effect soon but I think I'll need someone to teach me how to create shaders for it.

-made some minor changes to all grass in the game, looks more colourful now


I also made some health bar changes, nothing big. I'll get screenies as fast as I can.


Also what Im planning on doing in the future:

-Get those new blocking anims implemented already! :p

-New taunt anims for the single styles

-New personal stances

-Change the "force flip" to the "force jump" because the flip just looks moronic


And Im willing to help and suggest a lot of other stuff, if you're interested check out the force suggestions thread soon :).

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Hooray, Maxstates back!!! There have been quite a few new things since you left. Most of us are communicating through IM now. I'll P.M you my MSN address/IM and also send you a copy of 0.0.9d through it when your available so you can see what has been happening.

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Hooray, Maxstates back!!! There have been quite a few new things since you left. Most of us are communicating through IM now. I'll P.M you my MSN address/IM and also send you a copy of 0.0.9d through it when your available so you can see what has been happening.


Aww it brings a certain warmth to my heart seeing that I was missed so badly :p


MSN adress? You got it? Awesomeness! Dude liek zomg. Ill be available for the next 2 days, and then Im going on vacation for about 2 weeks.. yeah I know. Ill try bringing photoshop and modview :p. I can't wait to have you test the new anims, Im currently working on new deflecting anims. Hard to do since it looks really awkward if you use the wrong ones. Im going to get help from yonder side to see if I can split some anims or shorten them.


Up till now I've changed the lower-left deflecting animation with a staff-blocking one of the same side. It looks okay and it brings a certain Ki-Adi styled flair into deflection. I also hope you dont mind me replacing the force flips by leaps? THey just dont look realistic at all and they make you and other jedi look like knobs lol.


Again excuse my incoherent typing, I usually visit the forums at night and believe me when I tell you that the mind isnt working as fresh as it should be lawl.

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Welcome back max. I didn't know you had animating experience too, that's great!


I agree that back flip ruins the experience. Who the hell jumps and back flips?


I hope you guys can forgive me, I cant find time to work on anything soon.

My dad challenged me to a game of of Rome Total war on Lan, an offer which I cant refuse ;) Thats tonight though, Ill try to upload some screenshots of the sabers and effects I altered.

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Don't forget to upload the screenshot of your Open Jedi Project logo, if you don't mind I'd like to borrow it for other splash screens too :)


If I still had RTW installed, I'd challenge you. Ah the good old days of beating Gauls while severely outnumbered

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just for fun, I've put together a .pk3 package containing some experimental tweaks I've made to the mishap bar system. I'm curious to know what others beside myself think about it.


Link here.


Changes I've made:


- Nothing decreases your mishap bar now except mishaps and time.

- Made default mishap regen time 750 ms instead of 3000 ms. Playing around with it so far, I think the ideal (for this experiment) is somewhere between 750 and 1000. Tweak to taste using the g_mishapregentime cvar. :)

- Increased the mishap penalties for when the attacker gets parried.

- Normal slowbounces now decrease the mishap meter.

- Heavy bounces decrease the mishap meter by a fixed amount instead of setting it to a predefined level.

- Attack parries on enemies in the "heavy" mishap range will force a hard mishap. Other attack parries behave like normal.

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Just for fun, I've put together a .pk3 package containing some experimental tweaks I've made to the mishap bar system. I'm curious to know what others beside myself think about it.


Link here.


Changes I've made:


- Nothing decreases your mishap bar now except mishaps and time.

- Made default mishap regen time 750 ms instead of 3000 ms. Playing around with it so far, I think the ideal (for this experiment) is somewhere between 750 and 1000. Tweak to taste using the g_mishapregentime cvar. :)

- Increased the mishap penalties for when the attacker gets parried.

- Normal slowbounces now decrease the mishap meter.

- Heavy bounces decrease the mishap meter by a fixed amount instead of setting it to a predefined level.

- Attack parries on enemies in the "heavy" mishap range will force a hard mishap. Other attack parries behave like normal.



Hmm, I'm not sure I like fact that parrying cant reduce the mishap meter any more. Faster regain makes it tolerable, but I'm not sure I like it like this.


Did you do something to the DP damages or the parry DP damage reduction? The bots seem alot harder to kill and the fights last alot longer. Funny thing is, I was going to suggest before that DP damages for the saber styles be reduced because fights seem to go too quickly, but it seems like thats already done...or maybe thats just because I have the saberanimspeed on .9, but Idont remember it taking that long. If you havent changed anything on the DP damages or parry reduction already, most of the code is in w_saber.c if you want to play around with it.


also, it might be a good thing to experiment with the blaster damages against sabers DP wise. They just dont do anything against sabers at the moment and jedis should at least have to be a little careful against gunners. I'm not sure where this code is located though.

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For the record, crouch fighting works in base excellently as well. I consistently employ it to demolish my enemies.


From what I can tell, it works for two reasons:


1: Because the saber block animations need to move further than otherwise, and they are not fast enough. The saber is suddenly somewhere else if the saberer crouches in the middle of a swing as well, like I do in base.


2: The swing can be made to move quicker this way, and this is effective is breaking block. For example, downward swing in red. If you crouch as its coming down, it suddenly gets to its destination faster and you have a better chance of faking out or otherwise bypassing the blocking system.

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Well, the basjka system is very positional and random based. It was possible to go over/under it without too much hassle.


Hmm, I'm not sure I like fact that parrying cant reduce the mishap meter any more. Faster regain makes it tolerable, but I'm not sure I like it like this.

Agreed. I'mconcerned that this would turn into a swing spam match. Personally, I don't think having parry decrease MP is much of a stretch. Afterall, you'd have to balance yourself properly to be able to parry correctly.


But, maybe sushi's method would work if the regeneration is halted while a player is attacking.

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Agreed. I'mconcerned that this would turn into a swing spam match. Personally, I don't think having parry decrease MP is much of a stretch. Afterall, you'd have to balance yourself properly to be able to parry correctly.


But, maybe sushi's method would work if the regeneration is halted while a player is attacking.


True. :) It's not much of a stretch, and I actually am quite happy with the current system (not mine). I'll look into halting or slowing the regen while attacking: I think that might fix some of the main weaknesses of my little experiment. I'm after something only subtly different from the current system: the mishap bar should decrease while defending and increase while attacking, but decrease fastest of all by not being in combat.


And no, I haven't done anything to DP damage/regen. The bots being harder to kill is apparently a side-effect of the mishap bar tweaks only.

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Thanks Razor.


I've uploaded a new version... mishap no longer regens while attacking or transitioning. Mishap regens at half speed while running (although I think the code implementing that could be a bit better). Pretty much every form of saber contact now increases the mishap bar at least a little bit.


The default mishap regen time is now 500. Increase it to 750 or 1000 if things feel too swing-spammy to you: 500 feels about right to me.


Link here (same as the previous one). Remember, this is my personal experimental package, not an official release of any kind!


I think this one has a much better offense/defense balance than the last. It's hard to tell against offense-only bots though. Wish I had a code server... :)

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I like the change of the mishap meter not going down when swinging. I played with it a little bit last night and It is a little bit better, but at 500 its way to swing spammy for my tastes (I can already here the MB2 forum people shouting " this is to much like base!" or "OJP's all about swingspam!"). I would recommend 1000 or so personally.


I still like the idea of parrying lowering the balance meter a bit though because it promotes being able to parry while swinging and helps keep this build away from being all about swing spam. Maybe we should do a combination of both by having the meter go down fairly quickly and having parrying lower the mishap meter a about half as much as it does now.


I also dont think the mishap meter should go down completely after a mishap. I think it should be more like 1/2 or 2/3s because a swing spammer may just take whatever mishap he gets, lose that DP is he actually gets hit, and go right back to swing spamming.


One of the problems I see with this new system is that DP goes down too quickly and it makes people want to jump or run away to stay alive. In order to give the players more incentive to stay on the ground when low on DP, I think we should bring back that "desperation parry" or what ever we called it when you have low DP and parrying gives you more DP. Except I think it should be an attack fake so that it is harder to pull off. Maybe a regular parry couldgive you a little bit more and an attack parry could give you like two bars maybe.


Edit: I just had a quick idea able the parrying system in this new build. I noticed its really hard to hold a parry direction for each new swing because they come at you so quickly now. How about if we made it so that all you have to do is tap the side your about to be hit on and it defends that side until you get hit or tap in another direction? Holding the keys would still work, but this would make defense a little easier at this new pace of combat.

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