TK-8252 Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 We all know by now that Plagueis had no role in Anakin's birth whatsoever, so it's pointless to speculate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nedak Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 ^ How can we be so sure?? Also the ability to manipulate mediclorians does not matter how far away you are from the birth carrier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 no, we dont know that. just because it isnt written anywhere, atleast not officially, doesnt mean it couldnt of happened. unless it is written somewhere. the subject was on Darth Plagueis the Wise, this also involves, who he was, what he was capable of, who he was involved with; his apprentice; Darth Sidious, and his teachings. "Future plans for Anakin Skywalker Palpatine knew he would need the aid of someone with extraordinary power and strength with the Force if he was ever to defeat his enemies. After Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul during the Battle of Naboo, Palpatine set his sights on recruiting another, even more powerful force-user: Anakin Skywalker. The true extent of Palpatine's influence on Anakin's life remains unclear. It has been suggested that Palpatine created Anakin by manipulating the Midichlorians; it has also been theorized that Palpatine used his power to kill his former mentor. When Anakin was brought before the Jedi Council by Jinn, they initially refused to allow him to be trained, because they sensed a dark cloud surrounding the boy's future." so if he was(?) created by the power of Darth Plagueis, being a dark side power, wouldnt it explain his {Anakin Skywalker} nature towards the force when yoda said: "Everything! Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you." Master Yoda it might not be a main role in the nature of things, but if one of the things yoda spoke of was a problem anakin had been fighting, from the beginning, wouldnt you think this could also explain anakins nature especially if he was concieved by the force? "And you, young Skywalker; we shall watch your career with great interest." Senator Palpetine/Darth Sidious did Sidious know what he meant when he said this? did he have the same idea Qui-Gon Jin had when he first met anakin because Sidious also sensed the force being strong with skywalker? seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TK-8252 Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 Umm... we do know that Plagueis didn't create him. George Lucas as said that Anakin is the Chosen One, and if you listened during TPM, you'd know that means that the Force created him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 shaded with the wiki again TK, everyone etc. There is ONE source of evidence that clarifies what GL thinks about whether the sith created anakin.... In a rolling stone interview around the time of the release of ROTS, Lucas was plainly asked "Did the sith create anakin" Lucas said he shot the scene to make it ambiguous, the more important thing being that Palpatine was basically throwing out lures to anakin to see which one he would bite. Whether or not it was actually true becomes irrelevant, as Palpatine succeeds in ensnaring Anakin. Even then, after hinting to anakin he could tell him "the secrets of life and death", and after Anakin slays Mace, sidious backs out saying they'll need to work together to learn the secret. Even here, Sidious could be lying as it would definitely not serve his interests to have anakin get his way and have Padme saved. Sidious is relying on Anakins pain and rage, simple as that. mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 here we go again: "Overview Son of Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker is born in 41 BBY. Shmi claims that there was no father and that her pregnancy with Anakin resulted from a virgin conception. Some viewers have drawn parallels between Anakin's origin and the New Testament stories of Jesus' conception and birth, as well as classic mythological stories. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn suggests that Anakin might have been conceived by the midi-chlorians — the implication being that Anakin is a creation of the Force itself. (According to Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis learned to provoke midi-chlorians into producing life—some have viewed this as a clue to Anakin's origins.) Lucas has said that all these issues were left deliberately ambiguous, and that it has been left for the audience to decide how Anakin was created. Still, controversy rages over Anakin's origins, and producer Rick McCallum's recent DVD commentary has added fuel to the fire." is that not a good source of information to back you up Astrotoy7? just for clarification. and i can see why Sidious would want to provoke anakin to embrace his pain and rage: this is the Sith's prime teaching. "The Sith also believe that instead of living alongside the Force, one must master it and use it as a tool." "It is largely based on emotions and passion rather than peace and serenity which are preached by the light side of the Force." and even the 2 quotes Terros posted make you think on the True Nature of The Dark Side: "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you." — Darth Plagueis "You must begin by gaining power over yourself; then another; then a group, an order, a world, a species, a group of species... finally, the Galaxy itself." — Darth Plagueis so self control can also be an asset towards gaining more power over yourself, your capabilities in the force, and using it for what you would use it for; good or evil. and because you realize your own self control, you realize your place as the apprentice, not yet the Master. but because you are taught in the ways of the dark side of the force, as Vader was consumed, it consumes you to the point to want to become the Master; which includes your own ideas on the dark side of the force, your own power, and your own will to do whatever the hell it is you want to do with that power. are there anymore teachings on Darth Plaugeis' mindset? i can see this in Darth Sidious also, especially using anakins emotions against him, so anakin can learn to embrace them (referring to Plagueis' quotes). here is an instance also, on the nature of Sidious' teachings: "Born circa 57 BBY, Darth Maul was the first known apprentice to Darth Sidious. A Zabrak originally from Iridonia, Maul had no memories of his homeworld or family, having been kidnapped as an infant by Sidious." "Indoctrinated in the ways of the Dark Side from youth, Maul had no emotion aside from bloodlust and rage. By the time Maul was an adolescent, his master had already forged him into a weapon of pure hatred. The ultimate test came when Maul was abandoned by his master on an isolated Outer Rim world, forced to survive alone while being hunted by hordes of assassin droids. After a month's time, his master returned and challenged his apprentice to a duel, one which Maul lost. Sidious then told Maul that he had failed and he had been secretly training a replacement for him. Rage and hatred overwhelmed Maul, and, in one final act of defiance, he nearly defeated his master. When Maul's emotions were finally spent, he prepared himself for death, yet his master laughed instead. By wanting to kill his own master, Maul had in fact passed the final test. His master proclaimed him Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith and took him to a new home on Coruscant. Unlike later apprentices, Tyranus and Vader, Maul had no ambition to strike down his master. He did realize, however, that Sith tradition required the death of his master before he could acquire an apprentice of his own." this can also speak volumes on the Sith code, the gaining of control over oneself, by embracing it and using that control for your own power, the influence of the dark side and the Sith tradition. not much different then the thought of Sidious' Master and his own idea. to convert someone to the dark side, you have to be able to teach them to embrace it; while, in that process, it consumes you. so Darth Plaugeis' teachings werent necessarily vain if Sidious had no ****in clue on how to attain them, it just means, the Master always has a greater understanding then his apprentice; (this could make the apprentice impatient and jealous) but because that Master has that apprentice he is given the oppurtunity to explain to the apprentice everything he knew, as in the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise: "Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? No? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life.... He had such a knowledge of the dark side he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. He became so powerful the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. [smiles] How ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself." Supreme Chancellor Palpetine/Darth Sidious, Plagueis' apprentice; this explains much on the ways of the dark side. "the dark side of the force is the pathway to many abilities that some consider unatural." Supreme Chancellor Palpetine/Darth Sidious. does this mean he had the ability that Plagueis had? when Sidious said more on different subjects that involved this power, and never admitting to having it himself? "Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Learn the Dark Side of the Force and you will save your wife from certain death." Supreme Chancellor Palpetine/Darth Vader putting a perspective out there for anakin to contemplate; misleading him (now) later by saying: "to cheat death is the power only one has achieved, but, if we work together, i know we can discover the secrets." Darth Sidious anakin pledged himself to Sidious' teaching, maybe in hope of attaining his power to save padme? then later misleading him again saying: "Lord Vader, can you hear me?" Darth Sidious "Yes, master." Darth Vader "Where is Padmé? Is she safe? Is she all right?" Darth Vader "It seems in your anger, you killed her." Darth Sidious "I? I couldn't have! She was alive! I felt her!" Darth Vader [things begin to implode in the room, including droids. Vader breaks loose from his restraints, takes his first steps, and then rears back in anger and pain while the Emperor smiles] (Sidious smiles, wickedly). "Noooooo!" Darth Vader as if Sidious no longer has to try and teach Vader what he originally promised and suceeding in anakins full conversion. in a way, yes, anakin contributed to padme's death: she had lost the love of her life, the father of her children, anakin had turned to the dark side. but because all this happened, Sidious straight up lied to anakin about how she died. she lost the will to live. i dont blame her; everything that had happened probably devistated her to that point because of the way the dark side of the force was judging anakins character, after his conversion. 1, either hiding the truth in what Sidious' original comment was to convert anakin to the dark side for more power and to save padme, when he {anakin} knew she would die, and 2, Darth Sidious killed Plagueis because he either couldnt understand what his Master tried to teach him; couldnt master the ability for his {Sidious'} own gain, consumed with whatever emotion it is he went through and killed Plagueis, losing the knowledge of "life and death." if you want a key record of Palpetines ruthless behavior; click here: did anakin ever learn this power from Sidious, when Sidious had promised him a way to attain it? yes, it is pointless now because padme is already dead, but the fact of it is that Sidious probably never spoke on the subject again.....ofcourse after anakin had been completely converted to the dark side. and just because Sidious didnt know the power, doesnt mean Plagueis didnt. and what if another reason for killing Sidious was because of all the lies he had lead Darth Vader to believe in his quest for more power; never really achieving this power, because in all the episodes, except for 3, where we truely saw Vaders strength as the young Sith Lord, he was more misplaced towards being in control of the Empire and not his gain of additional power. more of a slave then an apprentice. "Shira Brie (a.k.a. Lumiya) was a Force adept and Emperor's Hand who was trained in rudimentary Sith knowledge by Darth Vader. After the Emperor and Darth Vader died in the Battle of Endor, she inherited the title Dark Lady of the Sith, as she had been quietly instructed by Lord Vader in the basics of Sith teachings in a violation of the "Rule of Two"; and in what was possibly a prelude to his own attempt to assassinate Darth Sidious and take Lumiya as his apprentice (before encountering Luke and offering him that position during their duel at Bespin)." one way or the other, Darth Vader got his revenge, found redemption and went on to become one with the force he was created by; fulfilling his "Chosen One" identity. seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TK-8252 Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 No, wikipedia is not always a reliable source. ANYONE who wants to can edit the pages on wiki. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nedak Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 ^ Thats true.... If someone like Supershadow got on the Wikipedia website their could be problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 hmmmm, yeah i thought about it, but then where is the legit information? this is why i used mostly quotes then wiki. and even if the information i used from wiki, doenst mean it doesnt make a good point. seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 I think we can infer that Darth Plagueis was Darth Sidious/Palpatine's master. And since ever Sith Master is overthrown by his apparentice, yes, we can assume Sidious killed Plagueis after he learned everything he needed from him. I believe Palpatine already knew how to cheat death, and just lied to Anakin. I also wonder if Palpatine used the death-cheating power to keep Anakin alive after the duel. Also, you can get legit information from any official Star Wars website, and supershadow should be a censored word on this forum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 lolz... I dont even see any point being discussed here that is not blatantly obvious ... That Plageuis is Sidious Master is absolutely official and unequivocally established. and this isnt wiki crap Everything else is conjecture, and cannot be stated clearly by anyone at this stage,as that is how GL has wanted it to pan out for the sake of anakins character development in ROTS. We may only find out more in upcoming EU focusing in the sith lords Now, I'll give this thread one more chance to not become a Sithy said: juvenile nerd fest -awesomez sithy mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 alright, between, Astrotoy7 and Insane Sith, if we cant get into a good conversation about star wars theory, the website shoudlnt even be in existence; no offense. also, no offense, the person who wrote the thread asked questions on the subject, if it becomes a nerd fest because we give our opinions and answers, as lucas wants us to do, its because either you, Astrotoy7 and Insane Sith, think that its a nerd fest. we're just getting into it all; lol, thats what we're suppossed to do. "juvenile nerd fest" right.....well, i'm 20, so i lack the possibility of being a juvenile, ever again.... would you rather talk about Full Metal Alchemist? "winks at StarWars Phreak..." seth p.s and if we never get to a conclusion of the questions asked, then the person who wrote the thread never gets their answers; making every thread, even mine, pointless. come on! let us get into it.....Astrotoy7, you have to admit, if you get into the conversation, that makes you just as much a nerd as everyone else, lol, especially if it comes to star wars. i actually enjoy talking with you, seriosuly, 1, your a moderater and you have some good info, 2, i'm here to ask questions, and 3, i'm here to find out information and try to answer those question; of either the person who asked or myself. no one can say Sidious knew the power because he never proved it. we cant say why he didnt prove he did, didnt matter when he said: "Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Learn the Dark Side of the Force and you will save your wife from certain death." Supreme Chancellor Palpetine/Darth Vader he never proved that he knew. all he proved was that he knew force lightning, blue lightning, and was okay with a lightsaber. and granted, padme died, but this does not mean anything, even if he did know the power, it became pointless to use it. probably another reason why Sidious didnt need to teach Vader. in the original trilogy you wont even see Sidious pick up a lightsaber, he has Vader do all that kind of thing. sorry, i HAVE TO USE THIS....dont be mad, Astrotoy7. "SW is testimony to sticking to a creative vision, and backing up your belief in it by risking your entire livelihood on it. Thats what GL did, and in the process he revolutionised the whole media of film and the film making process. I find that part of GLs story quite inspiring. But Sw is special to me for many reasons, but most of all, the films, cartoons books games etc are FUN mtfbwya" nerd........see, what that says, is exactly why i am into star wars and everything about it. i just have to get a good source of information. "takes a hit from a cigarette" seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 shaded6 said: no one can say Sidious knew the power because he never proved it. we cant say why he didnt prove he did, didnt matter when he said: What about at the end of the duel? Don't make me put in my ROTS DVD. I can swear Palpatine said stuff like "Live" or whatever. It sounds to me like he was using the power to cheat death for anakin. Ok, maybe it was in the book, but I'm too lazy to search for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 he did? yeah, your theory about how Vader lived might of been that power, i totally agree, i'll turn the movie on too myself just to check, but yeah. maybe he did. meet you back here in like a few minutes.... p.s off subject: Scars brother went absolutely ****in nuts! but somehow found his sanity. those alchemy tattoos were ****in awesome, especially when he was in contact with the stone, they raditated orangish red light, ****in awesome looking. i want to make a star wars anime, and my testimony into an anime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChAiNz.2da Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 StarWarsPhreak said: What about at the end of the duel? Don't make me put in my ROTS DVD. I can swear Palpatine said stuff like "Live" or whatever. I think it was "He's alive.." but not sure.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 yep, the Emperor arrived and said, "He's alive, get a medical capsule immediately." then he walks down to anakin and kneels and touches him, nothing else is said. when the Emperor was sitting next to him, anakin just layed there. when he is brought to Coruscant in the medical capsule, you can see him moving around a little, and during the time when he was on the table and the droid were taking off most of the burnt skin, clothes and all that, he was screaming. poor guy. he went through a lot; how he lost his arm and leg and caught on fire, man, terrible way to go. seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 lolz @ phreak.. *gets out ROTS illustrated screenplay* Sidious : "There he is ! He's still alive !" watch it - he appears quite amazed and almost relieved. Saying that Palpy knows how to cheat death is mere fanboy speculation. Remember ROTJ ? Palpy walks with a cane.... if he was able to cheat death, you'd think he'd keep himself spry on his feet ? shaded , keep your off topic rants to yourself SW anime has naught to do with Plageuis.. mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 yeah well, okay........i'm sure those smilies dont really involve the way you said that last sentence or how i might take the way it was said. it was just a comment because Phreak had "Scar" as an avatar. plus you were the one who threatened to close this nerd fest; if the subject wasnt going anywhere, when everything about the subject was covered, i didnt think it would mean any harm. i will keep the rest of my comments to myself. sorry..... where is this where Sidious walks with a cane? Return of the Jedi? that "ROTJ" abbreviation stuff is weird. what part was this where Sidious was walking with a cane? seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 Stover, Matthew. Revenge of the Sith Page 408 The Sith Lord lowered the limbless man tenderly to the cool ground above, and laid his hand across the cracked and blackened mess that once had been his brow, and he set his will upon him. Live, Lord Vader. Live, my apprentice. Live. That could just be an attempt at force heal, or not. As for Palpatine being all old and stuff. Look at Yoda. He's older and still kicked Dooku's and Palptaine's ass. Plus, isn't the Dark Side supposed to wither and waste your body? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 but the stuff in the book isnt in the movie, so i mean now we have two thoughts on it. does the dark side waste away your body? might explain Darth Sidious' teeth. lol. it was a fair fight between Yoda and Sidious, neither one of them kicked either of eachothers ass; it was a tie. but yeah, Yoda had hundreds of years of Jedi training; Sidious probably had atleast 30 to 40, nowhere near to comparision. does this explain the true power of the dark side, enough for it to challenge Yoda? and you could see Yoda was in total control of the situation; giving Sidious a fight for his life, literally. Sidious looked challenged in the movie, when it shows him screaming or whatever during the fight between him and Yoda. Yoda definately had a focus during that fight. thats an interesting quote from the book though. see, they should have put that in the movie, then we could have a conclusion to whether Plagueis' ability was taught to Sidious; or if Sidious knew that ability. "That could just be an attempt at force heal, or not." when did a Sith just "let" the force do anything? lol seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth_Terros Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 shaded6 said: Sidious probably had atleast 30 to 40, nowhere near to comparision. Well he's probably had far more years of training than that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 shaded6 said: but the stuff in the book isnt in the movie, so i mean now we have two thoughts on it. does the dark side waste away your body? might explain Darth Sidious' teeth. lol. I give the books priority of the movies. It's a personal preference, and I'm sure it irks some people. As for the Dark Side withering his body. I always see Dark Side users withering away from the use of the Dark Side (KOTOR 1&2). In fact, [EU Warning] Palpatine had to keep cloning himself because his body kept wasting away. Could that be Darth Plagueis's power? I doubt it was meant to be, just one of those things that just happen.[/EU (Dark Empire Series)] Quote Sidious looked challenged in the movie, when it shows him screaming or whatever during the fight between him and Yoda. Mace Windu was clearly owning Palpatine. Yoda just realized he couldn't win, and had to bide his time for the future of the Jedi Order. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth_Terros Posted January 19, 2006 Share Posted January 19, 2006 StarWarsPhreak said: Mace Windu was clearly owning Palpatine. Yoda just realized he couldn't win, and had to bide his time for the future of the Jedi Order. I think palpatine was pretty much letting mace get the upper hand knowing full well anakin was going to burst in any minute and save him completeing his turn to the darkside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaded6 Posted January 20, 2006 Share Posted January 20, 2006 when Yoda was thrown down because of absorbing all that lightning and the release of energy or whatever it was that made them go flying, it threw them both over the edge, literally; Yoda might have thought about the Jedi Order and considered his life and decided to leave, but if he wanted to keep or rebuild the Order, he would have continued and rebuilt it, before Luke. the Order was dead, and as long as Sidious was Emperor it would have been hard to start it again. whats weird, how is it that only the Jedi of the coucil were shown dying, when there were probably hundreds more all over the galaxy? it only showed the council members, some of them, dying, not the rest of the council. and yeah, when anakin stormed the Jedi temple killing the younglings and padawans, this weakened the Jedi's practice even more, but did this have to destroy the entire Jedi Order? anakin felt guilty by cutting maces' arm off and immediately Sidious came in with more deception, anakin eventually gave in and pledged himself. anakin was only thinking about himself and padme at the time and God knows what else, which might have been a stupid idea, but, it didnt change that he gave himself over the Sidious. Sidious took advantage of anakin because of how strong the force was with him; Sidious did this with (tried to do this with) Luke also when he realized who Luke was, the power in him, and the thought of the fall of the Jedi; and probably many more reasons. could you imagine all the emotional conflict in anakin at the time? i mean people go through a lot when things take the toll on your emotions. and for whatever reason he let the dark side of the force consume him so much that it changed his entire ways of thinking. he listened to Sidious when he said: "Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme." Darth Sidious anakin did exactly what Sidious told him; did not hesitate, showed no mercy and became even closer to the dark side until his redemption; without saving padme. could he of saved padme even if he knew she was alive or not? not if Sidious didnt teach him Plagueis' ability. do you think Sidious was really concerned with anakins love life when Sidious had his own plans for himself and the Empire? yeah, if he taught it to anakin it could have been used for many other reasons besides saving padme, Sidious would of left it up to him, but because padme was dead and anakin couldnt bring her back, and there is no mention of the power Plagueis suppossedly taught Sidious from anakin in the old trilogy, does this mean anakin or Sidious knew it? seth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted January 20, 2006 Share Posted January 20, 2006 I agree that Yoda and Palpatine seemed pretty evenly matched in the movie. Yoda just gave up because he lost his midichlorian cloak. That or he just got too demoralized, because I honestly don't see how falling down or losing his lightsaber temporarily, or the impending arrival of a squad of Stormtroopers would really have mattered too much to Yoda. I mean it's YODA! Anyway, as far as taking the novels over the movies, that's fine, but that's not the canon policy of LucasFilm or of Lucas himself. The movies ARE Star Wars. Everything else is subserviant to that. Even the novelisation of ROTS is based on the story by George Lucas and the screenplay, but written by somebody else. Approved by Lucas of course, but not the movie, and thus not his "definitive vision" of it. Personal taste aside of course. IIRC, according to Lucas, in the ROTS audio commentary and perhaps elsewhere in quotations, he says that Palpatine did NOT throw the fight. His plan was to kill Windu like the other Jedi, but Windu was more than a match for him. Read the novel, he was having trouble fighting him, and we can see that Windu was getting the upper hand on him. What was the "deception" was his acting old and feeble in front of Anakin to gain sympathy (please don't let him kill me, I can't hold on any longer... I'm too weak, oh I'm weak, etc). That was playacting. Clearly his lightning wasn't doing any good against Windu since it was all getting blasted back in his face. According to Lucas the powers Palpy was using wore him down and the stress on his body is what resulted in his "change." It's not that lightning hitting you automatically makes you look old, because it never did that to Yoda or Anakin or Windu. His teeth turn rotten and his fingernails turn long and dirty. Clearly its a change on his whole body, not just his face. He's able bodied, but we know that old people can be able bodied thanks to the force in the prequels. Basically there's a few theories rattling around... that Palpatine was actually much older than he looked and was using the Force to keep his body looking "younger" than normal, and he had to give up this extra power while he was fighting Windu AND blocking his own lightning (or he'd have been hurting himself more than he was with his own bolts and stopped sooner). Another theory is that he kept calling on more and more power and that was what "aged him" rapidly. So even though he's only a 63 year old man, he looks like he's over a hundred thanks to the strain (and I suppose again absorbing his own energy too). You'd think he could just re-adjust his aim and hit Windu instead of stupidly hitting himself over and over, but perhaps Windu was using the force to channel all the lightning into the energy blade, just as Yoda may have done so into that glowing thing in his hand(s). So what would have happened if Anakin hadn't shown up? I think he would have been forced to keep fighting and Windu may have killed him after all (since he decided that Palpy was too dangerous to be left alive after all, though his original intention was to simply take him into custody). Did Palpatine, sensing Anakin showing up, decide he'd play weak to gain sympathy? Surely. If Anakin hadn't shown up I think he'd have tried to keep fighting or roll away, perhaps getting klilled int he process. But that's different than saying that he dilberately "threw the fight" and that he'd have killed Windu easily. Lucas didn't intend for us to think that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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