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does this place even have moderators?

Guest rosencrantz

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Guest rosencrantz

can you please ban nute immediately? that is all he wants from this. he's being a stupid idiot and i dont think he should be here at xwa anymore.

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Guest Rogue 9

give him a little break, despite the evil disgusting anddisturbing nature of his post he thought he was justified, keep in mind I'm not supporting, just viewing the argument from both sides.

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Guest rosencrantz


why is it that no one here is getting the point? he asked you to stop making fun of him, you didnt (THIS MEANS YOU IN SPECIFIC MILKSHAKE) <font size=1>ooh now i'm naming names...</font size=1> AND NOW HE IS BEING RUDE AND ABSURD AND HAS OFFENDED ENOUGH PEOPLE THAT I THINK THIS BANNING SHOULD CONSIDER WARRANT. IF THE NATURE OF THESE POSTS DO NOT STOP I WILL LEAVE <font size=1>(although i am sure that makes no difference to many of you)</font size=1> this is totally inapproprite behaviour. it's got to stop. there should be no favours for "older" members if this is how they act, it has crossed the line and that is that. <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by rosencrantz (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by Rogue 9:

just viewing the argument from both sides.


I think you missed a PartI said he thought he was justified, not I thought he was Justified and I did say little break as in don't BAN him if another less drastic measure can be used, why loose a member of this forum



[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Excuse me, excuse me. I had no idea that me having a bit of fun was peeing Nute off so much, and I don't like being singled out thankyou very much.


And Nute, if I've been pissing yoy off lately, why didn't you take me to one side and E-mail me, or contact me on ICQ and tell me to get my act together, I do not like having no Idea I've done nothing wrong then suddenly everyone is blaming me for things.


Anyway, I'm sorry. frown.gif



Self proclaimed Forum 90's Dude



'Now, if I could just say a few words, I'd be a better public speaker.

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Would anyone care to brief me in please ???


Siths ? Sith Lords ?



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest rosencrantz

i have no idea why he didnt handled things in a more mature way milkshake. anyways thank you gunner <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by rosencrantz (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

I would just like to remind everybody that i behaved badly here in the begining and once i stopped u all excepted me back. Nute has been a long time member of this forum and supported the schools ip being banned, every person is different they have different views on what they think is funny and what isnt - milkshake thinks i take life like one big game and i agree with him but i do it because its my way of coping with life in general (lifes a ***** and then u die) i have not problem with that but milkshake does so i try and treat things a bit more seriously when im around him we should respect other peoples opinions and if they offend us then tell them so politly so that they can stop and remember that u dont like that sort of thing. its just the same we post people shouldnt be banned because they made 1 or 2 mistakes on a forum its not that serious its not like real life. If u make a big mistake in real life then often u have to be punished but on the forums people cant make big mistakes



Hindsight is 20:20

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Guest rosencrantz
crying.gif you missed the mark again little one. nute WANTED TO BE BANNED. you may notice if you read it again that his apology isn't really an apology. cwm13.gif
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No one on this board will ever post a picture like that again, When you post that kind of crap you know full well that poeple will not see that as funny and if they do then they are one sick SOB. My 2 year old Son sits on my lap sometimes when I am looking at the forums and if I was to open that link and have him see that picture you can bet your a$$ someone would be gone for good.


That kind of lewd crap will not be tolerated here.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Great point about having your son visit the site with you, Gundog. People do have to remember that this isn't a private clubhouse for video fighterpilots, but a public website associated with wholesome family entertainment.


Let us then never drag such filth in off the streets with us again. That's what the little carpet is for...


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wait a minute...you can't insult potheads like that!


*(Enraged hippies storm the building and make JR sing Bob Dylan's 'Rainy Day Women #12 & 35' while dressed up as a Rastafarian on national television.)*



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Firstly yeah, i agree with your point about this being a public forum but i do sometimes this of this place as the pub luke and obi wan visit in the begining of a new hope (milkshake will remember the name). The only real difference is that arent any drinks!



Hindsight is 20:20

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