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New Planets?


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I would have to disagree on Alderaan, since this time frame is taking place shorty after it's destruction, not to mention the short lived Cries of Alderaan story arc, which was great IMO but that's going off topic.


I know the time-line is pretty much shot right now, with Jedi running around and such, but I think some things should stick to continuity. Plenty of other planets to choose from, Coruscant would be cool, not sure how easy that would be to implement though. Maybe if they made it instanced or something, and you can pick which zone you want to go into depending on how heavy/light the population is.


Maybe add a nod to the KOTOR series, have Taris, or maybe have Korriban. There's alot ot draw from the EU as well.

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Adding Alderaan would be very ... Very, stupid, IMO! Imagine how mad the playerbase would go :|


why the hell not, lets just kill the game with this final blow, rofl actually i was kidding anyone who thought i was serious. bespin would be good as a trader/ent planet and mabye have a planet for pvp, not hoth because the imperials have not invaded it yet so that is stupid. unless it is moved the timeline to the time of the hoth invasion and when you land there you are immediately overt imps start at one side, rebs at the other, that would be good.

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Bespin also has casinos, and would be a good place for resources, they might be able to make a zone for pilots and such....would be cool to fly around Bespin, getting ahead of myself though. I really wish they would move the time forward in this game, make it more interesting - have the rebels go under the gun, have the imperials have the upper hand. Tougher crack down in cities, make it feel more like the movies in that respect. Coolest thing they implemented was those nova troopers in cities, but quickly got rid of them because they were insanely powerful... I thought it was great though.

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I hate all those darktroopers and such. What the hell are they there for? I don't give a thing about them might be in the Expanded Universe, following the movies is number 1 priority for me. Remove them, and make more powerful stormtroopers.


And Justus, I think your idea about flying around in bespin sounds cool and all, but I think it would make the place lag like hell :( (Yeah hell's probably a big laggy place, because lag is the worst thing god created :( )

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Essentially we are in the EU. Personally I would like to see more EU material added to the game, more depth than what the movies showed us - and if we just followed the movies the game wouldn't be nearly as interesting. The darktroopers in the game now are no where near as powerful as they once were, and those Nova troopers were/are very powerful (don't know how they are now, haven't fought one in awhile.)


As for the lag issue, they could handle it the way they handle the Ryatt trail - instanced zones to go into. Any planet added in the future is just going to be a quest planet primarily anyway, I doubt we will ever get a rich diverse, and free roaming planet that the original game gave us, I have to admit that is a shame because I love the ability to go anywhere on a planet without following a pre-determined path. Plus there is only so much you can do on Bespin. Although the quests you could receive on Bespin would be interesting. I do enjoy the quest revamp, best thing to happen to SWG in a long time.

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I also think Coruscant should be a planet but they would have to fix so there is not lag in Coruscant and that we can purchase appartments. (kinda off topic) I think that they should also make it so Rebels arnt so weak in the game.

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Coruscant would be nice, very nice. I have always wanted to have apartments in the game too, like in all the major cities in the game. I think this would've been better than the tons and tons of houses that now litter the terrain - have instanced apartments, that seems to be my re-occuring word on this thread, and paying rent would work the same way maintenance does basically.


I'm just curious, but why do you feel rebels are so weak in the game currently?

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