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Funnyest Thing said in Kotor I&II [spoilers maybe] (56K Warning)


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He is blind, but i think if you piss him of he say something about some inplants that can make him see a little.


On topic:

Exile: Do i get anything if i win?

Mandalorian Sergeant: We are not merchants. We are Mandalorians. The only thing gained and lost here is honor. And perhaps some skill, if you have the capacity to learn.

Exile: I see, none of you are merchants. Except Kex. Oh, and you do have a repairman. Do you have janitors, too?

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When you use force persuade on guard at Iziz gate


Guard: I don't think your business is any concern of mine

GO-TO: We must schedule a time for you to teach me how to use such a power. I would, of course, compensate you for such a instruction.

Mandalore: While you're at it, tell him to forget he saw us. Could be useful.

Guard: Not only is your business not my concern, i can't seem to remember why i'm holding you up.

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The aliens in the Iziz cantina are nearly all funny... the Sullustan is hilarious, the Niktos are silly: "Back off! Your proximity ? my hair!". And Vix. That's gotta be a funny Rodian... and the one that feels naked without his blaster... all he sais is funny.

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I was wondering If you knew or someone knew where I could find all the conversations that the characters have in the game with each other. I know Carth has two with Bastilla and Mission and one with Canderous and Jolee. Bastila has one with Mission and Canderous and Mission and Zaalbar have two. Am I missing any?

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I was wondering If you knew or someone knew where I could find all the conversations that the characters have in the game with each other. I know Carth has two with Bastilla and Mission and one with Canderous and Jolee. Bastila has one with Mission and Canderous and Mission and Zaalbar have two. Am I missing any?

If you want to listen to them without play the game, and you have Miles Sound Player (or if you have Winamp and change the .wav files into .mp3 file extensions), you can listen to the audio files. You can acess those party member conversations in streamwaves folder, select the globe folder, then the bant00 folder to find them.


To keep this on topic


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HAHAHAHA! I just found another really funny one on Korriban. Everyone's already listed what Jolee says to Lashowe and her cronies, but if you bring both Jolee AND Canderous, you get this:


Lashowe: "Do you know how many Sith are on Korriban?"

Jolee: "Twelve! No, wait, thirteen!"

Canderous: "Nice one, old man."

Jolee: "Thank you. It takes effort to be properly irreverent at my age."

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Shem, I have to ask: Do you have a savegame before every conversation, or do you play the game through each time you want to post a quote? I'm dying to know.

Well I don't play the game just to post a quote. That would take too long for one thing. I do have save games at certain points of the game, and none of my save points are more than like 45 minutes apart. But I do like to take tons of screenshots. I've beaten K1 like over 50 times, and beaten K2 like 30.


Conversation screenshots in K1 are a pain the butt for me to do because I can only do one at a time and then I have to quit and paste the shot and save it since they're not saved in .tga files like they are for K2. I have over 2200 conversation shots in K2 since they're easy to do. I have just under 200 as of now for K1.


Anyway, to keep this on topic.



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