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I dont get Light Side Ending (spoiler)


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It shows you being rescued by the Ebon Hawk as Malachor is falling apart. then you escape and it shows the ebon hawk going into unknown space, pressumably to find and\or help Revan. Does that mean your entire crew goes with you in your quest in the unknown regions? kreia told you to not take anybody, and somebody had to be piloting that ship.

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It shows you being rescued by the Ebon Hawk as Malachor is falling apart. then you escape and it shows the ebon hawk going into unknown space, pressumably to find and\or help Revan. Does that mean your entire crew goes with you in your quest in the unknown regions? kreia told you to not take anybody, and somebody had to be piloting that ship.


All I can say is that the Exile was probably going to drop off the crew on Dantooine/Courscant, then he would travel to the Unknown Regions in the Ebon Hawk. I mean at the end, the Dantooine music is playing.

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It shows you being rescued by the Ebon Hawk as Malachor is falling apart. then you escape and it shows the ebon hawk going into unknown space, pressumably to find and\or help Revan. Does that mean your entire crew goes with you in your quest in the unknown regions? kreia told you to not take anybody, and somebody had to be piloting that ship.

Unfortunately for the majority of players the games ending isn't cinematic, like with K1, it is all contained with your final game dialogs with Kreia at the end battle.


KotOR I gave us a thrilling cinematic ending, while TSL was a story driven ending. You have to actually talk to Kreia to find out what that ending means. ;)



LS ending 1, is you going off to the unexplored reigons alone to follow Revan, most of your companions remain behind...


LS ending 2, is you are returning to a self imposed Exile so you will not effect any more beings with your affliction, most of your companions remain behind as well...


Likely so as to allow us to find the Hawk again in KotOR III and giving us a reason only T3 and HK are on board.

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It shows you being rescued by the Ebon Hawk as Malachor is falling apart. then you escape and it shows the ebon hawk going into unknown space, pressumably to find and\or help Revan. Does that mean your entire crew goes with you in your quest in the unknown regions? kreia told you to not take anybody, and somebody had to be piloting that ship.


Here is the thing about the Light Side ending with the Exile. You're not going to leave your companions on Malachor V. You're going to take them to safety and then leave them behind.


As for where the Ebon Hawk is going after leaving Malachor V, you can't just dictate where it is going based on what we saw. The Ebon Hawk didn't go very far before it cut to the credits. It could be going anywhere.

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Here is the thing about the Light Side ending with the Exile. You're not going to leave your companions on Malachor V.

Yeah, leaving them there is a bad idea, for two reasons:


1. The remote destroys the planet.

2. The planet would have slowly leeched away their life, and would corrode the droids.


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My interpretation of the LS ending was that you leave with everyone, returning to the republic, the lost Jedi would inevitably remain behind to help rebuild the republic, and with what Kreia told the exile, i believed he would ensure there would be strength in the republic when this sith "empire" decides to brings it guns to bear, such was Revans wish to Carth, then depart with T3 and the Hawk, as T3 AND the Hawk have been and know where revan is.


On that subject i would have to venture a guess as to it being the mandalorian homeworld, the sith empire throwing them as a test, Carth DID say that it wasnt the mandalorians decision to attack the republic.


Maybe its a Stargate thing, powerful masters, Goa'uld/Sith using minions, Mandalorians/Jaffa.


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The K1 ending is cool, but I would actually change it a bit. If you play along the full-canonical story, and Vandar finishes his speech, Revan and Bastila should give each other a hug, Mission should give Big Z a pat on the back, HK should put his hand on T3's head... and then a fade. More movie-like.


I kind of like the Wikipedia ending summaries. I remember reading a script with Atton asking if he can go with the Exile to find Revan... but I think they mention nobody else going.

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Would Revan really have gone off alone?


If Revan was lightside male and had a romantic relationship with Bastilla, why would he just leave? Why does he leave her behind as well? Did she not want to go to the ends of the galaxy with him? Was she pregnant?


In TSL, Bastilla is there asking Carth if the exile has seen any trace of Revan.

That would mean she didn't go with him. I wonder what happened to them.

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Well, Kreia mentioned that the dark paths Revan walks was a place one couldn't take the ones he loved.


That's the part I have a problem with. It just seems like they went for a vanilla ending and cut off the story too quick. There are a lot of questions that weren't answered. Even more questions arose.


I spent alot of energy developing a relationship with the beautiful Bastilla. Her responses to my advances throughout the game were fun. I enjoyed making her blush. We bonded as we fought together.


They teaspooned in the spice of romance to an otherwise bland story and let us stir it up however we wanted. Then when it came time for tasting our concoction, the game was over. Bastilla even said we would see where this goes after I finished my confrontation with Malak.

Well, where did it go?


Like I've said before, I didn't care for the rushed story and bad ending to KotOR. I was gypped. Where's my beloved Bastilla?

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I'd hold off on the hormones if I were you :D Still I think the devs were trying to imitate a cliffhanger ending so as leave to specualtion what the next will be. I myself was confused and went, "That's it?" on the LS ending. So I really can't say why the Powers That Be did this to us gamers.


PS. Do you get out much? :)

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Like mentioned cut content.


In the cut content you find out the majority of your group dies in one possible ending. Michel/Handmaiden, Mira and Visas all confront Kreia who kills them. Atton is killed off by Sion. In another possible ending, Atton remains alive and you two go off to find Revan. HK-47 has the HK-50's destroy Goto, Remote is able to active the Mass Shadow Generator again but what happens to HK-47, no idea.


In another ending, Michel/Atton (female) or Handmaiden/Visas (male) fight each other over the Exile. Atton (who turns evil) is jealous of the Disciple and attacks him. I think that it is Handmaiden who attacks Visas in the counterpart version.


Someone mentioned that Kreia is the one who voice-locked the navicomputer. How you get your player to find out, I don't know since I've never been able to find the trigger for it. The only trigger I can find is you asking her what happened to T3 and she replies that it's a betrayer.


Alot of the game is missing from all the posts and websites I've come across. Possibly as much as half of the game content is missing/not added. No idea how much exactly but it's alot and alot of it explains why alot of stuff that happens in the game never seems to be resolved. Trayus Academy is missing the most with the Proving Grounds being the main area of the Academy to have the content cut.

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Half of the content? lol, no. Atris isn't a party member because of the story! And Mira doesn't join you at Peragus, Atton does! The navicomputer is voice locked to T3. The guy at Peragus thinks it's Kreia, but he is wrong. Revan... I don't think he would have his journeys hidden by Kreia, and before she dies, doesn't she say she doesn't know where he went? If the voice-lock was hers, she would know. And HK clearly states that the voice-lock is to T3. T3 even erases HK's memory to protect the data!

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