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hi everyone i just noticed something in my game i dont know if it is a glicth or maybe my game is screwed up but! i noticed that on the sniper that he has no aiming hud while carrying the sniper. only when i am zoomed in with the sniper does he have the aiming hud but if you are not zoomed in then there is no aim hud. is it supposed to be like that?


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hi MC thanks for the quick reply. ya i noticed that in swbf1 you had it but in this one you dont and i actually would like it cause the sniper is powerful and in those instances where you run into someone you can quickly blast them instead of having to zoom first. but just too clarify this is in your swbf2 game as well not just mine?

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  • 3 weeks later...

PS2 versions have quite a few things different I think, then again I am smart enough not to buy a PS2 version...


And like it or not, unless they add the targeter back in, tape is the only way. and Snipers need all the help they can get in BF2, they lost their recon droids already, and also the crawling mode... and their award weapon is craap.

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  PoiuyWired said:
PS2 versions have quite a few things different I think, then again I am smart enough not to buy a PS2 version...

More PS2 bashing, from what i've heard the PS2 differences seem to be an improvement to the other versions.

Sniper sights when not in zoom, standable vehicles, not that smart are you.

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  MachineCult said:
More PS2 bashing, from what i've heard the PS2 differences seem to be an improvement to the other versions.

Sniper sights when not in zoom, standable vehicles, not that smart are you.


Not really PS2 bashing, I like PS2.


I say that mainly cause LA basically abandon any aftersale service to PS2, which is forseeable before even the game is out...


PC would always get more community support, just cause making mods for a PC is way easier.


But yeah, if BC version can be like PS2 then most of my complain would be gone.

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Sadly, haven't got the traditional "tool of the year award" from planetcnc.com which I could give myself. :p OK, I concede there with pants over my ankles.


Actually, better re-install, I've got some stuff to build!


This thread was about snipers?

Y'know, if the units were sorted out better, there wouldn't be a need to take out the scope.

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