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@ toms: I didn't mean aimed at younger kids in terms of style, I meant that you play it and finish it quickly. then you find that you have to buy a new game cause you're bored with the one you just got.


I have played quite a few GBA Star Wars games and I end up finishing them very quickly and taking them back to the store to get my money back. There is no replayability at all. I agree that it is reasonable action gaming, which is why it's great for lil kids who bug their parents to buy them a game. But it sucks for anyone who wants good milage on their games which was the point I was trying to make.

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I didn't mean aimed at younger kids in terms of style, I meant that you play it and finish it quickly.


I understand more of what you are saying - and I pretty much agree in terms of replayability.


But I think you have a fundamental lack of understanding of kids. The way younger kids approach games is different than older teens and adults. I am a Cub Scout leader, and listening a couple of weeks ago to a bunch of 9-year old boys talk about 'Shadow the HedgeHog' was so completely different than my discussions with adults about the game that it was hard to believe it was the same game. The adults see all the holes, the kids gave it a break and found the fun.


Also, look at other 'kiddie games' - like Pokemon. Those games have more depth than probably 75% of what is played across all platforms.


So while I agree with your basic premise, in the context you used to call the games 'kiddie' you might as well have called them 'ghey'.



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Can i hijack this thread and ask for recommendations of ANY great GBA games?


Advance wars, Zelda and Metroid Goes without saying. Mario kart too.


What i'm looking for are some of the more obscure gems that might be out there. The ones that don't get all the press. The strange and unique ones.


Also, does anyone know of any "Brain training" like GBA games? Intelligence/puzzle compilation games?

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There are plenty of great puzzle games for the GBA, none of them can really be put together with any of the Brain Training games though...


@ txa1265: I never said "kiddy" I said developers make these games mostly to make a few extra bucks off of kids. Big difference.


Also, please don't tell me I have a lack of understanding of kids when you've basically pointed out the reasons why kids enjoy these types of games more than older folks, thus proving my point.

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But I think you have a fundamental lack of understanding of kids. The way younger kids approach games is different than older teens and adults.

You don't have to be a parents, work with children or even be that far removed from being a child yourself to have a fundamental understanding of children. I think it goes without saying that teenagers and adults approach video games differently from children.


Not diffcult to create a video game targetted at children, but create a video game targetted at specific group of the teenager and adult population is far more diffcult. I bold group since teenagers and adults are seperate into groups, while children are rarely seperate into a specific social group. Point being is children are not that complex to understand and most people have an understanding how children think since most children think the same since their minds are not develop yet.


Just so you know, being a Cub Scout leader really doesn't give you a better understanding with children, because you work with them.

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