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Star Nemesis


What type of Nemesis should be on Kotor III  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of Nemesis should be on Kotor III

    • A sith or jedi (opposite of what you are)
    • A Mandalorian Bounty Hunter
    • Revan in Disguise
    • A Pilot/ gunner (Like Carth or Atton)
    • A crime Lord with bodyguards, assassins, the works
    • A force duplicate of you created by the main enemy to kill you

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Jedi or Sith= Mster told them to


Mandalorian B Hunter = bounty set from a new organization who's main goal is you dead


Revan = Wants revenge for something you did to him in the past


Pilot/Gunner = A mortal enemy of your pilot


Crime Lord = you killed too many of his men (plus you owe him 5000000000 credits.)


Duplicate = Your enemy created him/her to stalk and kill you

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So you are thinking like the Exchange bounty on Jedi in TSL where you would actually have a bounty hunter show up and try to kill you or whatever other enemy?

I put a bounty hunter cause I'm think or more or less someone just out to kill you through the game kinda like the bounty but its just one guy and he is a strong son of a gundark out to get ya

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Imagine this. Battling A hooded warrior and while you are in the middle of the battle, his hood flies off. You look and see yourself. The battle finishes off with an explosion and your nemesis disapears. Later you go to a library on a planet dedicated to the sith. YOu go there and find out from a researcher that the nemesis was called a Krote and they were created using powerful force and can duplicate off of another one strong in the force. Soon, after encountering him on many planets, you finally face off in space, You have to shoot down his ship (which is a c lone of the Ebon Hawk) and he manages to escape onto a small volcanic planet. There you finally duel with him one last time, and find out the main enenmy's true intent on what will happen to the galaxy.....

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1)A sith or jedi (opposite of what you are): A little vague,but it's a good idea.

2)A Mandalorian Bounty Hunter: Already had something like this

3)Revan in Disguise: I'd rather only have Revan mentioned, but this would be o.k. with a good reason.

4)A Pilot/ gunner (Like Carth or Atton): Sounds a little lame IMO.

5)A crime Lord with bodyguards, assassins, the works: Same as #2

6)A force duplicate of you created by the main enemy to kill you: A little un-Star Wars.

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While the "Force Duplicate" is kind of intriguing, it seems also kind of lame. As for the others, we have already had them fight us. Since you fight at least 3/4 of the people you meet in KOTOR, I think we've gotten all types. :) But I see what you are saying about the nemesis thing.


Maybe have someone who isn't really a Sith Lord, and isn't a clone, but similar to you, and trying to kill you. A kind of fallen Jedi who your character knows, but who turned evil and now is working against you. Kind of have the "duplicate" thing without actually having him be a real clone of you. The kind of person your character fears becoming (if LS).

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Yes, and that's what makes this Force Duplicate possible - there's always a chance for your character to fall to the dark side - so, if your character is on the light side, then it is a manifestation of his fears and if he/she is on the dark side, then it is a manifestation of what he/she aspires to be (or maybe the fear of failing to become that).

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i'd prefer it to be the leader of the true sith, which i can only assume will be who we're fighting in K3. I don't personally think anything but another force user would be a challenge especially as i think we will be talking about a high level PC. The clone thing is kind of interesting but its been done before

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I would like that the Nemesis is the one based on the choices you make. They can be either the Sith or the Jedi, Empire or the Republic and so on. While I was thinking that the main enemy (light side) should be the Sith'ari and other most powerful Sith Lords that form a Council to destroy you.


While the other option (dark side) should be some of your party members.

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