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What is the penalty for opposite-alignment Force powers?


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I'm confused. I'm almost through playing TSL my first time, and I'm playing a Light Side character. I've seen a lot of mentions about how Charisma lowers the penalty for using opposite alignment Force powers, among other things. I still don't get this, though - what is "the penalty"? If I have pure light side mastery and use a super-evil power like Force Storm, what exactly happens?


Also - does the same go for a Dark Sider using purely light-side powers?


Thanks in advance.

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If you build enough Wisdom and get items that regenerate your Force points, using Dark Side powers with a Light Side guy (and visa-versa) won't really penalize you that much since your Force points will come back really quickly.

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You can see how much extra FP it costs to cast a power on the Force Powers screen. Its the screen where you can check skill levels and feats.


Oooh, you're right! Thanks! It costs me an extra 10 points to use Lightning, but I have so much wisdom that my force points barely disappear and they regenerate quickly. But this only happens around the end of the game; when I restart the game, it'll be tough.

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well, as a LS you can invest DS powers late in the game.


Some LS powers are really useless "like the xxx droid" powers...


Then again those who played kotor1 may remember the "xxx droid" power is useful if you don't get that DS Drain... Still, even with LSpenalty Drain would be 1000 times better than "xxx droids"


So yes, if you are doing LS you can learn some DS power, and you probably should.


Same can be said for DS. Healing is useful, cause forcepoitns regens way faster than health.

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