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Things We Don't Want in K3


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After thinking a bit more, here's what I don't want in KOTORIII:


1. Bad intro - KOTORIII should start off with a bang like KOTOR. After being on a Ship like the Endar Spire, then you should travel to Courscant to learn the ways of the Jedi.


2. Every Party Member From KOTOR/TSL - Every Party Member should get a cameo, however not as Party Members. Only the Droids, Carth, Bastila, Atton, Handmaiden (Or Disciple depending on Exile's gender), Visas and Bao-Dur.


3. Party Members Living - I think several main characters should die. It should also have a main impact on the game. Like Kreia says the Mandalorians will die an honourable death. So maybe Canderous could die and his death could lead to the demise of the Mandalorians.


4. Uncontinued Sidequests From KOTOR - I would like to find out what happened to everyone's Sidequest afterwards. Maybe Sunry returned to the Republic after being freed and become part of the next Jedi Council, maybe Carth could be spending time with his Son, Dustil and Bastila could be also be spending time with her Mother watching the Holocrons of her Father.


5. Boss Battles Should Be Better - Boss Battles should be better. Espicially at the end of both of the previous games. Malak and Traya both die after talking. There should be a more impressive death like throwing the main enemy out of a window or stabbing them causing them to die.


6. Easy Enemies - The enemies should be harder. For example the Sith should be brutal. They go easy on you.


7. People Not Aware Of You - People should be aware of you. Like for example, if you were on the Dark Side, people should hide their head behind their hands or if you have won a battle for the Republic, they cheer for you at the end.


8. A Bad Ending - KOTORIII should end better than the first two. I think both Parties from KOTOR and TSL should celebrate together, maybe the Force Ghosts of all the dead Jedi Masters also celebrating with you. Maybe every Species at the end should be burning Sith Corpses or something like that. It should be like the ROTJ ending.

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What i personally don't like to see:

-Frickin small 'side' levels like Paragus


Small size wouldn't be a problem for me, if there's actually something happening. In my eyes the boring thing about Peragus was that it was pretty much uninhabitated.


-Gaining a lightsaber at the end of a (too long) quest: Let us enter the action from the start!


I would prefer to start as a Non-Jedi. Matter of taste...


-An arrogant teacher: Bastilla and Kreia just didn't feel right in my opinion: Maybe a more Jolee-like person, that just guides you instead of lecturing to death.


Kreia is a matter of taste: I didn't like her character but she fit into the storyline. As for Bastila: She wasn't so much of a teacher, so she did alright. But I agree that it would be cool to have a "proper" master for a change.

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Welcome to the Forums. Truthfully, we don't know if it is being put into production, but there is a topic called More Kotor III Rumour News! which was closed... And I didn't know about it...


Anyway about the second part of your question: It is really more about Obisidan's choice which fans to support. Currently there are two options:


1. Have a new PC who will find out the fate of Revan and the Exile.

2. Revan or the Exile as a PC.


It is a complicated matter, so bear in mind, nothing is confirmed. I hope you enjoy it here.

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For me it's all about if...then


1) If they really bring back the Ebon Hawk, then I want a *really* good excuse, in TSL a good excuse would have been sufficient... How did it happen, that it was the Exile's ship all of a sudden?


2) I have no problem with most of the old party members (except Disciple, Goto, Hanharr) if they are interesting! I.e. Visas is pretty cool, but you can speak with her a single time, then she told you pretty much everything she had to tell at all. That's boring. The party members are meant to be persons, so there has to be a lot of stuff to know about them. And I want them to make comments all the time like in Kotor1 - the more the better. Nothing is worse than NPCs that act like mindless zombies, no matter how you call them. And the dialogues in TSL were too serious.

If there is a Wookie in the party, then make him like Wookies should be: Hugging you, whenever you do something he likes. Or make it a female Wookie for a change.


3) For the planets it's almost the same thing. In Kotor1 Korriban was great, in TSL it was just ugly. Every planet's got to have a lot of story and I wouldn't mind if there were "real" quests which can't be solved on a single planet. There should be some new planets (Corruscant!) anyhow.


4) The faces... In Kotor1 I used exactly one female and one male head, in TSL one male and two female heads. I wouldn't mind if Kotor3 was a bit more like Kotor meets Sims2 with "customizable" heads and different parts of clothing. A RPG goes over hours and hours and I don't want the PC and party members to wear the same clothes all the time. Personally I think it would be great fun to have a noble Princess Amidala-type aboard, with different clothes and hairstyle everytime you meet her.


5) Revan and the Exile. I don't want to meet them. MacLeodCorp makes a very good point in the "KOTOR 3 Storyline"-Thread: If they are converted to NPCs, they stop being *your* Revan or Exile and become something else. Either they are mentioned but not met or you actually play as them (both). I don't want the "true sith"-story to be continued anyhow.


Things, I don't want without if/then:


5) real time combat

6) the psychotic sith-type. I want them to be real smart next time.

7) NPCs split up into desperate/good and threatening/evil

8) straight forward story - I want a major change which leads to a major change of tactics

9) stupid NPC behaviour: I give you what you want, if you give me...

10) Kotor3 being the last of the series...


Why not the Ebon Hawk? I mean the Millenium Falcon was in 4-6, wasn't it? Maybe we could get a more sleek one, instead of a transport carrier thingy :)

Yeah I like stories to develop over time, which TSL did a poor job at. So far, I have gotten almost max influence w/ Bao-Dur, max with Visas, Atton, and Handmaiden. Some you just had to talk to once, others were very nonchalant and let out little tidbits (like they are supposed to) and then it seems Atton just blurted out his whole life story and never had anything else to say... I would like more dialouge options, preferably as many as K1 had. But I would want them to have more character like TSL had.

Korriban was ugly because it was blown up lol. But, I am 98% sure since the 1st and 2nd one were hinting about the True Sith, they will definitely go there. Perhaps you can find some new teachings, perhaps evil characters can take the time and train as a Sith? Not sure :) But yes, Corsucant, Corellia, Alderaan, Sleyheron...yes please!

I agree with you about the faces definitely, I want to have a more unique character >.> I guess I am kind of getting to see why Revan and the Exile would not be "yours" anymore, but how would you deal with the plotholes? I want to finish the love storylines, I want it to be epic. >.>

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Anyway about the second part of your question: It is really more about Obisidan's choice which fans to support.


Is it really Obsidian's choice (assuming that they are actually making it - probably using the NWN2-engine)? How far is Lucas involved concerning the story of SW-games?

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It's actually Lucas Arts' choice to who will they even give the project this time, as I said somewhere already - Obsidian won't necessarily be the developer of the third part.


No, Obsidian is making it. It would be an idiotic decision to switch developers...again. Especially since OE has expressed interest in doing a third one. Switching would involve a whole lot of extra time and dilly-dallying that Lucasarts doesn't want.

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I'm afraid I'm unable to provide a link. It has been stated that Obsidian is willing to make KotOR III if asked by Lucasarts. It was somewhere on the OE boards, I think. But regardless, why wouldn't they be? It's illogical that they would be unprepared to make a sequel, having the material from the previous game on hand. I mean, KotOR is their gig now. The probability of Lucasarts asking them to do a sequel is much higher than Lucasarts switching developers for absolutely no reason (unless OE refuses to do it, ala Bioware).

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And when you mentioned Bioware's refusal - I have yet to see a link to an article/announcement/whatever where it says that Bioware refused to make the sequel. That is even more illogical (since the first part was such a success) than Lucas Arts switching developers again (especially since Obsidian's TSL didn't have nearly as much success as the first part - I'm refering to the cut content, the bugs that ruin the storyline, the storyline not adapted to completely exclude the cut content, the villains without a background story, etc.).

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And when you mentioned Bioware's refusal - I have yet to see a link to an article/announcement/whatever where it says that Bioware refused to make the sequel. That is even more illogical (since the first part was such a success) than Lucas Arts switching developers again


Well, you know, here's the thing: they still did it. I don't have a link. No, it isn't "rumors and speculation". I thought it was common knowledge that Bioware turned down KotOR II because they wanted to do more original titles. If you want to poke around google, be my guest.


You have to be rational. Switching a developer isn't a fun thing that companies do when they get bored. It's problematic. OE had to adapt to the engine and how it worked, and still it didn't quite come out the way they wanted. Lucasarts isn't going to tolerate that every time they make a game sequel. It’s like every time you eat a slice of pizza, you throw the rest out and then bake a new one for the next slice. Is that common practice? Of course not.


(especially since Obsidian's TSL didn't have nearly as much success as the first part - I'm refering to the cut content, the bugs that ruin the storyline, the storyline not adapted to completely exclude the cut content, the villains without a background story, etc.).


Those are pessimistic generalizations that have been addressed so many times I often dream about arguing against them.

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As much as the number of fingers a horse has.


So LucasArts/Lucasfilms don't give a damn about whatever developers make of their universe as long as they get a cut? I find that hard to believe. Or let me rephrase: How many finger does this specific horse possess?

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Why not the Ebon Hawk? I mean the Millenium Falcon was in 4-6, wasn't it?


Yes, but it's Han Solo's ship at all and he's piloting it in 4&5 and in 6 his friends are using it (he only used it to get off Tatooine IIRC). In K1 the Ebon Hawk belonged to Revan. In K2 there's a big *?* how Kreia and her companions/crew/whatever get ahold of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not strictly against getting the Ebon Hawk again, but if it happens it should be without *?*. Let's say I'm the sort of guy, wo doesn't care about major plotholes as long as they look like they are supposed to be, but who is annoyed everytime in a movie when people leave a cab without paying or even closing the door...


Maybe we could get a more sleek one, instead of a transport carrier thingy :)


Ok, I would go for that. But being a Jedi you're always low on funds, so you would either have to steal it (like the Ebon Hawk, hmm...) or you're just a passenger ... and we come back to the idea of the princess who is always busy changing her clothes and hairstyle... :)


and then it seems Atton just blurted out his whole life story and never had anything else to say...


I always disliked that...


I would like more dialouge options, preferably as many as K1 had. But I would want them to have more character like TSL had.


I agree on the dialogue options but I'd prefer even more... More character in TSL? I would call it at least even.


Korriban was ugly because it was blown up lol. But, I am 98% sure since the 1st and 2nd one were hinting about the True Sith, they will definitely go there.


Why? Korriban is evil and it's the place the first fallen Jedi went to, but it's got nothing to do with the true sith.


I guess I am kind of getting to see why Revan and the Exile would not be "yours" anymore, but how would you deal with the plotholes?


see above ;) Seriously, I tried to make up a plot in the "What would be the beggining of your version of the KOTOR 3 story?"-thread which (in my eyes) takes up pretty much all of the major loose ends.


On the other hand, when TSL was published it was meant to be finished and there were no plans (only the possibility) for a sequel let alone a story for it. So I wouldn't bet on all the loose ends (or what we call loose ends) being taken care of...


I want to finish the love storylines, I want it to be epic. >.>


I admit I really enjoyed the lovestories in K1, even the one with Carth while playing as female (being male in RL and all), so I'd like to see K1-like lovestories in K3. But what is there to finish? I'd go for the epic-thing though...

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Well, you know, here's the thing: they still did it. I don't have a link. No, it isn't "rumors and speculation". I thought it was common knowledge that Bioware turned down KotOR II because they wanted to do more original titles. If you want to poke around google, be my guest.


Why such an angry answer? All I'm saying is that this is the first time I've heard of this common knowledge and I would simply like to know where it came from. Was that announcement made by Lucas Arts, or by Bioware (If it was anyone other than them, then that information is false)?

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Why such an angry answer? All I'm saying is that this is the first time I've heard of this common knowledge and I would simply like to know where it came from. Was that announcement made by Lucas Arts, or by Bioware (If it was anyone other than them, then that information is false)?


Gah, the Obsidian topic just sets me off. Sorry if I was snappish.


I myself heard it from all around. Mostly from review sites, and such. I expect that it did originate from Bioware, though. It seems to check out: They went on to make Jade Empire, and that goes into their theme of more original titles. But like I said, I don't have a link. I did search around on Google, but I think any results would be buried by now. This news would be about two years old by now.


Sorry I can't be more decisive. If anyone else has more material information, I'd appreciate if he/she would post.

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@Buzz1978 Since I am a forum noob and don't know how to paste parts of your conversation and then write my response like you did mine, I will just do it like this.

Hm, I guess you are right on the characters having more "character" on TSL. Let me rephrase though, I think that all the characters on TSL had better potential on having better personalities if they would have just expanded the dialouge way more. Atton, Bao-Dur, and Visas would have rocked if they could just have made more dialouge and more personality to them.

Onto the next thing, well perhaps in Korriban they could find some teachings from the True Sith?

Another thing, Revan and the Exile now that I think about it could be yours because you could just make them as you make your own char. in char. customization. I mean sure..it would spoil it a little, but you would already have been expecting them anyway? Or they could just wear the robes like Mandalore wore his suit the whole time, but I like the former better :)

Buzz, the love storyline has not been completed. I will do Atton, Carth, and Bastila on why their stories should be continued for examples. For Atton: Does he ever realize that he is not a fool and tries to pursue the Exile? Does he ever tell her he loves her? Carth and Bastila: They are both waiting for their love, and they deserve to be re-united. I felt bad for them when they were talking about waiting for Revan, I just wanted to say, "Wait for k3! You will be able to then, hopefully!"

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@Buzz1978 Since I am a forum noob and don't know how to paste parts of your conversation and then write my response like you did mine, I will just do it like this.


I don't know if there's a better way but I just hit "quote/reply" and copy&paste the quote-tags.


Onto the next thing, well perhaps in Korriban they could find some teachings from the True Sith?


I still think Korriban has no connection to the true sith since it refers to the first fallen Jedi. I have no problem with an appearance of Korriban though as long as they make it good.


Another thing, Revan and the Exile now that I think about it could be yours because you could just make them as you make your own char. in char. customization.


The look is the least of the problems IMHO. What you can't customize is the character that everyone has in mind if he/she thinks of Revan or the Exile. If they become NPCs the personal image you have of them will definitely collide with the image which is made by the developers.


Buzz, the love storyline has not been completed.


What you actually want to see is a happy end. ;)


For Atton: Does he ever realize that he is not a fool and tries to pursue the Exile? Does he ever tell her he loves her?


I don't think he sees himself as a fool and going after the Exile? Now that would be foolish.


Carth and Bastila: They are both waiting for their love, and they deserve to be re-united.


They might deserve it but concerning the story so far I find it most unlikely to happen. The unknown regions are a really bad place at all.

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I still think Korriban has no connection to the true sith since it refers to the first fallen Jedi. I have no problem with an appearance of Korriban though as long as they make it good.


Ok fine,lets have a whole slew of new planets. I get kinda tired of re-visiting the same ones anyway.



The look is the least of the problems IMHO. What you can't customize is the character that everyone has in mind if he/she thinks of Revan or the Exile. If they become NPCs the personal image you have of them will definitely collide with the image which is made by the developers.


True, but many people want them at least major parts of the storyline but not party members. So, it is still going to collide anyway unless they are just mentioned. But then it is going to be sucky when you come and Revan and the Exile have already mysteriously left. They just can't be dead or have moved on without your 3rd character. I guess the only way to really solve it is to not play as a 3rd character and have like 2 different versions one with the Exile and one with Revan?


What you actually want to see is a happy end. ;)


That's what Star Wars movies are all about though. Even though a few people had to die, there was a happy ending at the end. >.>


I don't think he sees himself as a fool and going after the Exile? Now that would be foolish.


Kreia says at the end if you are a girl pc,"Well, did he ever love me?" "I think you know the answer to this Exile, I know as well as he knows that he is a fool and could never offer you anything." So, why wouldn't he want to keep the love going between the F exile and him?


They might deserve it but concerning the story so far I find it most unlikely to happen. The unknown regions are a really bad place at all.


Why not? People do crazy things for love. I would want to help out the person I loved instead of twiddling my thumbs, waiting for them to come home. Carth/Bastila could get pissed at how long Revan is taking and decide to take the matters into their own hands and find out what has happened to him/her. That's the only logical explanation in my mind.


Btw.. thanks Buzz! I am not a forum n00b anymore hehe.

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