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GF General Appreciation


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Hey everyone, I'm a short-time lurker of this place (after having recently stumbled across it), and thought I'd try to be sociable =)


As I'm sure many of you are, I've been a fan of Grim Fandango ever since its release in-- *checks*... Damn! 1998!? It's been 7-8 years since I first completed it, just came back to it over the last few days, and wanted to share some thoughts with this newfound community.


First of all, my humble impressions of the community itself: basically it feels very reassuring to be amongst such mature, interesting people! Despite the often opinion-based discussion and speculation going on here, I haven't come across one instance of flaming or blatant internet abuse - dunno if this is due to strict modding, or just the fact that you all get along very well, but it's highly refreshing!


The site, GF.net has been a fantastic resource, helping me get rid of load times and lock-up issues, as well as providing the superb OST (which I fully intend on purchasing once synsoniq.com are back in stock). Music is something I've come to appreciate far more in games today, and GF's soundtrack is definately one of the most memorable things about the game. I found myself humming all the tunes that hadn't cropped up at all in these past 7 years =D


Ok, as for the game itself, there's nothing much I can add to the praise it has received so far. It was a wonderfully original title back in a time when adventure games weren't so rare, and it's awesome to see it being hailed as an all-time great even today. I don't know how often people might walk into a store and pick it up for a fiver or something, but I envy those for whom it'll be an entirely new experience.


Finishing it again today, it reminded me of that empty longing I felt back in my youth, upon watching Manny and Meche finally reach the end of their journey. I've read several posts lamenting at how there is a great want for more (not necessarily in the form of a sequel), and a sense of having missed something minute but crucial. I can sympathise completely... I guess over the years we've had to come to terms with the fact that it did indeed have to end there, and all the little unanswered questions are simply fuel for our undying love!


The only other games I've felt that same bittersweet "No! Please don't end!" vibe with as of late are ICO and Shadow of the Colossus (go figure), and I was surprised at how much more I managed to grasp during this second run-through of GF. Nice to know my mind has developed in at least some way! It truly is a unique masterpiece, and has compelled me to try Mr. Schafer's newest work, Psychonauts. I had no idea how he's been doing since his history in adventure games, but I'm really impressed by it so far! Really takes me back to the good old days where I used to spend hours on N64 platformers after school... *sigh* that's another story ^^


Come to think of Psychonauts, seeing that some of you were sporting avatars of Raz and Cruller was what convinced me that these boards were still alive, and got me posting - so you have only yourselves to blame for this rant being unleashed xD


Anyway, thanks a lot to anyone who reads. I look forward to sharing more toughts with you soon!

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Welcome to the board B-Genius. It's always good to see another soul around here. Your post made me feell all fuzzy inside :). Right now I'm in the middle of my fourth play through. Although its been just over a year since I last played. I'm envious that you got to play after an 8 year break. I'm sure it felt like reaquainting yourself with an old friend.

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Hey, welcome to the forums B-Genius. I agree with you, Grim Fandango is a very unique game where you get the feeling that you never want the game to finish and you always want to find out more, because its such a wonderfully planned and presented game. I guess that's why the community is still active after 7 years :).

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Welcome to the boards, indeed Grim Fandango is one of those few games you can play from beginning to end and enjoy over and over again. The characters are all unique and entwined into the deep, dark plot that you rarely see in Adventure Games. It's also surprising how long this community has lasted for, considering the game is almost reaching its 10th birthday so to speak.

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Welcome to the forums! The reason this is such a nice place is definitely in the people. I haven't been here from the beginning, but I can recall only one instance when a mod had to do something about the content of a thread.


Good luck at finding the OST. It's really hard to get nowadays. Tell us if you manage to get your hands on a copy.

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Hee, yes, I would do many things in order to experience Grim Fandango for the first time once again. Although, saying that, I somehow manage to forget a lot of the experience inbetween playthroughs and still respond to the many things the game throws at me in the same way - laughter, sadness, etc. It's so brilliantly put together that it doesn't seem to become stale after several complete playthroughs. It still hits the spot every time.


But yes, hopefully you'll choose to stick around and involve yourself in some of the GF discussions which occur around here. With such an excellent community of people you're guaranteed some well thought out responses and such. :)

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Thanks to all for your replies! I just noticed a few of you are from the UK - rock on. I suppose what we're all getting at here is that nostalgia is a beautiful thing. Shuz, it definately was just like re-uniting with an old friend; one who I will try to say farewell to for an even longer while if I can :) And Thrik, yes, the emotions were all exactly the same as my first time through. The dialogue's just as witty, the humour just as dark, and the characters are still as real as ever. It just baffled me how much of the actual content I'd completley forgotten...


Hehe, to relive GF as a brand new experience would be incredible, but would probably require some sort of MiB-esque memory zapper. I don't think even senility will be able to fully erase the magic this game has to offer.

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Hey everyone, I'm a short-time lurker of this place (after having recently stumbled across it), and thought I'd try to be sociable =)


As I'm sure many of you are, I've been a fan of Grim Fandango ever since its release in-- *checks*... Damn! 1998!? It's been 7-8 years since I first completed it, just came back to it over the last few days, and wanted to share some thoughts with this newfound community.


First of all, my humble impressions of the community itself: basically it feels very reassuring to be amongst such mature, interesting people! Despite the often opinion-based discussion and speculation going on here, I haven't come across one instance of flaming or blatant internet abuse - dunno if this is due to strict modding, or just the fact that you all get along very well, but it's highly refreshing!


The site, GF.net has been a fantastic resource, helping me get rid of load times and lock-up issues, as well as providing the superb OST (which I fully intend on purchasing once synsoniq.com are back in stock). Music is something I've come to appreciate far more in games today, and GF's soundtrack is definately one of the most memorable things about the game. I found myself humming all the tunes that hadn't cropped up at all in these past 7 years =D


Ok, as for the game itself, there's nothing much I can add to the praise it has received so far. It was a wonderfully original title back in a time when adventure games weren't so rare, and it's awesome to see it being hailed as an all-time great even today. I don't know how often people might walk into a store and pick it up for a fiver or something, but I envy those for whom it'll be an entirely new experience.


Finishing it again today, it reminded me of that empty longing I felt back in my youth, upon watching Manny and Meche finally reach the end of their journey. I've read several posts lamenting at how there is a great want for more (not necessarily in the form of a sequel), and a sense of having missed something minute but crucial. I can sympathise completely... I guess over the years we've had to come to terms with the fact that it did indeed have to end there, and all the little unanswered questions are simply fuel for our undying love!


The only other games I've felt that same bittersweet "No! Please don't end!" vibe with as of late are ICO and Shadow of the Colossus (go figure), and I was surprised at how much more I managed to grasp during this second run-through of GF. Nice to know my mind has developed in at least some way! It truly is a unique masterpiece, and has compelled me to try Mr. Schafer's newest work, Psychonauts. I had no idea how he's been doing since his history in adventure games, but I'm really impressed by it so far! Really takes me back to the good old days where I used to spend hours on N64 platformers after school... *sigh* that's another story ^^


Come to think of Psychonauts, seeing that some of you were sporting avatars of Raz and Cruller was what convinced me that these boards were still alive, and got me posting - so you have only yourselves to blame for this rant being unleashed xD


Anyway, thanks a lot to anyone who reads. I look forward to sharing more toughts with you soon!

I agree with you here, especially "I envy those for whom it'll be an entirely new experience."


Don't we all.

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