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[spoiler] Disciple problem


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I've lost count how many times I've played TSL but I do know that regardless if I'm 100% in influence with Michel/Disciple that I can NEVER unlock the question that leads to "[Failure] The problems with the Jedi are my own."


My Exile is 3+ WIS, level 20, persuade is 16, intelligence 16, wisdom 16.


What in the world am I doing wrong?

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I've lost count how many times I've played TSL but I do know that regardless if I'm 100% in influence with Michel/Disciple that I can NEVER unlock the question that leads to "[Failure] The problems with the Jedi are my own."


My Exile is 3+ WIS, level 20, persuade is 16, intelligence 16, wisdom 16.


What in the world am I doing wrong?



I've always had this problem too. I finally got so frustrated, I dug through the dialog files just to see what he says when you have success :p

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I've lost count how many times I've played TSL but I do know that regardless if I'm 100% in influence with Michel/Disciple that I can NEVER unlock the question that leads to "[Failure] The problems with the Jedi are my own."


My Exile is 3+ WIS, level 20, persuade is 16, intelligence 16, wisdom 16.


What in the world am I doing wrong?

It's all dialogue choices. Mical has to hear the right things for him to become a Jedi. I had the same thing happen to me. I rarely play the game as a female Exile, so I don't have this memorized exactly, but I do know that if I mess with it a little, I always figure it out. The best thing to do is to save the game right when he joins your party. Then have him review your records of your trial to get some influence. Eventually you need to have him admit that he is familiar to you and find out that he lost his opportunity to be trained as a Jedi because your PC went to war. Apologize for it that you didn't know that it would have hurt his chances of becoming a Jedi. This will lead you to have him accept his path of becoming a Jedi.

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It's all dialogue choices. Mical has to hear the right things for him to become a Jedi. I had the same thing happen to me. I rarely play the game as a female Exile, so I don't have this memorized exactly, but I do know that if I mess with it a little, I always figure it out. The best thing to do is to save the game right when he joins your party. Then have him review your records of your trial to get some influence. Eventually you need to have him admit that he is familiar to you and find out that he lost his opportunity to be trained as a Jedi because your PC went to war. Apologize for it that you didn't know that it would have hurt his chances of becoming a Jedi. This will lead you to have him accept his path of becoming a Jedi.



I don't have problems with making him a Jedi, just with that one particular conversation.


I can make him a Jedi before leaving the enclave, but that one conversation always eluded me, even if I had 100% influence with him and was so lightside I glowed, so I assume it is a scripting flaw in his dialog tree.

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I've lost count how many times I've played TSL but I do know that regardless if I'm 100% in influence with Michel/Disciple that I can NEVER unlock the question that leads to "[Failure] The problems with the Jedi are my own."


My Exile is 3+ WIS, level 20, persuade is 16, intelligence 16, wisdom 16.


What in the world am I doing wrong?

The logic for that line is bugged. No matter how much influence you have, there is no way to get the [influence: Success] line and continue that conversation (unless you do some file editing).
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I can make him a Jedi before leaving the enclave, but that one conversation always eluded me, even if I had 100% influence with him and was so lightside I glowed, so I assume it is a scripting flaw in his dialog tree.

Oh making Mical a Jedi before he leaves the Enclave is a must. :)


It maybe a flaw and because of that, it's important to make the right dialogue choices. :)

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Here's something I noticed about the whole thing.


When you first meet him on Dantooine and you ask him the line he doesn't have the failure and he'll answer the question. Or does he since there is no [success] before his line so I don't know if that is the line he'll say in a success. If you ask them the same line of questions any other time it'll say failure. So could it be a one shot deal?


What is the [success] line anyways?

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What is the [success] line anyways?



Just answered this on KFM the other day, so I'll put it here for you, too :)



Straight from the K2 dialog files:


(NOTE- D: = Disciple E: = Exile)


(Also note, answers depend on your alignment and such, so assume Exile answers to be LSF Exile here, since that is all I play :))



D:The problem is my own, I fear. I harbor... doubts concerning the Jedi.


D:Many Jedi defied the Order during the Mandalorian Wars - and it paved the way for the Jedi Civil War.


E:I was one of those Jedi. I must accept part of that responsibility.


D:There is no blame - all must accept. But at its core, one must wonder if it was the failure of the Jedi teachings... or the teachers themselves.


D:Many of the Jedi Council trained Exar Kun, Ulic... Revan and Malak. How could they not see the danger they posed? And if they could not...


D:...perhaps there was some essential part of their teachings that was flawed. Something beyond the Jedi Code that they were missing.


E:It is possible. But training must be embraced by both student and teacher.


D:I believe you are right. The students made their own choices, as much as the histories tell us.


D:Perhaps I judge the masters unfairly - yet I still wonder why they did not rise to stop such threats earlier, or if they simply did not see them.


E:Sometimes a teacher must stand back and allow their students to face their own challenges if they are to grow.


D:That is a good point. Perhaps it is not the perception of a potential danger that is to blame. Then what is the answer?


D:There may be none. Regardless, thank you for discussing this with me - speaking of it eases the burden.


E:I am glad to help.


D:Again, I thank you. It has been long since I was able to speak to one who knows the order and its philosophies.


E:These teachers you feel may have failed the Order - who were they?


D:Master Arca taught Ulic... Master Baas was the one who saw what Exar Kun could become, but he took no steps to stop him.


D:Master Zhar taught Malak - and Revan had many masters, including Zhar, Kae, and Dorak... and towards the end of the training, Revan sought out many other teachers to learn certain techniques.


D:And it is said that she went to her first - and final - master to learn how to leave the order entirely, as she had.


D:And such teachings and their teachers is why I harbor doubts, why I wonder if something is missing from the Jedi code.

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The logic for that line is bugged. No matter how much influence you have, there is no way to get the [influence: Success] line and continue that conversation (unless you do some file editing).



Aha! Thanks for that answer. I knew it was something like that :)

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Then there's a fix for it. I've completed that dialogue, I'm sure...



I'm sure there is some way around this, since my husband tells me he has gotten this dialog also, but I have yet to ever get it.


I don't know if it's something I am doing wrong, or that I just ask him too late, or what-not, but I never got that dialog option completed before.

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Just answered this on KFM the other day, so I'll put it here for you, too :)[/qUOTE]


KFM? Could you possibly post the link here or send it to me via pm, if you don't mind?


And thank you for the post. I can honestly say I've NEVER had a success response before. I wonder what I'm doing wrong then.

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The logic for that line is bugged. No matter how much influence you have, there is no way to get the [influence: Success] line and continue that conversation (unless you do some file editing).


Not entirely correct (at least not prior to the 1.0b patch, don't know if it was changed there). You can get that dialog with an unmodded game, I got influence success there on my first playthrough. :)


I believe it's one of those odd influence requirements that makes no sense, in my opinion. You must have between 26 and 74 Influence (you start at 50) to succeed at the influence check. More than that and it will fail. (The Handmaiden has a similar odd check where she will refuse to speak to you about Atris if you have too high or low influence with her.)


Since it's so easy to gain influence with Disciple, it's possible to bump the influence above 74 before reaching that node when first speaking to him if you pick the "wrong" choices.


Another odd thing about that dialog branch is that you can only speak of it once. After that you will get influence failure if you try to talk about it again. Thus it's possible to talk about it when you first meet Disciple at the library and get him to talk about it. But if you try to ask again on the ship later it will always fail no matter what influence you have.

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Not entirely correct (at least not prior to the 1.0b patch, don't know if it was changed there). You can get that dialog with an unmodded game, I got influence success there on my first playthrough. :)


I believe it's one of those odd influence requirements that makes no sense, in my opinion. You must have between 26 and 74 Influence to succeed at the influence check. More than that and it will fail. (The Handmaiden has a similar odd check where she will refuse to speak to you about Atris if you have too high or low influence with her.)


Since it's so easy to gain influence with Disciple, it's possible to bump the influence above 74 before reaching that node when first speaking to him if you pick the "wrong" choices.


Another odd thing about that dialog branch is that you can only speak of it once. After that you will get influence failure if you try to talk about it again. Thus it's possible to talk about it when you first meet Disciple at the library and get him to talk about it. But if you try to ask again on the ship later it will always fail no matter whan influence you have.


Bugger of it all. :| I know that originally I played it unmodded, only began playing it modded within the last month but I do know that my copy was updated around the time I originally installed it, least I think it was around that time. I'll probably have to reinstall the game and try again before updating it and see if that's the problem.

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Not entirely correct (at least not prior to the 1.0b patch, don't know if it was changed there). You can get that dialog with an unmodded game, I got influence success there on my first playthrough. :)
I don't remember how it was in my first playthrough, but I can't get it to work with the patch. In the patched game the requirements for the Influence: Failure line are: influence between 26 and 74 with Disciple or 000_Disc_Jedi_Prob > 0. The two ways I know to get to that line are by asking Di "Do you know what happened to the Jedi?" or "What are your problems with the Jedi?". The problem is that in both cases 000_Disc_Jedi_Prob is already 1 by the time you get to the influence check. Since anything or true is true the game always chooses the failure line.


I believe it's one of those odd influence requirements that makes no sense, in my opinion. You must have between 26 and 74 Influence (you start at 50) to succeed at the influence check. More than that and it will fail. (The Handmaiden has a similar odd check where she will refuse to speak to you about Atris if you have too high or low influence with her.)
In the patched game the c_influence_bet(26,74) is correctly attached to the failure line. I guess they wanted to fix that problem with Disciple, but added another one.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The dialogue loops are a nightmare in TSL and only a minor annoyance in Kotor. My PC version is all modded and haven't gotten that far yet (never played PC unmoded) but I never have a problem get the success dialogue on XBox however i always talk to him in the enclave and usually end up with him as a jedi by the time I'm about to leave the crystal cave. So perhaps it has something to do when you speak to him?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't even get that far with him. When I say "you look familiar" it's always a failure. I asked him all the questions but I don't have enough influence with him. I wish there was a cheat to gain INF with someone because I feel like I'm missing a huge part of the game without having made disciple a jedi.

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