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What is the creepiest thing you've notice in the game? (Spoilers?)


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How am I the first one to bring up the Kotor2 moment: "Apathy is death. Apathy is death. Apathy is death."


Not one thing in 1 or 2 scared me at all except that. That part was terrifying.


How come I didn't think of this one? It's one of the better parts of the game - creepy and cool at the same time.

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Quite frankly, the relationship between Mira and Hanharr had me a little worried, but perhaps that was just me.


And Atton (In re: Kreia): "Sure, she might have looked nice once, but it takes a lot of hard living to put lines like that on yah." I mean, that inspires some images that really didn't need inspiring.

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Actually, in a weird way we can set it up so that Mira-Hanharr is in this Love-Hate Love Tangle. Hey it would be a darn beautiful story too.


Story-wise it would be wonderful. Yes I know many people are not into this wookiee-human thing, so lets step back a second and think about he story, assuming both to be human if you can't see thru the wookiee species thingy.


Ok, mean cool bloody anti-hero type bad boy got saved by this nice angelic hot chick, and now they are attracted to each other. Boy is a bit on the subbie side and wants to be binded to girl.


Things didn't work out well obviously cause they are sooo different, so boy try to kill girl instead. Ok every time he tries, either girl got away, or he didn't finish his kills. Either way, the tangle continues on. I won't be surprised that they even help each other out during these times, but obviously both would not admit such happenings.


Eventually on M-V, they have this fight, and one of them got tired of it, and deliberately gets killed in the fight, without letting the other know. This won't be strange either, M-W being a planet of betryal and all.

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Sion's voice is the voice of a sith holocron. It's kind of creepy, but not as creepy as the final meeting with Atris when the whole room full of holocrons suddenly start yammering all at once and she tells you to beat it. The shyrack cave tomb, overall, wasn't bad, but the scene where you met your dead troops was kind of creepy. You already knew they were dead and gone, but you couldn't help but fight when the mandalorian's came busting in. (okay, I couldn't)


The selkath voices aren't creepy, just disturbing.


But the creepiest thing of all, in both games.....



When you left a planet


and later returned.



No matter how long you'd been gone






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i thought it was really creepy in KOTOR on korriban when u confront UTHARS old master and he is sucking the life out of you or that other guy... real sketchy... kreia's interest in my hum... sex life... was also disturbing... the poor old woman has nothing betta to puicture in hre head *shudders*

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I am playing through the game again, and so far, I found the HK droid (before he turns on you) playing the last few seconds of that engineer guy's life pretty creepy...


"Five droids...they're burning through the doors. OH NO! THEY'RE THROUGH THEY'RE;...AUGGGGGGGGGGGH MY LEG! THEY'RE BURNING THROUGH MY...."


And just the general way the HK droid acted...



But yeah...I know everything that happens, but when i play I try to forget it and immerse myself into the character/game and play as if it's the first runthrough. makes it so much more fun.

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definatly three parts scared the **** out of me.... hmm lets see... malachor music, korriban and when u listen to the hololog thing and u just hear: FIVE DROIDS, BASHING AT THE OUTER DOOR, OH NO THEY'VE GOT THROUGH! AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH THEY'RE BURNING THROUGH MY LEG AAAAGH.... or whatever he says, his screaming scared me a LOT

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But the creepiest thing of all, in both games.....

When you left a planet

and later returned.

No matter how long you'd been gone



They say that time slows as you approach the speed of light. In a galaxy with Faster-than-Light travel you should thus travel back in time during each space trip. So maybe your travel time perfectly compensate for the time you spend on other worlds, and you, seen from the NPCs perspective, have only been gone for a few seconds? Notice that there are no day/light cycles anywhere? Maybe the whole game takes place during a single day. :p


* * *


The KotOR games are generally rather non-scary. Don't know why, but the atmosphere in the game never gets me on edge. The only thing even remotely spooky I can think of would be the deserted ghost facility on Peragus. And possibly the big Rancor in KotOR. I don't like huge monsters with instakill attacks. :)


(On a tangent, the scariest places in games over all would be the "Ocean House Hotel" in VtM:Bloodlines and the "Well Enough Alone" level in Halo. The scary/creepy mood there is so palpable you can almost touch it. Notable that both those areas are very sparse with "regular" enemies.)

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LoL in this game there realy wa not a thing that would be at least near to being creepy. LoL i mean i allowed my 6 year old sister watch me at malchor five and she didnt even say that this place would be creepy or the music or Sion. She just asked me to play with the wookie and when i said there is no wookie at this level she just left my room (first time in last 3 years i think...)

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