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Kotor 3 storyline

Darth Angst

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Reaven, crushed and heartbroken by the death of Bastilla, stops his battle with the True Sith and goes to meditate in his own Anger. This game would allow you to recreate the Exile and Reaven using features from the first two,and the ability to say if they were Light or Dark side. Also you would create TWO new characters.

The republic is stronger but still vulnurable, the war could go any way, but the Exile (now a Jedi Master) has learned that the sith know what system Reaven is on! (A Key factor in the War) Also the Sith have captured a Jedi Knight (one of your characters you created) and are trying to use his force powers to tell which exact planet Reaven is on.

You are another Jedi knight( your other character) set to rescue him and get the information on Reaven.

The game would have an optional traing level so you could use your lightsaber right away. After rescuing him by killing a sith apprentice. You escape in the Ebon Hawk, which was secretly bugged by the sith so they can follow you to Reaven's locaton.

The exile than goes on a search for Reaven, along the way revealing secrets in flashbacks of the war... It reveals Reaven, before going to the darkside was a great person and even took the exile under his wing during the war. It also shows what he saw that made him go to the darkside. (the first time)

Meanwhile you travle the galaxy as your two characters, with other party members, bringing peace to big neutral battle planets(swing planets?) that are controled by neithr sith or the republic.

There are like five planets and after 3 you confront the current sith leader. Not even both of you combined can beat him so you have to choose a character to tell the other to Escape before it's too late ( the character who says this gets left behind.)

Mean while, guided by Kreia's spirit, the exile arrives on a jungle planet and confronts Reaven ( with his mask) He does not know that Reaven is the jedi who took him under his wing, ( in a cutscene, it shows one mission, Reaven, as a jedi, along with Mallak, is shot down by Mandaloreans, and assumed dead by the exile. It then shows Kreia take them in.) They then start to battle.

The character left behind ends up turning evil and after the two more planets you must confront each other with the sith leader watching.Proving that the character you kept is better than the sacraficed one the Sith leader realizes this and strikes his newest aprentice down. He tells you to take your former allys place but you refuse and battle him. After beating him a cutscene shows him about to kill you, when your former ally saves you and kills the Sith leader.


After that you see a cutscene with a True Sith Lord killing Handmaiden, Atton and Mira. Mira asks him why before she dies and he replies that he will allow the Jedi and Dark Jedi to weaken each other and then he will destroy them. It is revealed than in another flashback that He captured Kreia as a child and taught her the True Sith ways but she hated him so she changed his teachings when he left Trayus.

After a cutscene in which the exile sees Reaven take off his mask (so he recognizes him)You then use an escape pod to go to the planet of a bloody duel between Reaven and the exile. you can help one or the other or else kill them both.

If you help the exile Reaven will use his final breath to transport you from the true sith, who arrives and is killed when the planet is destroyed by the remaining Mandaloreans, Using their ultimate weapon, which is destroyed after by the republic.

If you help Reaven, He'll do the same thing except he won't die.

If you kill them both then The True Sith will congratulate you and you will become the apprentice he never had. (That's the true darkside way)


What do you think of this idea? Please comment... I'm serious! I want to know what you think! Thanks


-Darth Angst

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, but no on everything. First of all, this idea assumes that Bastila lived after the Star Forge, and then died - she could have been killed by Revan on the Star Forge. This also assumes that Revan is male.


The exile than goes on a search for Reaven, along the way revealing secrets in flashbacks of the war... It reveals Reaven, before going to the darkside was a great person and even took the exile under his wing during the war. It also shows what he saw that made him go to the darkside. (the first time)


Don't we already know this, though?


Also the Sith have captured a Jedi Knight (one of your characters you created) and are trying to use his force powers to tell which exact planet Reaven is on.

You are another Jedi knight( your other character) set to rescue him and get the information on Reaven.


I'm confused. You're saying that we create two PCs? Absolutely not. I don't think I should have to explain why, to have two completely new characters, each with their own storyline... :xp:


And secondly, as for one searching for Revan, no. I've said this many times: please do not make KOTOR a "go fetch Revan" storyline, while turning Revan into some kind of SW Holy Grail that everyone is trying to find.


Mean while, guided by Kreia's spirit, the exile arrives on a jungle planet and confronts Reaven ( with his mask) He does not know that Reaven is the jedi who took him under his wing, ( in a cutscene, it shows one mission, Reaven, as a jedi, along with Mallak, is shot down by Mandaloreans, and assumed dead by the exile. It then shows Kreia take them in.) They then start to battle.


This doesn't make any sense at all, sorry. You haven't played TSL, have you? :xp: The Exile knew who Revan was, and never thought Revan to be dead in some battle. He/She fought through the whole war, and then went back to the Jedi Masters. The Exile also had heard of "Darth Revan", and knew about him, so there is no way that the Exile would think that he/she was dead in the Mandalorian Wars or something.


And as for the confrontation, in the chance that you played TSL, did you go through the cave on Korriban, and the secret tomb? The Exile confronts a vision Revan inside Kresh's tomb, and knows who he is. The dialogue choices for your character are something like this:


1. Many wondered where the great Revan disappeared to.

2. Revan! What are you doing here!


At least, that is kind of what they say. But there is no mystery, the Exile knew exactly who Revan was, and never thought he was once dead. Did you ever happen to listen to Kreia's dialogue, when she was talking about how Revan left after he defeated Malak? :xp:


The character left behind ends up turning evil and after the two more planets you must confront each other with the sith leader watching.Proving that the character you kept is better than the sacraficed one the Sith leader realizes this and strikes his newest aprentice down.


So the second PC you made suddenly turns on the other, and becomes any enemy? One you have to kill? No way. :xp:


And one last thing. No True Sith - the ideas for the original Sith species are just getting wierder and wierder.


lol nice one :D ,but ,are they going to make KOTOR 3?


Most likely.

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Well as to the True Sith, I never saw them as a species. I prefer to think of it as a dark essence from what Kreia said about there were dark places in the galaxy and Revan knew the power of such places and the power in making them. After all the Sith is nothing more than an ideal.

The two PCs a definite no because for one I wouldn't be able to keep track and two, well I doesn't seem right.

There I've said my two cents and am leaving now.

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Whoa, dude. Lots of flaws. I played the Sith Lords, I was just kinda invisioning the name Reaven being like Vader... I thought he had a real name that everyone called him before his DS turn. And he wore a mask. I was kinda picturing that, of course, the exile knows of Reaven, just not that he was his old friend. Maybe I missed something.

As for the two PCs, maybe it is hard to keep track of... Just wanted a little diversity. And for the assuming Reaven is male, it could just as well be Carth... same difference.

And yes, I do belive Reaven should be searched and found. Not by the PC, as I said, but by the exile in cutscenes. To not do so would waste everything done in KOTOR 1.

Anyone else have an opinion?

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I was kinda picturing that, of course, the exile knows of Reaven, just not that he was his old friend.


I think you missed quite a lot. Revan wore his robes during the Mandalorian wars, and his name never changed - so I would think it would be kind of obvious when a Sith Lord comes, dressed in Revan's old Mand. War robes, calling himself Darth Revan, the Exile would recognize him. :D Besides, you must have missed all of those talks with Kreia.

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Sorry to say this but this storyline will not work in any way.

A good storyline should make it possible to select the gender and alignment for both Revan and the Exile.

In my case, Mira was dead. My exile is DS. And Bastila isn't dead. Revan is LS male. Then you speak of two PC's?

Please no.

I think the story for Kotor III should pick an alignment for Revan and the Exile "for the duration of Kotor III" like, "something happened in the unknown regions which forced themselves to choose an alignment."

IMO Revan LS and Exile DS.

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I say that at the beginning of the stroy where the republic is strong doesn't go with what is said in TSL. DUring the game Goto said that if Malacor V was to be destroyed then the Republic will fall in a matter of months.


That dosen't really make sense... You restore order to many critical planets, ( In my case) but because an obscure, deserted planet that trains sith is destroyed, the republic dies. :¬: I don't see the logic.


Anyhoo, thanks for the criticism, no matter how good, bad, and worst idea since :jarjar: you thought it was. If you have anything to say, no matter who you are, please say it. Thanks everyone!

- Darth Angst

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That dosen't really make sense... You restore order to many critical planets, ( In my case) but because an obscure, deserted planet that trains sith is destroyed, the republic dies. :¬: I don't see the logic.


Goto believes that if the Republic was to survive it would need a caste of Force Sensitives to rule or protect it. He tells you that he doesn't care if the Republic is led by the Jedi or the Sith, but by the time you reach Malachor V all the Jedi masters have died. Goto must have concluded that with the Jedi destroyed the Republic would need the Sith.

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i think that the republic should fall because the games called kotor(knights of the OLD REPUBLIC) so obvious the republic will fall and theres 2 groups fighting to take over 1 is revan the other the exile u get 2 choose witch 1 u go with and do missions for them and eventually have a big final fight and u win (hurray) then u can ether challenge revan or the exile for the galaxy or just be there second in command wala.

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