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ZELDA: (kicks hobo bob, louis, and romlo in the ass) HA HA


Louis: Damn! We're going to have to use .. it.

Ronlo: Are you sure.

Louis: Yes.

Romlo: *takes out chaos emerald* (good thing we got thing in the sonic the hedgehog universe) CHAOS CONTROL!

*they teleport to zelda and steal the baby back. Then, they go to Kelvin's(Psychochaos's real name) house in Savannah, Georgia to fix the dimension leaper.

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*zelda respawns and follows them to Kelvin's house through chaos control*


ZELDA: Whao... Georgia is different then Indiana weather. Oh well. TIME FOR CRIME!!!

Kelvin: *sees zelda* Uhhh. Hello.

Louis: you misused chaos control and teleported 5 years later zelda.

Romlo: We trained the baby to be the ultimate life form and named it Sigma.

Sigma: Hobo Bob, Where's my Kunai?

Hobo Bob: Right here Sigma. why don't you go out and train while we handle this?

Sigma : O.k

Louis: don't even try kidnapping Sigma. He can kill you and the U.S army single-handedly.

Hobo: We enhanced his genes to give him increased speed and strength. With the Chaos Emeralds he's even more powerful.

Kelvin: Now , Battle. Zelda Vs Hobo Bob, Louis, Romlo, and Psychochaos.

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ZELDA: Oh s***. Oh well, i don't want the child anymore. i want to rule the world!!!!

Sigma: no youi don't! Chaos Spear! *knocks out Zelda.*

Sigma: Now . I'll clean her mind of any dark thoughts. *mind swipes Zelda*

Romlo: Let's get you two back to the soap opera world. Chaos control!

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ZELDA: Wha... where am I? Why do i want to pick flowers and kiss pictures of cute guys? OH GOD! I"M WEARING PINK! WHERE IS MY BLACK SHIRT AND SKIRT?!? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (dies)

Louis: not again. Chaos regeneration!*revives zelda*

Romlo: Hello. Zelda? Here's some dark colored clothes to change into.

Sigma: now let's find mt long-lost mother. What's her name?

Kelvin-psychochaos: Darth_Ave.

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Louis: not again. Chaos regeneration!*revives zelda*

Romlo: Hello. Zelda? Here's some dark colored clothes to change into.

Sigma: now let's find mt long-lost mother. What's her name?

Kelvin-psychochaos: Darth_Ave.


ZELDA: (thinking: OMG I love ghosts! Way too cool and sca-- CRAP! THOUGHTS BEING READ!) BLACK CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! YA---wait a second. why do YOU guys have my clothes?!?

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ZELDA: (thinking: OMG I love ghosts! Way too cool and sca-- CRAP! THOUGHTS BEING READ!) BLACK CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! YA---wait a second. why do YOU guys have my clothes?!?

Louis: It's a long story, but it can be summed up in this slideshow.

Pic#1- We arrive at home finding out you used Chaos Control.

Pic#2- We go back to the Soap Opera dimension.

Pic#3- We find your home.

Pic#4- We return home.

Pic#5- You return after 5 years.

Pic#6- We kick your but.

Pic#7-We mindswipe you

Pic#8- You die.

Pic#9- We teleport to your home get your clothes and revive you.


PS. I know Georgia's haunted. I live in its most haunted city, Savannah, But all ghosts seem to live in the historical district.

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