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Favourite Games

Guest garyah99

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Yeah, what's the deal?!?

EVERYTHING about the ending of that game screamed "We have a GREAT sequel planned for this where all will be resolved" but where is it? My copy is dated 1999, and I can't find any info for even a proposed Freespace 3. What the hell was up with that ending? How much sense did that make?


Sound familiar XWA fans? mad.gif GRRRRRR!!!!


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited May 22, 2001).]

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Actually, it's not [V]'s fault at all. [V] isn't that large or wealthy a company compared to most of them, so they didn't have the funds to market the games. Interplay holds the rights, and published the game, and it's generally agreed that the reason FS2 failed was their bad advertising/marketing. After that, they didn't feel there was any more profit in the series, and refused to let [V] make FS3 - they've said in various interviews that they would very much like to develop it, but they can't do anything without Interplay either agreeing, or selling the rights. THQ have nothing to do with it, they bought [V] long after FS was officially dead.

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no particular order:


F15 - strike eagle II

F29 - retaliator

Civ II


Jedi Knight / MotS




C&C: Red Alert

Monkey Island series


Does anyone here know Deathtrack? That game is absolutely awesome! Too bad I can't play it anymore, even my P200 is too fast. biggrin.gif

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Guest Fondas

Siths are on the dark side, so I'll bend Gary's rule , a little smile.gif



  • Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis
  • Sanitarium
  • Rex Nebular
  • Conquest for the Longbow



  • Fallout 1 & 2
  • Baldur's Gate 1 & 2


Space Sims

  • X-Wing Series


Flight Sims

  • Falcon 4.0
  • EF2000




  • Starcraft
  • Commandos:Behind the enemy lines
  • Age of Kings


Football Sim

  • Championship Manager


Race Sim

  • F1 Grand Prix 2





"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Expert Rookie

~Best Games of All Time~


1. Age of Empires 2

2. Rogue Squadron

3. Age of Empires Expansion: Rise of Rome

4. MS Flight Simulator 98

5. MS Combat Flight Simulator 1

6.Army Men: World War

7.Army Men II

8.SIM City 3000: Unlimited

9.Roller Coaster Tycoon

10. X-wing Alliance

11. Midtown Madness 2

12. Midtown Madness 1


~Games I'll Like for Sure When They Come Out~


1. Star Wars:Battlegroud (Looks EXACTLY like the Star Wars version of Age of Empires 2.


2. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002


3. Microsoft Train Simulator


4. Star Wars: Starfighter (That is, when it comes out for PC like some of the rumors I'm hearing)


5. Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader (If it comes out for PC)


6. Combat Flight Simulator 3: Korean War Series



~Worst Games I've Ever Played~


1. Army Men: Air Tactics (PC)

2. Sim Tower

3. Flight Simulator 2000

4. Battle for Naboo (PC Gamer agrees with me on that one)



"It's not wise to upset a rookie." Expert Rookie's X-wing Alliance Heaven


[This message has been edited by Expert Rookie (edited May 23, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Expert Rookie (edited May 23, 2001).]

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Guest garyah99

My list of games to get is growing steadily (as are my wife's dirty looks wink.gif). Is the expansion pack for Elite Force really that good? I've been thinking about getting it. Also, thanks for the info about Volition and Freespace 3 (or lack thereof). I recently E-Mailed Interplay and asked if there was going to be one and got the usual babble. Too bad. frown.gif

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Guest Redwing

In no particular order---


1. XWA

2. Rogue Squadron

3. The Phantom Menace

4. TIE Fighter

5. Podracer

6. X-Wing


And I don't HAVE any others! (yet)


XWA is a fantastic game because of its high editability. It may be hard to edit, but you can do so much...

Rogue Squadron is just plain fun. Racer is exciting and has great music. TPM and TIE fighter are also fun to play. X-Wing is pretty outdated, but still a good game.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Originally posted by Stealth:

Duke Nukem 3d


Yeah I forgot to mention that great game in my list wink.gif


Anyways I wanted to know, When the hell is Duke Nukem ForNever coming out??! I've been waiting that game since Forever!






Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.

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ER, Army Men?!!?! Why? ICK!!! I was a novel idea when it first came out, but then 3DO had to beat it to death by coming out with a new AM game every month! There's only so much the video game industry can take. REHASH!!!


Porsche Unleashed kicks ASS!!! God, there ain't nothing like taking a 911 Turbo and souping it up and making your opponents eat rubber.


Can't wait for THPS3, DOA3 and that new PS2 WWF game. BRING IT ON!!!



Love people. Use things. Not vice versa.

XWA's Resident Finance Manager

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Guest Fondas

Originally posted by Psycho Tycho:

The games I like are Half-Life: Counterstrike and Tribes 2.


I like playing games with guns. biggrin.gif


I'm sure you do, buddy ! wink.gif

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Originally posted by Poor Bastard:

Also, who else thought black & white got ****ing boring after 5 minutes?


Definately. I played through the first 2 levels, then just left it on the shelf (or on the floor, in reality smile.gif )


It was a good concept, and the people at Lionhead must have put an huge amount of work into it, but they got so caught up in making something really complex and innovative that they forgot the cardinal rule of games: make them fun.


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Guest Fondas

From what I've read throughout the Web, Black & White it's a game you either adore or loathe... maybe they should have named it Black or White ! wink.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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