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Lucasarts Soundtrack Downloads

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...I heard that lucasarts.com had them. Any help?


lolz....the why dont you go there !!!



You probably should be a bit more speicfic about what you are looking for. It really depends which game you're after. Most games since Rebel Assault have featured remixes of the soundtrack music from the films. The earlier games, XW, Tie Fighter etc, had midi soundtracks which you could find on your game CD/Install directory.


Shadows of the Empire had its own special soundtrack and can still be tracked down at places like Amazon.


There is a Best of Lucasarts Soundtrack but that doesnt feature SW games music on it.



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forget the soundtracks to the SW games. *nods*

Go for the happy LA soundtracks. The REAL classics ;)




But honestly, the vast majority of sound files you'll find on SW games will be from the movie soundtracks. So if you know which songs you're looking for you can either download them off of itunes or something individually, or do like me and just go out and buy all the soundtracks for all the films. :)

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