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[FanFic]Shortie Fics!

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Alright guys, (Hall's going to kill me for this) I have another shortie fic! Yaaaay! :xp:


I did work on PoD whenever I didn't feel like writting this, it's short, and it didn't take me a whole long time to write, so I didn't waste too much of my 'very valuable time'. Heh, right. I'm almost done with the next Plight of Darkness chapter, so don't worry. It will be up. Slight problem...I'll be going away for the weekend. And I don't have a laptop. :D Oops. Don't worry, Hall, just building up the anticipation of the next chapter :xp:


Anyway, this is based on one of Tysyacha's RPGs, The Price of Power. The characters are mine and hers, and this is just something I thought up while daydreaming during one of the long, boring speaches of my weird Bio teacher. Enjoy.


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The skies darkened overhead as the pair walked along the now deserted Nar Shadaa street. It was strange, Tysy thought, that any street on Nar Shadaa could be left empty for even a moment, though she suspected that the Net’s report of a severe storm warning had frightened most off to seek shelter from the potential downpour. She hardly ever cared what the Net predicted for the weather, but it wasn’t as if she and Senyo had had a choice. The information they were seeking was too valuable to just let sit around for a day or two while they hid from the weather. Besides, as a Padawan, she knew that there were far more dangerous things to worry about than getting a bit wet.


As he followed along side Tysy, Senyo’s eyes were glued to the ground as he stared at it with a dim look in his eyes. Far too many things were going through his mind to think about the weather, or even for conversation with the woman. And so he respected the comfortable silence as they walked, feeling the moisture in the air gather and thicken even as he did so.


What is my problem? he thought to himself. Moments ago, he and Tysy had been engaged in a scrap with one of the numerous gangs that ruled the streets in the area. While he fended off one of them, Tysy was surrounded by several gang members, each holding some form of weapon: anything from brass knuckles, to sections of piping, even broken bottles. She had called out his name, and when he had seen her in trouble…something…happened. He still, even now, wasn’t sure what. It must have been a rush of adrenaline or something. What else could account for the surface of that energy? Whatever it was, it allowed him to bring down two of the thugs with only one swipe of his vibrosword each. He was never able to do that before. But…the revelation that she was in very real danger…




He looked up to see her several steps ahead of him. Unnoticed by him, he had stopped walking. She didn’t say anything more, and neither did he. Rather, he began walking again, catching up to her, and continuing on.


Is he alright? the young Padawan wondered to herself as she looked at the ‘Parts Pirate’. He hasn’t said a thing since that fight…


The small battle replayed in her mind as her gaze continued to linger on the man. His hair had fallen in his eyes, casting a shadow and making it hard to discern the emotion reflected in them. The crystal-clear blue shown slightly out from the dark as he stared with little emotion at the ground. From Tysy’s perspective, he seemed to be walking simply as a preprogrammed task, like a secretary droid as it methodically sorted hundreds of files. He wasn’t really concentrating on what he was doing or where he was going. His mind was elsewhere.


She looked away from him as she felt the first raindrop land wetly on the top of her head. She glanced up at the sky, and it was far darker than it had been moments ago. Maybe they were right after all…


“Hey, Tysy…”


She turned to the Scoundrel, slightly surprised. He went on without waiting for a response.


“Can I talk to you for a minute?”


She stopped moving, and studied him. “Yes, of course. What is it?”


He moved closer to her. Perhaps closer than she should allow…but she didn’t step back. Even as the color rose slightly in her cheeks, she looked into his eyes, which stared right back at her.


“I’ve been thinking…for a while now…” he said, his gaze falling away from hers momentarily, “Ever since I met you, back at the Enclave on Dantooine…I’ve known there was something strange about you. You’re no ordinary woman…that much was evident even as I looked on you for the first time. Though now…even though I’ve only known you for a short time…You…You seem to have…I don’t know…” he stumbled for a moment as the words caught up in his throat. As the rain began to fall harder, she could tell by the look on his face that this wasn’t coming out quite as he had planned. “Something about you…just…I feel drawn to you. More so than anyone I’ve ever met before. All my life I’ve always felt like a misfit…like I’m always one step behind everyone else. When I’m with you…It’s like I belong.”


He stepped even closer so that now their bodies were nearly touching, his eyes never leaving hers. Even though the chilling rain poured down, drenching them both from head to foot, Tysy still felt her body heat rise as the gap between them narrowed. Her face pinked even more, and her breathing patterns changed. What exactly is he doing?


“I find myself thinking about you…and the reason why I feel pulled to you. It’s like…I can’t help myself. I’m not used to the feeling, and I didn’t like it. I saw it as a weakness; a hole in my defenses. But now…I…I think I know what it is. After that fight back there…” he brought his hand up and lightly touched her cheek. He could feel her trembling beneath his fingers. “I saw that the possibility of you getting hurt was very, very real. And it was that that forced me to realize what I was feeling for you…”


The touch on her cheek became firmer as his head bent towards hers, and their noses touched lightly. “I was afraid, Tysy…afraid I would loose you before…”


“Senyo?” his name slipped through her parted lips, her half-closed eyes watching his intently. She thought that, perhaps, he would realize what he was doing…that she was a Jedi, and Jedi could not have attachments…but as the rain fell, his free hand grabbed her shoulder roughly, and he pulled her to him, their lips meeting along the way.


He kissed her fiercely, the experience for him long forgotten, and completely new to her. His hand left her shoulder and instead locked around her waist, the other holding her face to his as her fingers snared up in his shirt. Water poured from the sky, dripping through their clothing and along their skin, plastering their hair to the tops of their heads, but neither cared.


Finally, the exertion, leaving them breathless, forced to come up for air. The two pulled apart slightly, so that their noses still touched. Senyo rested his forehead against hers, his eyes closed. “I love you, Tysy…I truly do…”


In response, she pressed her lips lightly against his for a moment before pulling away again. “And I love you.”


- - - - -


Several yards away from the embracing couple, in an obscure alley, Jedi Master Bastila Shan watched the two, a grin of true happiness on her face. She could remember when Revan and herself had been that way…like a couple of teenagers testing the waters before jumping in head first. Good for them, she thought, before her mood darkened slightly. If only they knew what was to come…

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well...I'm bored, so here's a fantasy Shortie-Fic :p




- - - - -




The Forbidden Forest was nearing, but Kira didn’t care. The image of her burning village was imprinted on her mind, and flashed behind her eyes every time she blinked. What was worse was that…that…thing she had seen. That demon. The sight of it, rising from the flames of her village, smoke entwining its arms and legs, its clothing flaying about it as if it were bits of ash…and…those eyes that glittered with pure energy, literally glowing white with the power of the creature.


She had to put as much distance between the creature from hell and herself as possible. Even if it meant getting lost in the Forest.


She stumbled through the darkness, a small glow on the horizon, marking the spot where her family and childhood home was burning to ashes. She tore her eyes from the dot, trying to force the tears out of her eyes. Half-blinded by the same tears, she crashed into the first trees of the forest, branches whipping her skin and tearing at her clothing.


Kira! Run! her brother had yelled to her, even as he brandished a burning stick at the advancing demon. Get out of the village! Warn the mayor at Drek about this thing! Escape while you still can!


She blinked hard, tears cascading down her cheeks. Why hadn’t he run? He could have escaped too! He could have still been with her! Mama and Papa too! They didn’t have to stay and try to scare off the thing!


The feeling of hard wood against her shin brought her to her senses as she tripped, sprawling hard on the ground. She looked down to see the leg of her pants torn, a trickle of blood wetting the rough fabric. Tired and depressed, Kira lay there, pulling her knees against her chest, wrapping her arms around them, and wept.


The blood of thousands has spattered.


No…I don’t want to listen…


The time of crisis has passed…


Stop, please!


Of all of the devils…




You are the last.


Kira clasped her hands over her ears. She didn’t want to listen to that ethereal voice whispering nightmares to her anymore. More would come, she knew. It always did. The same message, each month.




The girl’s head shot up as a twig snapped. Her breath quickened. There…there was something out there.


Despite the shock of pain from her leg, the girl stood and began running again. Only now did she realize the stupidity of running into the Forest. There were things that were in here that could swallow her whole and not bat an eyelash. Things…that weren’t meant for this earth. Perhaps that was where the devil had come from? Perhaps the gods allowed it to find its way from this forsaken forest to attack the heathens of her village?


A growl from a nearby bush caused her to scream and jump away, running harder than ever, the only thought on her mind was survival. Then came the heavy footfalls. The thing was almost right behind her. She saw a shadow move…and tripped for the second time that night. Cowering in the dirt, she flipped onto her back to see…a great, hulking beast come stalking out of the underbrush. The sight of it paralyzed Kira where she lay. She couldn’t move a muscle. The…beast…was a giant, black wolf, easily twice the size of a horse. Its deadly white teeth glistened in a patch of moonlight, sticky saliva slipping down its fangs. She scrambled on the ground, trying to get away from it…until her hands found roots and a trunk. She had cornered herself against a tree!


Shivering with fear, she pressed her back against the rough bark, her eyes frozen on the cold, steel-grey eyes of the thing. With a growl that shook the ground, it leapt into the air. Kira screamed at the top of her lungs, throwing an arm up over her face, as if it would stop the razor-sharp claws and teeth from tearing into her…but the sensation never came. Through quivering fingers, the girl peeked out to see the wolf-monster above her…but it wasn’t moving. She let her arm fall to see that time seemed to stop with the creature on three paws, one in the air as if beginning to spring…but it didn’t move. There was a breath of wind, and it fell over with a great crash to reveal an arrow protruding from the back of its neck…and the archer.


In the shadows behind where the beast had stood was now a man, dressed in black robes, a hood pulled far over his head, masking his features. In one hand was a bow, both arms still up as if he were holding an arrow against a taught bowstring.


Her breathing was still fast, and only quickened as the man stepped nearer to her.


“Are you alright?” he asked her. By the sound of his voice, he couldn’t have been much older than twenty. Five years older than she was.


“I…I think so.” she murmured. He extended a hand and she sheepishly took it as he helped her up. She looked up into his hood to thank him…and almost fell back down again. A small yelp escaped her lips and she pressed herself against the tree again. His eyes…his eyes weren’t normal…They were slitted like a cat’s and a bright amber.


“What’s amatter, girl?” he asked, coming closer, a sneer flitting across his lips, “Don’t you like my eyes?”


She tried to back further against the tree, but to no avail. She was trapped with this…man in front of her. He…he was human, wasn’t he?


The sneer on his lips faded to be replaced with a warm smile. “Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear from me.” he turned his back on her, strolling a few feet away, “By the way, may I ask you what your name is?”


“I…I’m Kira. Kira Irask.” she said uncertainly.


“Kira, eh?” the strange man said, turning back towards her, “I am Terrick. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kira Irask.”


The warmth of his voice lulled Kira’s apprehension. He couldn’t do her much harm, could he? Well, he had just taken down a monster wolf with a single arrow, but…


She came away from the tree, approaching him. “Terrick…” she said, trying the strange name. After a moment, she asked, “Exactly who are you?”


He turned his hooded head, as if unsure of what she meant. He decided to ignore her question. “Tell me, Kira, are you lost?”


“Er…yeah, I am.” she said, slightly deterred by the avoidance of her question.


He smiled. “Very well then. Come, I’ll show you the way out.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, I'm glad you all liked them.


Now, I have another shortie-fic for you, one I came up with after begining yet another game of KotOR II. Yes, it takes place in TSL with my Exile, Kira Starr. So, hope you all enjoy!

Hall or RC, if you tell me to get working on PoD, I'll just procrastinate and postpone the next chapter longer! :xp:


*Reader Warning: Just thought I should mention that this particular mini-fic has a bit of mature ideas, if you know what I mean...[PG-13]



- - - - -




The Scoundrel pilot dozing next to her, Kira Starr looked out at the swirling blue of hyperspace out the view screen of the Ebon Hawk. From her seat in the co-pilot’s chair, she crossed her legs and leaned back, her eyes falling on Atton. His face was peaceful as he slept in his usual spot: the pilot’s seat. His head shifted slightly, and he smiled in his sleep, causing something to leap in the Exile’s chest. Feeling the color rise in her face, she quickly tore her eyes from him, staring back out into space.


How had it happened? It was a question she asked herself many times before, and probably many times after. How had she allowed him to get to her so? She went over the time spent between now and Peragus, but no scene or time stood out to her. It was as if feelings for him had just always been there, ever since she had first seen him through the security feed on the deserted mining colony, but had never shown themselves until much later. If she could only find when it had happened, what he had done that caused her to fall for him so easily, she could defend against it. Even being a Jedi, she had fallen in love once before, and the memories were bitter with heart break. Ever since then, she had tried to guard her heart, never letting anyone get close enough to her for something like that to happen again. And yet, the ease with which he had broken through to her frightened her.


She did remember the first time the feelings had surfaced, however. It was one night, on Citadel Station…



”We’ll talk again, then, Beautiful.” Luxa had said, and Kira had just barely resisted the urge to punch the woman. Instead, she forced a smile, and left, Kreia and Atton trailing behind.


“How I hate that woman!” the Exile nearly screamed as the cantina doors slid shut behind them. “She’s just so…urgh!!”


“I don’t see what your problem is with her…” Atton said, his eyes glazed over, “She seemed nice enough to me.”


“Atton, she had less clothing on than even the dancers!”


“And that’s wrong because…?”


She had known exactly what he was thinking, and it made her cheeks burn pink. She was only just keeping her frustration in check. “Atton Rand, you’re a pig!”



But then, later on that night, had she not the intention to fulfill those thoughts, with herself in Luxa’s stead? Kira brushed a blonde bang from her eyes, resting her head in a hand as her eyes once again fell on the Scoundrel.



She remembered seeing her reflection in the permi-glass of the apartment’s window, her face flushed from juma. She figured she had already had too much, seeing how her mind began to work a bit slower than it should have, but she took another sip from the glass in her hand anyway. The room was empty, except for them, Kriea having disappeared earlier that night with no word as to where. The shuttle to fairy them down to Telos’ surface wouldn’t arrive until the next morning, giving them a night of rest before having to press on again. Her arm had curled itself around his as she leaned against him, not caring what her actions would imply. He seemed not to mind, at any rate.


She remembered the inside of her shin brushing against the inside of his, as they stood there, gazing out. His voice had sounded so sweet to her ears, hypnotizingly so, his touch soft and caring…that combined with the effects of the juma seemed to be a fast-acting poison in her veins, and she quickly succumbed to him, melting in his arms. She knew what he was thinking as he pulled the band from her ponytail, running his fingers through her shoulder-length hair, and she would have been happy to oblige to his desires, had the wall monitor not begun to beep rapidly.


Startling her from her near trance-like state, she pulled away from him and rushed to the console. It was the Ithorians. They were apparently being attacked, and pleaded for help. She had forced away the effects of the juma, clearing her mind, and began to pull on her armor, and that had been the end of that.


Her eyes had a glazed look when she came back to the present, her black-gloved finger drawing an imaginary circle on the dash several times over. He was a different type of man, that was for sure. She just wasn’t sure why he was so different…


At that moment, the ship dropped from hyperspace with a jolt, startling the Scoundrel awake. He blinked a few times before sitting up and running a hand through his hair. As he set to work bringing the ship back off auto-pilot, he saw the Exile watching him out of the corner of his eye.


“See anything you like?” he asked, the cocky tone in his voice never absent.


She smiled, “Nothing I haven’t seen before, Flyboy.”


No matter what she told herself, he was Atton Rand, ace pilot and the galaxy’s biggest pimp, and, damn it, she loved him.





Pic courtesy of Aimo Studios

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Nice work though I am not sure that they had "fairies" that flew them to the surface. :lol:

As always it was good. I can see what you mean with the thoughts being a little erotic. It thought they were Ithorians and Bao-dur was the Iridonian. I can see how easy it is to mix them up.

I like your shortie fics FWWM12 as they are a diversion to the long fan fics. SHort stories are always fun to read.

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Actually, you thought right. The Ithorians are the right guys, and Bao-Dur is the Iridorian. Fixed :D


And they're fun to write, as well. Gives me a break from writting PoD as well as the other fics I have that are currently works-in-progress. It's also a way for me to clear my head of useless scenes that I can't use :xp:

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Hall or RC, if you tell me to get working on PoD, I'll just procrastinate and postpone the next chapter longer!


I'm getting a lot of use out of that pic aren't I?

Keep up the good work, but it would be nice to see you work on something else that's well-known around here....

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  • 4 weeks later...

The setting sun splashed the sky of Manaan with blotches of all manners of reds and pinks and purples, turning the lapping waves of the sea to liquid gold and throwing the shadows of Ahto City and its inhabitants into sharp relief. The whole scene looked perfectly picturesque to Eric Jask as he stood at the sea wall, his hands pressed against the cool metal.


He had always loved to come out to a deserted courtyard on the city’s edge and just listen to the peace and marvel at the extravagance of the sea while he thought, the rhythmic ebbing of the waves lulling him into an almost trance-like state.


To see how much things have changed. he thought, moving to lean on his elbows. He had once began this mission as a lowly Republic soldier aboard the Endar Spire, under the command of the lovely Bastila Shan. Now look at him. A Jedi Padawan on a mission to save the galaxy and putting an end to the war. He shook his head. What a life.


“Of all the most frustrating challenges.”


Eric looked over his shoulder at the woman who was busy pacing behind him. Okay, so he wasn’t totally alone.


“Why do I feel that the Star Map is right beneath our noses?” she asked, pushing a bang behind her ear.


“What if it was?” Eric asked, turning back to stare out across the ocean.


“That’s completely absurd, and you know it.”


“I meant the ocean.” he said, a slight smile coming over his features, “The vision made it seem as if it were somewhere beneath the seas.”


“But why would someone build a Map on the seafloor? It makes no sense! And furthermore, how would Revan and Malak found it?”


“I wouldn’t underestimate their resourcefulness,” he said, “Especially considering who they are. Or were, at least. Besides, if this Map is as old as the one we found on Dantooine, we have no way of knowing whether or not the surface of Manaan was always covered by the sea. There is a chance that the site the Star Map is built on used to be dry land, but was swallowed by the sea millennia ago.”


“Ah, the all-consuming power of the sea.” Bastila said, ceasing her pacing and coming to stand next to him, resting her elbows on the sea wall. “I guess you could be right. Though locating it and reaching it could be potentially problematic.”


“Very true.” he said, his eyes following the sun as it continued to slowly sink into the horizon. His gaze flicked from the blazing path the dying sunrays cut through the water to the woman standing beside him, and there it stayed. Her eyes seem to be the very embodiment of the Light, her light brown hair fluttering in the wind. He couldn’t look away as he began to feel emotions that were forbidden to the Jedi…though he didn’t care. He suddenly had the impulse to reach out and touch the smooth, slightly-tanned skin of her face, but she felt his eyes on her and turned to him.


“What is it?” she asked, chuckling lightly.


“Nothing…It’s just…It’s strange to see you in the sunset. Just…never noticed the way you look…”


She looked away from him again, her face growing serious. “You’ll be a great Jedi one day. I know you will.” she said, her voice hardly above a whisper. She looked down at her hands as they twisted and knotted each other, “I…I need to confess something, Eric.”


He shifted so that he was facing her fully, resting on just his one elbow, though she stayed facing out to sea.


“It’s strange, really…” she began, uncertainly, “In some ways…you make me feel weak, like I’m caught up in the wake of our destiny. And yet…you also make me feel stronger; more alive!”


He felt the impulse to touch her again, and this time didn’t resist it. He reached out and brushed his hand across her cheekbone. “Bastila…” he murmured, but she didn’t turn to look at him. She instead took his hand in hers, and lightly pushed it away.


“Though now I see that these feelings, these ideas, they’re simply part of the bond we share. The Council surely knew this would happen, and…” she paused a moment, her mouth still open, as if choking on the words she was trying to form, “and, by overcoming my…feelings…for you, I have learned a very important lesson about controlling emotions.”


“So…what? I was just a stepping stone for you?” he asked, averting his eyes so she wouldn’t see the hurt shinning in them.


“I…I’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted to hear, but…I thought that you deserved to know…”


The hurt began to boil, and rise. “No. No, I won’t believe it. You have feelings for me, Bastila, I know you do. You’re just afraid of the truth, that’s all.”


You’re the one who can’t face the truth, Eric. How am I supposed to focus on defeating Malak and destroying the Sith if I allow my feelings for you to blind me?”


“I’m going to defeat Malak, Bastila. Nothing will get in my way of accomplishing that. Nothing.” he said, finally calming, “But I want you…need you at my side.” he took her hand in his. “Please.”


She looked at him, and he could see the conflict waging inside her clearly as she fought to decide on what to do. “You…You really mean it, don’t you? Perhaps…maybe…” the battle of doctrine and feeling finally subdued and she tore her hand from his and backed away. Doctrine had won. “No. I can’t. I have to be strong. For the both of us.” she said, more to herself than to him.


“You know I’m right.” he said, advancing on her.


“I can’t…Malak would…”


His hands rested on her shoulders, holding her close to him. “Trust me.” his voice was a mere whisper as his lips closed in on hers. But as he drew closer, he felt her hand on his chest, gently but sternly pushing him away. She looked up into his eyes as she broke contact between them.


“Eric, we can’t. We’re Jedi.”


“Screw the Jedi! Screw the Code! I love you, and it’s not like I can just stop loving you like that!” he said, snapping his fingers for emphasis.


“I know what I’m asking sounds impossible, but you have to. If I could, I would leave the Ebon Hawk and its crew behind. Stay here, go to Dantooine, anywhere that’s far enough away from you. I have to destroy this bond, to weaken it, but I can’t. This mission is too important. I have to stay, and so we just have to forget about our feelings and each other.”


“This is all just a joke for you, isn’t it?” Eric asked heatedly, his voice rising slightly, “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to even listen to you right now?”


“Hard for you?” she asked, loosing the fight to keep her voice level, “What about me? I’m the one who has to reject all your clumsy advances. We’re Jedi, Eric Jask, and you have to accept the fact that nothing can every happen between us. It is forbidden!


He turned away from her, digging his hands in the pockets of the robe and trying to control his emotions and failing miserably. “It is forbidden.” he mimicked, “How can you even say that?”


“Because it’s true. And you know it.”


He wheeled around, ready to make a biting remark, but she had already turned her back on him and began to walk away. Rather than call after her and prolong the argument, he turned away from her receding form with a growl, staring icily at the durasteel ground.


What does she know? he asked himself, his temper boiling. Who cares about the damned Jedi or their stupid code? She can’t possibly believe that love was something of the Dark Side?


Why should he follow the Code anyway? It wasn’t as if he owed them much, and what he did he already repaid by the information on the Star Maps he’d already found. It wasn’t fair that they’d restrict him from such things! But the more he thought about it, the same question came to mind.


What authority do they truly have over me?


The answer was: none. They couldn’t really control him. He still had free will. They only had power over him as long as he decided to follow what they told him to do. Well, no more. He wouldn’t listen to the foolish poison of the Council, he wouldn’t follow their instructions or put up with their scoldings. No. No more!


His hand went to a pack on his belt, and pulled out a coin imprinted with the Jedi crest. This was a symbol given to him the day he had become a Padawan to signify his accomplishment. It was also just another sign of his enslavement to them. With a yell, Eric cast it over the sea wall, using the Force to push it so far out to sea it nearly disappeared from vision as it spun into the now black sky, making a silent splash into the equally dark water.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Songfic! Yay! :xp:


If you want, you can hear the song here:


(Ignore the vid if you want. I'm not sure if Evanescence made a music video for this song or not :xp: )


Anyway, try to figure out who's perspective this is from? (Hint Hint: Think KotOR I)


Enjoy :D




Please, please forgive me,


I’m not strong enough…I can’t hold out…


But I won't be home again.


The lightning struck her again.

I will die here.


Maybe someday you'll look up,

And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:

"Isn't something missing?"


“He doesn’t care for you. He never has.”

He’s right. You never loved me.

“It was little more than a ploy, can you not see?”

I was a fool not to have seen it…

“The Jedi are using you as a puppet, and guess who’s the puppeteer?”

You’ve been using me…you never loved me…


You won't cry for my absence, I know -

You forgot me long ago.


It’s been so long…you haven’t come…


Am I that unimportant...?

Am I so insignificant...?


Could I have possibly meant so little to you?

You were my life…and yet you could cast me away as easily as a stone…


Isn't something missing?

Isn't someone missing me?


I’ve been here for so many days…

I wonder, do you even notice I’m gone?

Are you even looking for me?


Even though I'm the sacrifice,

You won't try for me, not now.


I’m too far gone…too far out of reach…

You won’t even try…you’ll leave me here…

To die for you.


Though I'd die to know you love me,

I'm all alone.

Isn't someone missing me?


I laid down my life for you.

I took your place.

I did it all so you can live.

I did it all because I couldn’t stand to see you hurt…

I couldn’t live without you…I just wanted to hear three words…those three, damnable words…

And look now, how you’ve repaid me…

I’ve called your name…I’ve begged you to come…

I’ve begged you to help me…to save me…

And you haven’t come.


Please, please forgive me,

But I won't be home again.

I know what you do to yourself,

I breathe deep and cry out,

"Isn't something missing?

Isn't someone missing me?"


I’m sorry that I was so weak…weak enough to give into a pointless emotion…

I won’t be returning to you…now that you’ve abandoned me…

The room sparked again, and energy surged through her body, causing her to scream, and wither in pain.

Do you even notice I’m gone??


And if I bleed, I'll bleed,

Knowing you don't care.


Do you care that I’m here?

Can you feel my pain?


And if I sleep just to dream of you

I'll wake without you there,

Isn't something missing?

Isn't something...



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