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[REL] Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection

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  Kelathinadun said:
Stoffe I tried the updated tslpatcher.exe in tsl-kreiasrobes version 1.0 rar and it didn't do anything, same problem as before.


In the RAR? You'll need to unpack all the files to a folder on your harddrive before you install and not run it from the archive. Unpack the mod into a folder, drop the fixed installer into that folder (the folder that contains the tslpatchdata folder) and run TSLPatcher.exe to install the mod.


If it still doesn't work I have absolutely no idea what could be wrong, since with that bug fix the "invalid filename" error disappeared and the mod installed without errors when I tested it on my old computer running Windows 98.


@ChAiNz.2da: Sorry about derailing your mod release thread with problems caused by my buggy hack of an Installer which probably never should have been released in its current state. I'll yank it for now to prevent other modmakers from ending up in the same situation. :(

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Well, whatever I did between then and now seems to have cratered my override folder, so it'll be awhile before I try this fix. The game loads, but my companions are missing, and any time I hit a transition, the computer has to be rebooted. I even got a white screen telling me to reload windows once! Even regressing to a formerly known good appearance.2da only gets me partway back. So it looks like I reload and do the one mod at a time drill until I get back where I was.

Of course, I've learned several things between before and now, so it should be a much cleaner place this time. I'll post results when I get reloaded, for good or for ill. Damn, I hate to go thrugh Peragus again!

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  stoffe -mkb- said:
@ChAiNz.2da: Sorry about derailing your mod release thread with problems caused by my buggy hack of an Installer which probably never should have been released in its current state. I'll yank it for now to prevent other modmakers from ending up in the same situation. :(

stoffe if I might say something about this...


Your TSL Patcher program isn't a "buggy hack" it is quite good, you cannot possibly forsee every single issue the patcher might have for every possible OS and configuration. ;)

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Stoffe, You appear to have created a program on your own that provides more reliable output than a good many *cough*sierra*cough* major software companies can manage with large staffs. Don't beat yourself up because a few people are having problems. Hey, we're Microsoft users, we're used to it! :) If your feeling bad has anything to do with my problems, you're making a mistake. The Kriea mod wasn't the only thing I was messing with, and may not even have been what cratered my folder. I won't even know until I finish rebuilding everything with a bit more care than I afforded the last install. Hey, this time I'm even keeping notes so I at least know WHAT mods are wandering around in there unattended.


Again, I'm quite satisfied with your work, so don't sweat any probs I might post.


Ron, the shiny jedi.

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Your TSL Patcher program isn't a "buggy hack" it is quite good, you cannot possibly forsee every single issue the patcher might have for every possible OS and configuration. ;)


You appear to have created a program on your own that provides more reliable output than a good many major software companies can manage with large staffs. Don't beat yourself up because a few people are having problems.


Thanks. That probably sounded a bit more moody than I intended, but that can happen when you are tired from having stayed up all night trying to fix that problem quickly and then hearing that it was all in vain since it doesn't seem to work anyway. :)


Nevertheless, until someone can confirm that the fixed installer application I posted above does work properly now on a Win98 install other than my own it's probably best to keep the TSLPatcher "unreleased". It's supposed to make mod-installing easier, not introduce tons of new problems modmakers have no control over.


On topic: I tested the Mod briefly yesterday and things seemed to work fine. Looking good with some more variety for Kreias wardrobe. Nice work. :)

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  stoffe -mkb- said:
@ChAiNz.2da: Sorry about derailing your mod release thread with problems caused by my buggy hack of an Installer which probably never should have been released in its current state. I'll yank it for now to prevent other modmakers from ending up in the same situation. :(

You have nothing to apologize for in my book.. and I don't consider this de-railing by any means.. it's what these threads are for :D


The only thing I can't get is that it works for some and not for others... so the installer obviously works.. it worked 5 different times on my machine and I'm using a downloaded copy for testing purposes :giveup:


  sotffe -mkb- said:
@ChAiNz.2da: It seems like the version of the script compiler you use pulls the nwscript.nss from the game data and ignores the one in the tslpatchdata folder. I tried to test a fake install on a computer without TSL installed and the compiler printed some error message.
Yah, I was afraid of that :fist: This could possibly cause a problem with foreign game versions you had stated earlier.. so I'll dig up a version of nwsscomp.exe that does look for the nwscript.nss (or is there a particular flag value I can assign in the changes.ini?)...




@everyone else having problems, sorry all but trust me the "temp fix" for this is going to be just as hard if not harder to do.. but I can do it. Here's the catch though... If you don't know how to compile a script, you're going to have alot of problems.


What it will require would be a mod install (I'll make a non-compile version).. then having to open up your appearance.2da, record the line numbers the Kreia entries are listed as, then go into a source script and enter those values, save, compile and drop..


This is by no means a "simple" task.. so I'm going to outright ask all of you if this is something you're interested in? I'll go ahead and say that I do not have the time personally to compile a script for everyone simply because each case is going to unique depending if you have other mods installed using an appearance.2da.. let me know, just be warned that the "fix" isn't an easy one, and I won't be able to do it for each and everyone that has this problem.


The Patcher works wonders in that it automatically does all of this for you.. that's why were trying to get this figured out ;) Let me know and I can post that "version".. but again, if you're not comfortable with some script modding, this fix isn't going to be for you...


However, if you do not have mods that use an appearance.2da.. this fix will be a breeze :)

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  ChAiNz.2da said:

The only thing I can't get is that it works for some and not for others... so the installer obviously works.. it worked 5 different times on my machine and I'm using a downloaded copy for testing purposes :giveup:


As far as I have been able to determine it has to do with a particular function (used to set the working folder for the script compiler) having different tolerance for errors in the folder path on Windows98 than it has on WindowsXP. I goofed up when building the folder path that would be set, it would end up looking something like:


...instead of...



In Windows XP the function apparently ignored the initial quotation mark without error, while in Windows 98 it threw an exception with the mentioned error message. After correcting this mistake I was able to install the mod on my old Win98 machine.


Thus that error will never occur if you have Windows XP on your computer. Which is what I use on my machine, so I didn't discover the bug. Guess this is why the program will not be fully reliable unless others help me test it, just a shame the testing had to be the release version of your mod.


If I can get confirmation from someone else using Win98 that it works correctly now you'll probably have to re-upload a version of the mod using the fixed installer instead. Sorry about that.


  ChAiNz.2da said:

Yah, I was afraid of that :fist: This could possibly cause a problem with foreign game versions you had stated earlier.. so I'll dig up a version of nwsscomp.exe that does look for the nwscript.nss (or is there a particular flag value I can assign in the changes.ini?)...


I prefer using nwnnsscomp.exe v1.0.1, which came with some earlier versions of KotorTool. It checks for nwscript.nss in the same folder as the EXE instead of digging it out from the game data using a "-g" flag. Thus I didn't think of how more recent versions work when I wrote that part of the Patcher.

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  stoffe -mkb- said:
I prefer using nwnnsscomp.exe v1.0.1, which came with some earlier versions of KotorTool. It checks for nwscript.nss in the same folder as the EXE instead of digging it out from the game data using a "-g" flag. Thus I didn't think of how more recent versions work when I wrote that part of the Patcher.
Ahh.. that may explain something.. because I put in the "-g 2" flag in the installer's "Script compiler flags" value.. I wonder if just removing that from the changes.ini would do the trick?


EDIT: Nope.. DON'T DO THAT! hehehe.. ouch. Compiles, but the Kreia switch function buggered.

  stoffe -mkb- said:
just a shame the testing had to be the release version of your mod.


If I can get confirmation from someone else using Win98 that it works correctly now you'll probably have to re-upload a version of the mod using the fixed installer instead. Sorry about that.

Again, you do not need to apologize.. there's no way of knowing something like this till it happens.. and I'm just as guilty because I tested this thing several times to make sure it worked ;) I'm glad it happened now rather than later down the road when it might have been even harder to troubleshoot .. hehehe


EDIT: this is my latest install log after setting to Level 4 feedback and removing the script compiler flags values...

• Installation started 3/18/2006 7:56:31 AM...

• Loading StrRef token table...

• Install path set to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\.

• Modifying file "globalcat.2da" found in Override folder...

• Adding new row (index 1012) to 2DA file globalcat.2da...

• Saving unaltered backup copy of globalcat.2da in C:\Documents and Settings\ChAiNz\Desktop\Kreias Assorted Robes\backup\globalcat.2da

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\globalcat.2da.

• Modifying file "appearance.2da" found in Override folder...

• Adding new row (index 701) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY1 token! Storing value "701" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 702) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY2 token! Storing value "702" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 703) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY3 token! Storing value "703" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 704) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY4 token! Storing value "704" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 705) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY5 token! Storing value "705" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 706) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY6 token! Storing value "706" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 707) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY7 token! Storing value "707" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 708) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY8 token! Storing value "708" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 709) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY9 token! Storing value "709" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 710) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY10 token! Storing value "710" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 711) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY11 token! Storing value "711" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 712) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY12 token! Storing value "712" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 713) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY13 token! Storing value "713" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 714) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY14 token! Storing value "714" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 715) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY15 token! Storing value "715" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 716) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY16 token! Storing value "716" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 717) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY17 token! Storing value "717" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 718) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY18 token! Storing value "718" from 2da to memory...

• Saving unaltered backup copy of appearance.2da in C:\Documents and Settings\ChAiNz\Desktop\Kreias Assorted Robes\backup\appearance.2da

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\appearance.2da.

• Modifying and compiling scripts...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_hench_inc.nss...

• Script "k_oei_hench_inc.nss" has no start function, assuming include file. Compile skipped...

• Making backup copy of script file "k_oei_spawn.nss" found in override...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• NWNNSSComp says: Lookup path root set to: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\

• NWNNSSComp says: Compiling: k_oei_spawn.nss

• NWNNSSComp says: Total Execution time = 140 ms

• Making backup copy of script file "k_oei_userdef.nss" found in override...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• NWNNSSComp says: Lookup path root set to: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\

• NWNNSSComp says: Compiling: k_oei_userdef.nss

• NWNNSSComp says: Total Execution time = 125 ms

• Installing unmodified files...

• Copying file kds_workb_rep.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kolto_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_robedone_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file remote.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file k_204tel_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file k_701area_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204doorchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204medcomm.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_compchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_functions.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kolto_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_meddoorchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_poison.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_robedone_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file old_204tel_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file old_701area_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file tk_remote_getinf.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h02.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h03.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h04.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h05.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h08.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h09.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h10.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h12.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h13.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h14.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h15.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h17.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h18.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h19.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h21.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h27.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hMN.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hOF.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h02.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h03.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h04.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h05.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h08.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h09.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h10.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h12.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h13.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h14.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h15.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h17.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h18.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h19.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h21.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h27.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hMN.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hOF.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file ia_slave_255.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file ip_pltuseitm_255.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file N_TrayaA.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file N_TrayaH.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA02.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA03.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA04.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA05.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA08.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA09.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA10.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA12.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA13.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA14.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA15.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA17.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA18.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA19.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA21.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA27.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaAmn.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH02.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH03.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH04.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH05.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH08.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH09.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH10.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH12.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH13.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH14.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH15.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH17.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH18.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH19.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH21.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH27.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA02.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA03.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA04.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA05.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA08.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA09.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA10.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA12.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA13.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA14.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA15.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA17.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA18.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA19.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA21.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA27.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaAmn.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_drdprobe.utc to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_materials.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_mech_jrnl.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_mech_parts.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kreia_shroud.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204_medcomm.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor2.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor3.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_invis1.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_invis2.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_khag.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kiosk.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_lockerlg.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_medcan.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_metalbox.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_partpile.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_pc_kolto.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_plstccrt.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_sign.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_smdoor.utp to the override folder...

• Done. All changes have been applied.

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  stoffe -mkb- said:
...If I can get confirmation from someone else using Win98 that it works correctly now you'll probably have to re-upload a version of the mod using the fixed installer instead...


• Modifying and compiling scripts...
• Compiling modified script k_oei_spawn.nss...
• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_spawn.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...
• Compiling modified script k_oei_userdef.nss...
• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_userdef.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...
• Installing unmodified files...
• Copying file kds_workb_rep.utp to the override folder...
• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.dlg to the override folde...

This is new but you come close. :)

@ChAiNz.2da There is nothing wrong with pack. It's work perfect under XP but under win98... I'm sure stoffe -mkb- will fix that problem.

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  oldflash said:

• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_spawn.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...

• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_userdef.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...


This is new but you come close. :)


Hmm, that was with LogLevel set to 3, correct? My guess is that the compilation failed in nwnnsscomp. Maybe you encountered the same problem I did at first when testing on my old Win98 machine (with the compiler printing some cryptic error message). I had to replace the script compiler with an older version for it to work (I assumed it was since I didn't have TSL installed on that machine).


Could you please test replacing the nwnnsscomp.exe in the tslpatchdata folder with this one. Then open changes.ini and remove the ScriptCompilerFlags=-g 2 line in the [settings] section, change LogLevel to 4, and then try again? That would be very helpful in figuring out what's going on. Thanks. :)

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<whine, sniffle> Hey you twelve thumbed idiots, this thing refuses to work in my 486 with that copy of Ubuntu linux my buddy in me modded one night when we were really ripped. I thought you guys tested these things toroughly!?!?!?!



Seriously, That's what betas and modding forums are for, right? To work out the kinks in otherwise good programs?

Besides, if I wasn't too stubborn to migrate to XP, I wouldn't be having these problems in the first place.


I downloaded the nwnnsscomp.exe you noted in your last post, unarchived it in the tslpatch folder, overwriting the existing file and redid the installer with a (mostly) clean, and at least fresh install of the game. Got the same choke point. If somebody wants to either post the installer with level 4 activated or tell me how to activate level 4 on the one I have, I'll run it again and post the log file. I replaced the 2da files afterward with those I'd backed up (see, I CAN learn!) before running the install. The game seems intact. I haven't progressed far enough to get party members in this iteration, but I'm not getting the crashes at location transition that I was getting before. So the major crash I had was most likely unrelated to anything we're duscussing here. I wish I knew more about programming so I could be more helpful



I'm not even gonna think about trying the hack fix. If it's all the same to you, I'll just wait for the finished product :) I've got my shield switched on now, so I'm ready for beta testing. I mean, I'm gonna be using the thing, the least I can do is help to make sure it's 100%


Agreed. I removed the "hack" fix now that a proper one has been found. Thank you for your help in finding it :D ~ ChAiNz.2da


I'm using Win98SE, updated to about 6 months ago. It's a really old install, though, going on 3 years, so there's probably lots of gremlins lurking in corners. DX is 9.0c, and I'm using a Gforce 4 video card (which some games don't much care for, I hear) The game is running in D:\program files\lucasarts\kotor2. It's fully patched, finally. I've also got the USM mod and svosh's robes and collars mods installed, along with easy swoop racing and a few other, less intrusive tweaks.


Feel free to PM or email or just post, I'm keeping an eye on this thread. Any help I can be of, I will be happy to provide.

Thanks again for all your great work.


[edit] I belatedly went back and ran stoffe's first bug fixed tlspatcher.exe and now have much more information. The logfile shows only 2 errors; The first is

Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_spawn.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping

And the second is;


Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_userdef.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping.


Note that this is with the updated nwnnsscomp.rar already in place

I hope this helps.

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  shinyjedi said:
<whine, sniffle> Hey you twelve thumbed idiots, this thing refuses to work in my 486 with that copy of Ubuntu linux my buddy in me modded one night when we were really ripped. I thought you guys tested these things toroughly!?!?!?!

LOL! thanks for the cheering up ;)


  shinyjedi said:
If somebody wants to either post the installer with level 4 activated or tell me how to activate level 4 on the one I have, I'll run it again and post the log file.

That's an easy one I can answer.. hehehe..


- Just open the "changes.ini" file (in the "tslpatchdata" folder) with notepad.

- Just a few lines down, change the entry:


LogLevel=3 ---to---> LogLevel=4


- Save

- Then try a re-install


Thanks for helping us out on the troubleshooting.. I really appreciate it :)

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  shinyjedi said:

I downloaded the nwnnsscomp.exe you noted in your last post, unarchived it in the tslpatch folder, overwriting the existing file and redid the installer with a (mostly) clean, and at least fresh install of the game. Got the same choke point.

Did you use the fixed TSLPatcher or the original one when you did this? The original one was bugged, so it shouldn't work regardless of which script compiler you use. Did you try the fixed TSLPatcher.exe and the old nwnnsscomp.exe I posted above?


If you did, and it still chokes with an "invalid filename" exception I have absolutely no idea what could be wrong since it works on my own old Windows98 machine now (which the original didn't, producing the error posted here) and it seems like oldflash got past that point as well.



  shinyjedi said:

I belatedly went back and ran stoffe's first bug fixed tlspatcher.exe and now have much more information. The logfile shows only 2 errors; The first is

Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_spawn.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping

This was with the older version of nwnnsscomp.exe posted above? If so, did you edit changes.ini to remove the ScriptCompilerFlags key under the [settings] section as well? If not, that is probably the cause of this error, since those flags aren't recognized by the older script compiler, which would result in an invalid command line, and no properly compiled scripts.


If not, please check what the progress log says with lvl 4 debug output enabled. Nwnnsscomp will probably print an error message that can give some clue.

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Here it is run from the tslpatcher.exe with the newer nwnnsscomp.exe. and set to level 4. Note that I restored the entire override to the backup I made just prior to the first attempt, so this should be fairly clean.


• Installation started 3/18/06 7:18:49 PM...

• Loading StrRef token table...

• Install path set to D:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\.

• Modifying file "globalcat.2da" found in Override folder...

• Adding new row (index 1011) to 2DA file globalcat.2da...

• Updated 2DA file D:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\globalcat.2da.

• Copying file "appearance.2da" to Override folder...

• Adding new row (index 671) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY1 token! Storing value "671" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 672) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY2 token! Storing value "672" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 673) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY3 token! Storing value "673" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 674) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY4 token! Storing value "674" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 675) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY5 token! Storing value "675" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 676) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY6 token! Storing value "676" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 677) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY7 token! Storing value "677" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 678) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY8 token! Storing value "678" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 679) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY9 token! Storing value "679" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 680) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY10 token! Storing value "680" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 681) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY11 token! Storing value "681" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 682) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY12 token! Storing value "682" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 683) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY13 token! Storing value "683" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 684) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY14 token! Storing value "684" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 685) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY15 token! Storing value "685" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 686) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY16 token! Storing value "686" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 687) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY17 token! Storing value "687" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 688) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY18 token! Storing value "688" from 2da to memory...

• Updated 2DA file D:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\appearance.2da.

• Modifying and compiling scripts...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_hench_inc.nss...

• Script "k_oei_hench_inc.nss" has no start function, assuming include file. Compile skipped...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• NWNNSSComp says: Error: Unable to open input file "-g"

• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_spawn.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• NWNNSSComp says: Error: Unable to open input file "-g"

• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_userdef.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...

• Installing unmodified files...

• Copying file kds_workb_rep.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kolto_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_robedone_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file remote.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file k_204tel_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file k_701area_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204doorchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204medcomm.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_compchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_functions.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kolto_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_meddoorchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_poison.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_robedone_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file old_204tel_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file old_701area_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file tk_remote_getinf.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h02.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h03.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h04.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h05.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h08.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h09.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h10.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h12.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h13.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h14.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h15.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h17.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h18.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h19.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h21.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h27.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hMN.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hOF.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h02.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h03.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h04.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h05.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h08.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h09.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h10.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h12.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h13.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h14.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h15.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h17.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h18.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h19.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h21.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h27.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hMN.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1hOF.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file ia_slave_255.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file ip_pltuseitm_255.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file N_TrayaA.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file N_TrayaH.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA02.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA03.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA04.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA05.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA08.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA09.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA10.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA12.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA13.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA14.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA15.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA17.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA18.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA19.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA21.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA27.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaAmn.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH02.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH03.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH04.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH05.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH08.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH09.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH10.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH12.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH13.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH14.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH15.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH17.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH18.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH19.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH21.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaH27.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA02.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA03.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA04.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA05.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA08.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA09.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA10.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA12.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA13.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA14.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA15.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA17.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA18.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA19.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA21.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA27.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaA.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file P_KreiaAmn.txi to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_drdprobe.utc to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_materials.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_mech_jrnl.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_mech_parts.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kreia_shroud.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204_medcomm.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor2.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor3.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_invis1.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_invis2.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_khag.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kiosk.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_lockerlg.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_medcan.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_metalbox.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_partpile.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_pc_kolto.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_plstccrt.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_sign.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_smdoor.utp to the override folder...

• Done. Some changes may have been applied, but 2 errors were encountered!

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  shinyjedi said:
Here it is run from the tslpatcher.exe with the newer nwnnsscomp.exe. and set to level 4.


• NWNNSSComp says: Error: Unable to open input file "-g"

• Error: Unable to find compiled version of file, k_oei_spawn.nss! The compilation probably failed. Skipping...


As I suspected above, the "-g 2" commandline flag is not valid with the old script compiler version, resulting in a parameter string the compiler does not recognize. You'll have to remove the compiler commandline flags or it won't work:


Open changes.ini, found within the tslpatchdata folder that came with the mod, with Notepad. Look for the line that looks like...


ScriptCompilerFlags=-g 2


...and delete this entire line from the changes.ini file. Save your changes, then try to install again. Hopefully it should run without errors this time. :)

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  Kelathinadun said:
How does stoffe think of these things? It works on mine as well....gods...stoffe must be a genius.


I would have to agree :D


Oh wow.. Thank You so much stoffe.. and to the rest of you for helping me troubleshoot this pain in the arse.. hehehe


- shinyjedi

- Kelathinadun

- olflash


You're all heroes in my book. And you'll get proper credit when I release a "fix it" :D


So, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I need to start using:

- the old compiler (v1.01 I assume)

- NO script compiler flags

- the new TSLPatcher.exe

- and include an updated nwscript.nss from now on?


If so, I'll make a mini-patch that I can post here & on my site in case anyone else should have this problem... :)


Again, thank you all... and especially to you stoffe, you've saved the day once again.

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  shinyjedi, Kelathinadun, oldflash said:

(s)The installer returns no errors.

(k)It works on mine as well...

(o)After removing line (snip) and with nwnnsscomp and TSLPatcher.exe its work just fine.

Aha, it seems like it works for everyone at last. For now. Thanks for the help in finding and getting rid of this bug everyone. :)



  ChAiNz.2da said:

So, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I need to start using:

- the old compiler (v1.01 I assume)

- NO script compiler flags

- the new TSLPatcher.exe

- and include an updated nwscript.nss from now on?

That should do it. NWNNSSComp v1.0.1 (Fred Tetra edition) with a fixed nwscript.nss in the tslpatchdata folder and then use TSLPatcher v1.2.6a (wip v2) as installer and it should (hopefully) work on Win98/2K as well as XP.


(nwnnsscomp v1.0.1 won't need any extra commandline flags since the installer already uses the -c and -o flags on its own.)


  ChAiNz.2da said:

Again, thank you all... and especially to you stoffe, you've saved the day once again.

It would of course have been preferable if there wasn't any need to save a day to begin with, but mistakes are easy to make and hard to spot with limited programming skills. At least there is one less problem now. :)

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Kreai's Assorted Robe Collection - Compile Problem Fix


CLICK HERE to download The Kreia's Robes FIX (554kb)



1. Installation of Fix:





1. - Unpack the original Kreia's Assorted Robe archive and drag-n-drop the folder

"Kreias Assorted Robes" onto your desktop. You can move it later after install.


Download here if you no longer have a copy:



2. - Next, copy all the files (folders and all) from THIS archive




into the folder mentioned above (Kreias Assorted Robes). Be sure to overwrite EVERYTHING it "warns" you about.

(Click Yes To All)


3. - Now, open the folder "Kreias Assorted Robes" and double-click (run) the application:








Apparently, the compiler used in the original mod has problems executing normally under

the Win98 & Win2000 Operating Systems. This Fix will...well, fix it :) This fix is also safe

with the WinXP OS as well.


I'd like to give my upmost appreciation & Thank You's to the following people, as without

their help.. and initial warnings about this problem.. things could've gotten ugly. They spent

several days troubleshooting and narrowed down the problem to it's core.


Thanks to them, this Fix is available.


[] stoffe -mkb-

[] shinyjedi

[] Kelathinadun

[] oldflash


Thank you everyone for the help! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is some problem with the completed shroud. For Will Saves, I get some insanely high number, something like -23045367 (that's the number of digits, not the actual number). For blaster bolt deflection I just get a 0.


Also, the placeable thing in Korriban that gives you the shroud materials will keep regenerating with more materials if you exit the area and enter again.

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