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Star Wars: Imperial Assault 2 (Clone Wars)


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From the battle-scarred surfaces of Utapau to the towering spires of Coruscant, the Clone Wars have left no corner of the Galaxy unscathed. Now you can take control of one of the powerful sides of this bloody conflict in a bid for complete control of the Galaxy! From ARC Troopers to Droid Starfighters, the battlefield is full of lethal agents of destruction.


Imperial Assault 2: Rise of the Empire features two brand new sides for the excellent Real Time Strategy Game Star Wars: Empire At War. Fight for the cause of the Galactic Republic with huge armadas of Clones and many valiant Jedi, or utilize the technological wonders and massive factories of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Whichever side you choose, you can be sure of one thing: the war will not be won without a fight, you will not be victorious without strength. Gather your forces and prepare to conquer!


Figured there has been alot of people wanting clone wars, thought I should start a thread. :twogun:











What you guys think?



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Love your mod. Any timeframe for release? I know your not doing as much as Legacy of War, but it's still a good bit.



Not doing as much!


We are modding in the 2 clone wars faction, and after that 2 more factions, making the mod have 6 Factions in the end.


LoW is just adding units the rebels, and empire, then adding chiss and vong. Seems like pretty much the same amout. :)

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First mod had massive problems mainly because of the game.dat error

based of the c&c generals engine.


Keep up the good work guys.


I only hope Petro makes a mod option in the game menu so you dont have to change the whole game while playing a mod.

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yeah, I have alot of faith in petro.


New Renders!


CR40 Cruiser (Republic Cruiser) (following description straight from Republic Page.)

Usually seen as a consular ship, the CR40 Cruisers have been outfitted with dual turbolaser turrets and concussion missile launchers in these dark times. The CR40 is a fast ship capable of executing planetary landings to disembark troops, although it does not carry as many as the CR20 Carrier does.




Modeled and Skinned By Bryant


CR20 Carrier (Clone Carrier) (following description straight from Republic Page.)

A lighter transport designed for insertion missions or troop landings not warranting the full compliment of an Acclamator-class Assault Ship, the CR20 Carrier is only very weakly armed, with short-range turbolaser weapons that are highly ineffective versus fighters and not powerful enough to do much against ships heavier than other transports. It carries a small load of troops that should be sufficient to overwhelm a small enemy outpost.



Modeled and Skinned By EvilleJedi

Skin Modified by Bryant


Techno Union Fighter

A smaller fighter used by the techno union to defend planets they control. These fighters are only availible at certain planets, and aren't very strong, but will continue to spawn as long as the CIS space station or other units are intact.



Modeled and Skinned By EvilleJedi

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Same thought.

One of them goes back in time and the other goes further to the future. Essentially covering the core timeline of star war (the one around the movies). I'll try both for sure.

Considering that modders have already improved the current game by a lot, these full coversion mods will be great.

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Day 2


LAAT/i Gunship (following description straight from Republic Page)

This troop transport can also serve as a ground attack gunship, as its name might imply. Equipped with devastating weaponry, the LAAT/i is weak against enemy starfighters but powerful against even anti-air emplacements on the ground. As with the HAET-221, it is launched from low orbit and can fight in space, but is even slower up there than the HAET. It is best used in ground attack, as it can disembark troops into dangerous positions while holding its own by itself.



Modeled by Bryant


Octuptarra Droid (following description straight from CIS Page)

Bulbous-headed tall metal droids, the spindly Octuptarra Droids (named after a Skakoan animal) carry a deadly bioweapon specifically targeting clones of Jango Fett and coded to attack individuals sharing those genomes. They are also armed with blaster turrets facing in all directions, making them only unable to counter aerial assaults, although vehicles are also effective against them. They can plague enemy systems with the virus, damaging all clones


Modeled By TiJiL


N-1 Starbomber

Anyone who has played the game Battle For Naboo or Galactic Battlegrounds should remember this little beauty. A modifid N1 Starfighter, the bomber is bigger, thougher, and slower, using the extra space for the bomb generator. Like the Starfighter, the bomber will spawn when you Attack or Defend Naboo when playing as the republic.



Original Model and Skin By WesBelden

Modifications by Bryant

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I'm not sure on what they're planning, but I'm guessing the LAATs will replace the Imperial shuttles for landing troops. Of course, if they're planning on putting in all of these transports, they're going to need to code the thing to change the model of the lander depending on what ships the fleet above had.

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