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exception error coming on more frequent


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Is it just me or has anyone expierenced more "Exception errors" on the frequency of once every 15 minutes since 2 or 3 weeks ago. I know most people get it once or twice in a week or so and that used to happen to me but now its constant. This has made the multiplayer unplayable , plus my ladder places have slipped :(


I have done....

- Full format of my harddrive

- Fresh Install of my WindowsXP

- Fresh Install of the Game

- Installed 1.2 patch


Question: will the 1.3 patch fix this?

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I don't think it's your system causing this. I've also seen a change in the performance of multiplayer lately. There's even a new message that pops up sometimes while trying to quickmatch. I don't remember what it says. It seems that something has been changed on their end. Actually, I've seen several new messages lately, now that I think about it. I've had quite a bit more trouble lately than I used to, and I haven't changed anything with my machine. I've had the three-players in one quickmatch before, but this weekend I acually had four players. I had to ctl-alt-delete and end the program. I haven't seen any negative or positive impact on my rankings becuase of it though. I've noticed that when the quickmatch launches correctly, it launches really fast. I'll be so happy when they get it working right. This will be a really fun game when it's working.

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I get this error 3-4 times a game...its getting really old fast, sorry for the long post but this is the code i get, please FIX. thanks.


Exception in thread 674 - Main Thread


The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Attempt to write to address BF13CA0D


Exception occurred at 0079536F - Unknown code pointer


Stack walk:

00796CCA : Unknown

0079715E : Unknown

00A2EDD0 : Unknown

00741630 : Unknown

498B0774 : Unknown

00000000 : Unknown


Register dump:

Eip:0079536F Esp:0022EFD0 Ebp:0022F000

Eax:BF13C9FD Ebx:0022F0A8 Ecx:0D77C84C

Edx:00000000 Esi:0D77C84C Edi:0880B744


CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003b GS:0000


Bytes at CS:EIP (0079536F): 89 50 10 8B 51 14 89 50 14 8B 51 18 89 50 18 8B 51 1C 89 50 1C 8B 51 20 89 50 20 8B 51 24 89 50 24 8B 51 28 89 50 28 8B 51 2C 89 50 2C 8B 49 30 89 48 30 C2 04 00 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC


Stack Dump:


there are about 6907 more characters to this code, but it wont allow me to post it, hopefully the above will give you what you need.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I too am getting the Exception Error more frequently. I have the very latest Bios and System Drivers for all of my components.


My system is an Athlon 2800+, AN7, 1 G DDR400, Radeon AIW 7500.


Here is the _Except.txt file:


Exception in thread 5FC - Main Thread


The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Attempt to read from address 000004EC


Exception occurred at 000004EC - Unknown code pointer


Stack walk:

00507D46 : Unknown

00000000 : Unknown


Register dump:

Eip:000004EC Esp:0022F460 Ebp:00000000

Eax:00000000 Ebx:00000000 Ecx:10A247F9

Edx:01009C47 Esi:1321EDD0 Edi:10876D90


CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003b GS:0000


Bytes at CS:EIP (000004EC): ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??


Stack Dump:


0022F460: 00507D46

0022F464: 10876D90

0022F468: 12D74298

0022F46C: 12D74268

0022F470: 00000000

0022F474: 00508218

0022F478: 11211248

0022F47C: 0040100B

0022F480: 00000001

0022F484: 0053817E

0022F488: 004E4021

0022F48C: 00000049

0022F490: 050798A8

0022F494: 11211248

0022F498: 00000130

0022F49C: 004E4398

0022F4A0: 10B184A8

0022F4A4: 0040100B

0022F4A8: 00000001

0022F4AC: 0053817E

0022F4B0: 004EB088

0022F4B4: 77FCB6CA

0022F4B8: 7C58F7C1

0022F4BC: 0000001A

0022F4C0: 00BC40C0

0022F4C4: 050798A8

0022F4C8: 009C376C

0022F4CC: 12183E18

0022F4D0: 00000049

0022F4D4: 0000007A

0022F4D8: 0000004C

0022F4DC: 77FB7E64

0022F4E0: 77F81678


0022F4E8: 0022F524

0022F4EC: 00954C9F

0022F4F0: 04BE0000

0022F4F4: 00000000

0022F4F8: 00954CA4

0022F4FC: 00BDAEE8

0022F500: 11320DE0

0022F504: 00000000

0022F508: 11320DE0

0022F50C: 0022F4FC

0022F510: 11320DE0

0022F514: 0022F820

0022F518: 0095433C

0022F51C: 00A42DE0

0022F520: FFFFFFFF

0022F524: 00954CA4

0022F528: 00913525

0022F52C: 11320DE0

0022F530: 03652B94

0022F534: 0040100B

0022F538: 00000001

0022F53C: 0053817E

0022F540: 00BDAEE8

0022F544: 0000075C

0022F548: 0000001A

0022F54C: 00BC40C0

0022F550: 006721EB

0022F554: 77FCB6CA

0022F558: 7C58F7C1

0022F55C: 005A888B

0022F560: 10DC9C08

0022F564: 0022F820

0022F568: 00000003

0022F56C: 00A42DE0

0022F570: FFFFFFFF

0022F574: 00954CA4

0022F578: 0057A66B

0022F57C: 00000002

0022F580: 00000000

0022F584: 11F4C768

0022F588: 00000002

0022F58C: 11206E80

0022F590: 00BC40C0

0022F594: 009AF96C

0022F598: 00000000

0022F59C: 00000000

0022F5A0: 00000000

0022F5A4: 009AF96C

0022F5A8: 104B7F68

0022F5AC: 00000001

0022F5B0: 0000000A

0022F5B4: 0061E5AA

0022F5B8: 00000002

0022F5BC: 00000000


0022F5C4: 0000001A

0022F5C8: 00025816

0022F5CC: 11F4C768

0022F5D0: 0022F830

0022F5D4: 00025816

0022F5D8: 0D76EBD0

0022F5DC: 00000001


0022F5E4: 0D88F8D8

0022F5E8: 3F000000

0022F5EC: 0091316E

0022F5F0: 45A005DD

0022F5F4: 13662428

0022F5F8: 00000002

0022F5FC: 1366C8C0

0022F600: 11206E80

0022F604: 00000000

0022F608: 10FC7750

0022F60C: 0000001A

0022F610: 0000000B

0022F614: 00000000

0022F618: 000000D2

0022F61C: 00000000

0022F620: 00000000

0022F624: 11F40000

0022F628: 0067D760

0022F62C: 00000000

0022F630: 00000000

0022F634: 00000000

0022F638: 10DFF528

0022F63C: 0022F830

0022F640: 00001C35

0022F644: 007733D0

0022F648: 11BFF6B0

0022F64C: 0000000C

0022F650: 0072B2FC

0022F654: 00025816

0022F658: 0072BD0A

0022F65C: 00000011

0022F660: 0072BD18

0022F664: 00001C35

0022F668: 00BC40C0

0022F66C: 77E41E01

0022F670: 0057C7B5

0022F674: 000000D5

0022F678: 00110EE2

0022F67C: 0043CE72

0022F680: 00025816

0022F684: 7C590B1A

0022F688: 00000000

0022F68C: 7FFDF000

0022F690: 46323539

0022F694: 30443134

0022F698: 42443933

0022F69C: 37303534

0022F6A0: 42343841

0022F6A4: 38343034

0022F6A8: 36374538

0022F6AC: 45323237

0022F6B0: 32313020

0022F6B4: 36353433

0022F6B8: 41393837

0022F6BC: 45444342

0022F6C0: 00415049

0022F6C4: 04BE0570

0022F6C8: 04BE0570

0022F6CC: 000001CF

0022F6D0: 04F35140

0022F6D4: 04F35138

0022F6D8: 04BE0168

0022F6DC: 00954300

0022F6E0: 0000000A

0022F6E4: 04BE8658

0022F6E8: 77FB2C00

0022F6EC: 00928030

0022F6F0: 04F35A88

0022F6F4: 0022F770

0022F6F8: 04F35A68

0022F6FC: 00000009

0022F700: 04F35A68

0022F704: 0022F6F8

0022F708: 0022F778

0022F70C: 00998B80

0022F710: FFFFFFFF

0022F714: 0022F784

0022F718: 0092992C

0022F71C: 04F35A8C

0022F720: 00000000

0022F724: 0022F770

0022F728: 00BE594C

0022F72C: 04BE0000

0022F730: 0000007F

0022F734: 04F35BE0

0022F738: 11F4C768

0022F73C: 00000079

0022F740: 00110EE2

0022F744: 00000002

0022F748: 00000001

0022F74C: 00025816

0022F750: 00110EE2

0022F754: 00000000

0022F758: 11F4C768

0022F75C: 80000000

0022F760: 05029FA8

0022F764: 05029FA8

0022F768: 00025816

0022F76C: 04F35C08

0022F770: 0000001E

0022F774: 00000001

0022F778: 00001DE7

0022F77C: 00BE8330

0022F780: 00000000

0022F784: 00000113

0022F788: 00007FC9

0022F78C: 2112E8A0

0022F790: 0017273F

0022F794: 0000019C

0022F798: 00000134

0022F79C: 80000000

0022F7A0: 3F248DBA

0022F7A4: 00000000

0022F7A8: 00000000

0022F7AC: 00000000

0022F7B0: BF800000

0022F7B4: 4511C65E

0022F7B8: C45C9B59

0022F7BC: 43C13DA0

0022F7C0: 45A005DD

0022F7C4: 45A005DD

0022F7C8: 00000000

0022F7CC: 45A00622

0022F7D0: 00025816

0022F7D4: 00000000

0022F7D8: 00000000

0022F7DC: 00000000

0022F7E0: 40F4F5C3

0022F7E4: 00000000

0022F7E8: 00000000

0022F7EC: 3F800000

0022F7F0: 00001C34

0022F7F4: 77000000

0022F7F8: 00110EDA

0022F7FC: 7C596D37

0022F800: 4370AAA9

0022F804: 00000100

0022F808: 00000000

0022F80C: 00000000

0022F810: 00002D28

0022F814: 01010001

0022F818: 0022F684

0022F81C: 0022F0AC

0022F820: 0022F948

0022F824: 0095433C

0022F828: 009B2570

0022F82C: 00000000

0022F830: 0022F958

0022F834: 00954BE3

0022F838: 00400000

0022F83C: 00000000

0022F840: 01883E58

0022F844: 00000003

0022F848: 00000094

0022F84C: 00000005

0022F850: 00000000

0022F854: 00000893

0022F858: 00000002

0022F85C: 76726553

0022F860: 20656369

0022F864: 6B636150

0022F868: 77003420

0022F86C: 77F81600

0022F870: 0022F658

0022F874: 00000000

0022F878: 7FFDEC12

0022F87C: 01880000

0022F880: 018825E0

0022F884: 01885840

0022F888: 02140018

0022F88C: 0022F658

0022F890: 7FFDEC18

0022F894: 00000018

0022F898: 00000018

0022F89C: 00000001

0022F8A0: 77FB7E64

0022F8A4: 77F81338


0022F8AC: 0022F904

0022F8B0: 7C590B81

0022F8B4: 00000001

0022F8B8: 00000000

0022F8BC: 0022F914

0022F8C0: 0022F8DC

0022F8C4: 00000000

0022F8C8: 00000893

0022F8CC: 7FFDF000

0022F8D0: 0022F91C

0022F8D4: 7FFDEBF8

0022F8D8: 00954A77

0022F8DC: 00000000

0022F8E0: 00000893

0022F8E4: 7FFDF000

0022F8E8: 00000044

0022F8EC: 018853E8

0022F8F0: 018853F8

0022F8F4: 01885410

0022F8F8: 00000000

0022F8FC: 00000000

0022F900: 00000000

0022F904: 00000000

0022F908: 00000000

0022F90C: 00000000

0022F910: 00000000

0022F914: 00000C01

0022F918: 00000001

0022F91C: 00000000

0022F920: 00000000

0022F924: 00010001

0022F928: 00000000

0022F92C: 00000000

0022F930: 00000000

0022F934: 00000000

0022F938: 01883E58

0022F93C: 00000000

0022F940: 0022F848

0022F944: 00000000

0022F948: 0022FFB0

0022F94C: 0095433C

0022F950: 00A42DD0

0022F954: 00000000

0022F958: 0022F9B0

0022F95C: 7C598989

0022F960: 00000000

0022F964: 00000893

0022F968: 7FFDF000

0022F96C: 00400000

0022F970: 0185169C

0022F974: 5CDA3E27

0022F978: 01849519

0022F97C: 0022F9B8

0022F980: 00232082

0022F984: 00001000

0022F988: 4A07905A

0022F98C: 00000001

0022F990: 0022F9A4

0022F994: 00F06180

0022F998: 00000000

0022F99C: 01847000

0022F9A0: 0000007F

0022F9A4: 00020000

0022F9A8: 00CE7724

0022F9AC: 00000040

0022F9B0: 0022FEE4

0022F9B4: 00CE76B0

0022F9B8: 01847000

0022F9BC: 00000000

0022F9C0: 00000893

0022F9C4: 00100048

0022F9C8: 00100010

0022F9CC: 00100010

0022F9D0: 00100010

0022F9D4: 00100010

0022F9D8: 00100010

0022F9DC: 00100010

0022F9E0: 00100010

0022F9E4: 00840084

0022F9E8: 00840084

0022F9EC: 00840084

0022F9F0: 00840084

0022F9F4: 00840084

0022F9F8: 00100010

0022F9FC: 00100010

0022FA00: 00100010

0022FA04: 01810010

0022FA08: 01810181

0022FA0C: 01810181

0022FA10: 01010181

0022FA14: 01010101

0022FA18: 01010101

0022FA1C: 01010101

0022FA20: 01010101

0022FA24: 01010101

0022FA28: 01010101

0022FA2C: 01010101

0022FA30: 01010101

0022FA34: 01010101

0022FA38: 00100101

0022FA3C: 00100010

0022FA40: 00100010

0022FA44: 01820010

0022FA48: 01820182

0022FA4C: 01820182

0022FA50: 01020182

0022FA54: 01020102

0022FA58: 01020102

0022FA5C: 01020102

0022FA60: 01020102

0022FA64: 01020102

0022FA68: 01020102

0022FA6C: 01020102

0022FA70: 01020102

0022FA74: 01020102

0022FA78: 00100102

0022FA7C: 00100010

0022FA80: 00200010

0022FA84: 00200010

0022FA88: 01120010

0022FA8C: 00100010

0022FA90: 00100010

0022FA94: 00100010

0022FA98: 00100101

0022FA9C: 00200101

0022FAA0: 00200101

0022FAA4: 00100020

0022FAA8: 00100010

0022FAAC: 00100010

0022FAB0: 00100010

0022FAB4: 00100010

0022FAB8: 00100102

0022FABC: 00200102

0022FAC0: 01010102

0022FAC4: 00100048

0022FAC8: 00100010

0022FACC: 00100010

0022FAD0: 00100010

0022FAD4: 00100010

0022FAD8: 00100010

0022FADC: 00100010

0022FAE0: 00100010

0022FAE4: 00100010

0022FAE8: 00140014

0022FAEC: 00100010

0022FAF0: 00100010

0022FAF4: 00140010

0022FAF8: 00100010

0022FAFC: 00100010

0022FB00: 00100010

0022FB04: 01010101

0022FB08: 01010101

0022FB0C: 01010101

0022FB10: 01010101

0022FB14: 01010101

0022FB18: 01010101

0022FB1C: 01010101

0022FB20: 01010101

0022FB24: 01010101

0022FB28: 01010101

0022FB2C: 01010101

0022FB30: 00100101

0022FB34: 01010101

0022FB38: 01010101

0022FB3C: 01010101

0022FB40: 01020101

0022FB44: 01020102

0022FB48: 01020102

0022FB4C: 01020102

0022FB50: 01020102

0022FB54: 01020102

0022FB58: 01020102

0022FB5C: 01020102

0022FB60: 01020102

0022FB64: 01020102

0022FB68: 01020102

0022FB6C: 01020102

0022FB70: 00100102

0022FB74: 01020102

0022FB78: 01020102

0022FB7C: 01020102

0022FB80: 01020102

0022FB84: 03020120

0022FB88: 07060504

0022FB8C: 0B0A0908

0022FB90: 0F0E0D0C

0022FB94: 0B090F0E

0022FB98: 17161514

0022FB9C: 02880000

0022FBA0: 02890040

0022FBA4: 000003F8

0022FBA8: 77FCC02D

0022FBAC: 02880000

0022FBB0: 02890040

0022FBB4: 02890040

0022FBB8: 02890000

0022FBBC: 02880000

0022FBC0: 02890000

0022FBC4: 01000001

0022FBC8: 0022FBF8


0022FBD0: 000003F8

0022FBD4: 77FCD3DD


0022FBDC: 02880000

0022FBE0: 028BD000

0022FBE4: 00000200

0022FBE8: 77FCC02D

0022FBEC: 02880000

0022FBF0: 028BD000

0022FBF4: 028BD000

0022FBF8: 02880000

0022FBFC: 00000002

0022FC00: 02890000

0022FC04: 0122FC30

0022FC08: 0022FC3C

0022FC0C: 77FCA907

0022FC10: 00000200

0022FC14: 028BD010

0022FC18: 00000000

0022FC1C: 02880000

0022FC20: 02880178

0022FC24: 00000002

0022FC28: 77FCB002

0022FC2C: 00002000

0022FC30: 02880000

0022FC34: 028BDC00

0022FC38: 00000002

0022FC3C: 77FCB0FF

0022FC40: 02880000

0022FC44: 028BDF70

0022FC48: 77FCB618

0022FC4C: 014CF4FC

0022FC50: 00000008

0022FC54: 7FFDF000

0022FC58: 000000C0

0022FC5C: 00000068

0022FC60: 00000044

0022FC64: 00000038

0022FC68: 0000005C

0022FC6C: 00000014

0022FC70: 00000040

0022FC74: 000000F4

0022FC78: 00000070

0022FC7C: 0000008C

0022FC80: 0000009C

0022FC84: 00000024

0022FC88: 000000CC

0022FC8C: 000000D8

0022FC90: 77FCB0FF

0022FC94: 02880000

0022FC98: 028BDFA0

0022FC9C: 77FCB618

0022FCA0: 014CF4FC

0022FCA4: 00000008

0022FCA8: 7FFDF000

0022FCAC: 014CF4FC

0022FCB0: 00000010

0022FCB4: 02890000

0022FCB8: 00000000

0022FCBC: 00000004

0022FCC0: 00000004

0022FCC4: 00000028

0022FCC8: 00000030

0022FCCC: 000000C8

0022FCD0: 00000030

0022FCD4: 00000040

0022FCD8: 000000F8

0022FCDC: 000000F8

0022FCE0: 0000001C

0022FCE4: 0000002C

0022FCE8: 000000C0

0022FCEC: 00000090

0022FCF0: 00000098

0022FCF4: 0000009C

0022FCF8: 000000B4

0022FCFC: 000000D0

0022FD00: 000000EC

0022FD04: 00000010

0022FD08: 02890000

0022FD0C: 00000028

0022FD10: 00000048

0022FD14: 02880608

0022FD18: 02880178

0022FD1C: 02880178

0022FD20: 02880178

0022FD24: 02880178

0022FD28: 02880258

0022FD2C: 028801F8

0022FD30: 028801F8

0022FD34: 00000002

0022FD38: 00000001

0022FD3C: 028801F8

0022FD40: 00000002

0022FD44: 00000004

0022FD48: 02880208

0022FD4C: 02880208

0022FD50: 00000000

0022FD54: 00000004

0022FD58: 02880188

0022FD5C: 02880188

0022FD60: 00000001

0022FD64: 02880000

0022FD68: 02889EF0

0022FD6C: 02889EE0

0022FD70: 02880000

0022FD74: 0022FD90

0022FD78: 77FCD981

0022FD7C: 00000022

0022FD80: 028801C8

0022FD84: 028801C8

0022FD88: 00000001

0022FD8C: 00000004

0022FD90: 028801C8

0022FD94: 00000001

0022FD98: 00000010

0022FD9C: 028801D8

0022FDA0: 028801D8

0022FDA4: 00000010

0022FDA8: 02880258

0022FDAC: 02880258

0022FDB0: 7FFDF000

0022FDB4: 0288DF00

0022FDB8: 02880160

0022FDBC: 02880000

0022FDC0: 00000010

0022FDC4: 31303037

0022FDC8: 30343531

0022FDCC: 46444230

0022FDD0: 44313742

0022FDD4: 35344244

0022FDD8: 33323042

0022FDDC: 41344535

0022FDE0: 43364444

0022FDE4: 33343338

0022FDE8: 32373236

0022FDEC: 45313138

0022FDF0: 44423046

0022FDF4: 45363643

0022FDF8: 44353335

0022FDFC: 30373944

0022FE00: 37443637

0022FE04: 43343341

0022FE08: 39424536

0022FE0C: 41323344

0022FE10: 38303932

0022FE14: 36364635

0022FE18: 30433330

0022FE1C: 33444536

0022FE20: 33373439

0022FE24: 39423435

0022FE28: 3031317B

0022FE2C: 3531397D

0022FE30: 32464430

0022FE34: 38323946

0022FE38: 42463038

0022FE3C: 00000043

0022FE40: 028801D8

0022FE44: 31303037

0022FE48: 30343531

0022FE4C: 46444230

0022FE50: 44313742

0022FE54: 35344244

0022FE58: 33323042

0022FE5C: 41344535

0022FE60: 43364444

0022FE64: 33343338

0022FE68: 32373236

0022FE6C: 45313138

0022FE70: 44423046

0022FE74: 45363643

0022FE78: 39423443

0022FE7C: 46443544

0022FE80: 36303937

0022FE84: 45333538

0022FE88: 33374544

0022FE8C: 39304446

0022FE90: 32313233

0022FE94: 43433137

0022FE98: 3536327B

0022FE9C: 3531397D

0022FEA0: 32464430

0022FEA4: 38323946

0022FEA8: 42463038

0022FEAC: 00220043

0022FEB0: 011F6E0B

0022FEB4: 02880000

0022FEB8: 00000000

0022FEBC: 02880758

0022FEC0: 014CF4F8

0022FEC4: 011F1A09

0022FEC8: 01847000

0022FECC: 00000000

0022FED0: 00000000

0022FED4: 00400D90

0022FED8: 00400E88

0022FEDC: 00400000

0022FEE0: 00000002

0022FEE4: 0022FFC0

0022FEE8: 011F1EE0

0022FEEC: 00000002

0022FEF0: 02880AD8

0022FEF4: 02880B40

0022FEF8: 00000094

0022FEFC: 00000005

0022FF00: 00000000

0022FF04: 00000893

0022FF08: 00000002

0022FF0C: 76726553

0022FF10: 20656369

0022FF14: 6B636150

0022FF18: 01003420

0022FF1C: 000D4000

0022FF20: 0022FF00

0022FF24: 0022FF40

0022FF28: 00000000

0022FF2C: 00000001

0022FF30: 0022FF01

0022FF34: 7C58E9B8

0022FF38: 0022FEBC

0022FF3C: 02880020

0022FF40: 0022FFE0

0022FF44: 77FB7E64

0022FF48: 77F81678


0022FF50: 0022FFB0

0022FF54: 014CA09E

0022FF58: 01880000

0022FF5C: 00000000

0022FF60: 014CA15F

0022FF64: 00000001

0022FF68: 029538EF

0022FF6C: 00000000

0022FF70: 000D38CF

0022FF74: 01846206

0022FF78: 00000000

0022FF7C: 00377206

0022FF80: 00000000

0022FF84: 00000000

0022FF88: 011F1D85

0022FF8C: 00740061

0022FF90: 00570020

0022FF94: 7FFDF000

0022FF98: B7505438

0022FF9C: 00000000

0022FFA0: 00000004

0022FFA4: 00000000

0022FFA8: 0022FEF8

0022FFAC: 00000080

0022FFB0: 0022FFE0

0022FFB4: 011F77AC

0022FFB8: 01821AF0

0022FFBC: 00000000

0022FFC0: 0022FFF0

0022FFC4: 7C598989

0022FFC8: 00740061

0022FFCC: 00570020

0022FFD0: 7FFDF000

0022FFD4: 006D0061

0022FFD8: 0022FFC8

0022FFDC: 006D0061


0022FFE4: 7C5C1F54

0022FFE8: 0000006E

0022FFEC: 00000109

0022FFF0: 00000000

0022FFF4: 00000000

0022FFF8: 014CA6C0

0022FFFC: 00000000

00230000: ????????

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  • 1 month later...

Given the fact that i don't have any idea what a memory leak is or how to fix it but I don't think your right, I can't see so many people having memory leaks. Look on the lucasarts forum, theres a 38 page thread on people with the exception error.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This error is pretty common. With patch 1.04 just around the corner, hopefully this will clear it up. In the meantime, I suggest you make regular saves



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This error is pretty common. With patch 1.04 just around the corner, hopefully this will clear it up. In the meantime, I suggest you make regular saves




Well, it's certainly less nerve racking knowing that it's not just me with this problem... Hopefully 1.04 will come out sooner rather than later :)

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This error is pretty common. With patch 1.04 just around the corner, hopefully this will clear it up. In the meantime, I suggest you make regular saves




Better suggestion, just don't play the game. Honestly mine cuts off every 5 minutes, it's not worth the hassle :( But lets just keep hoping patch 1.04 has a fix in it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Just because yours cuts off every few minutes doesnt mean its the games fault. I suggest checking that your PC is fully updated.


Maybe I am just lucky - although I have sync errors from time to time, my game has been fine since day 1



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Well it's strange tbh, I played the game for 2 weeks, no problems but I also installed some mods which I wasn't happy with and the only way I could get rid of them was by unistalling the whole game and deleting the files left over manually, after I reinstalled, I've had nothing but problems with the exception error :(


Plus my drivers are all updated.

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Ok so this is the message I get when I try to play campaign mode or you know any mode of the game,


Exception in thread BAC - Main Thread


The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Attempt to read from address 3D81B2D4


Exception occurred at 007FC60A - Unknown code pointer


Stack walk:

00000000 : Unknown


Register dump:

Eip:007FC60A Esp:0022F4F0 Ebp:07D220AC

Eax:0A3F9D6B Ebx:00000000 Ecx:0C4E4FA0

Edx:3D81B2D4 Esi:00000028 Edi:0C155BCC


CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003b GS:0000


Bytes at CS:EIP (007FC60A): 8B 02 3B 42 04 89 44 24 10 74 12 8B 52 04 39 70 08 7D 18 8B 00 3B C2 75 F5 89 44 24 10 8B 51 08 8B 44 24 0C 89 10 5E 59 C2 08 00 3B 70 08 89 44 24 10 7D 18 8B 41 08 89 44 24 04 8D 44 24 04 8B


I'm going to see if the patch fixed this right now I just wanted to get this posted while I had the error in front of me.

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  • 1 month later...
Hi There.


Would someone please update the status of this issue for me? I am having the same issue.


Was the stem of this problem found/resolved?


I look forward to a response.

Thank you everyone!


This issue was resolved.


Please see my other Thread.

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