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Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 --- get ready...


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Well after a space skimish and a land skimish this is what i have to say.

1. landing times for vehicles is to long it felt like i waited a minute just for AT-STs.

2. also u might want to scale down your capital ships they are a little big lol.

3. Against rebs big tanks the AT-At dies pretty quickly since it cant turn fast enough to fire on them if they start moving.

4. With the AT-ST it didnt kill all the units that were under when it ran them over even though the modle shhowed it over them.

5. The inerdictor cruiser has red lasers on it back hard points.

6. cliping with capital ship is also a problem.


Thats it for now.

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Thank you for your feedback. We will correct these issues as soon as possible.


As for point 4 I think that we can't do nothing without decent mod tools. The reason is simple we have to edit colision boxes which is atm without tools nearly impossible.

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Thank you for your feedback. We will correct these issues as soon as possible.


As for point 4 I think that we can't do nothing without decent mod tools. The reason is simple we have to edit colision boxes which is atm without tools nearly impossible.


K thats not realy a big problem just one i noticed im going to start a gc ill let u know if i find any other problems but over all this is a realy good mod :).

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I played the galactic conquest as empire and after expanding rapidly, began to wonder where the rebels were. After claiming some 20+ planets, I hit a couple of pirate controlled planets hindering my expansion and search. This was puzzling until I started a Rebel campaign to see their starting location.


As rebels, you begin bottlenecked between substantial pirate forces with 7 or so planets available for control. This is in contrast to the empire's location with 20+ planets available for control before being cut off by pirates. With so few planets available and all avenues to the empire effectively cut off, the rebels have no way to advance in tech and thus are left without the tools necessary to defeat the pirates in their way. Lacking any real space ability at the outset, the only way to advance is to defeat one of the pirate planets by using the raid ability. This is extremely slow as you can only send in groups of 3 infantry units. While possible to slowly defeat the pirates this way it takes alot of time and once accomplished, leaves you grossly behind the tech and money of the now massive and far superior empire force.


Visiually, this mod is very cool. The ground camera is amazing. Aside from the starting situations I outlined above, this mod looks to be what I was hoping for. Kudos.

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I played the galactic conquest as empire and after expanding rapidly, began to wonder where the rebels were. After claiming some 20+ planets, I hit a couple of pirate controlled planets hindering my expansion and search. This was puzzling until I started a Rebel campaign to see their starting location.


As rebels, you begin bottlenecked between substantial pirate forces with 7 or so planets available for control. This is in contrast to the empire's location with 20+ planets available for control before being cut off by pirates. With so few planets available and all avenues to the empire effectively cut off, the rebels have no way to advance in tech and thus are left without the tools necessary to defeat the pirates in their way. Lacking any real space ability at the outset, the only way to advance is to defeat one of the pirate planets by using the raid ability. This is extremely slow as you can only send in groups of 3 infantry units. While possible to slowly defeat the pirates this way it takes alot of time and once accomplished, leaves you grossly behind the tech and money of the now massive and far superior empire force.


Visiually, this mod is very cool. The ground camera is amazing. Aside from the starting situations I outlined above, this mod looks to be what I was hoping for. Kudos.


Ditto same thing is happening to me i canonly build correlian corvettes and they have pirate frigates witch tear my forces to bits in minutes also is it possible to have a version that uses regular planet "jumping" time because geting my forces to the ffront lines it a pain.


Whoa i just got genosis with out even attacking it is that supposed to



Okay another problem ship veiws ship veiws havent been increased but thier size has sothey may suddely lose intrest in a target because they turned a little bit.


also thier is 2 darth vaders in galactic conflict for some reason.

sigh and when going to battle above bespin i crashed.

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I dont know if its just me, but whenever I call Piet into battle in skirmish, the game slows to a crawl. I have a beast of a machine so it cant be my hardware... anyone else notice anything similar?


I think it might be cap ships and fighters the cap ships are huge and they carry alot of fighters that can cause lagg. after 3 or so cap ships in the same map u will notice some lag.

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Thanks for the feedback people. Keep sending as much as you can track down. Fortunately, the most issues reported by so far can be fixed. Expect version 2.1 to arrive within a week, so that we can gather enough feedback by then :)


So, don't stop sending feedback and suggestions. We had an amazing applause from the community so far, but ill keep the numbers secret for later on :)


Now, some short answers/replies both for PFF and LF forums:


shadow3dje The issue with the highest priority so far is the GC reconfiguration for rebs and imps, which can be easily done. As for the computer "crawling" you mention, it happened to me too (high-end installation), when too many squadrons are in a fight. It's a game-code limitation we can't do much for. Yet, one "solution" is to bring some corvettes to clear up the space or destroy the hangars of capital ships. Apart from these "cheap" solution, i would suggest either lowering down the video settings for that particular fight and not look the horizon with the camera while the crawl happens; finally, i would suggest upgrading to a Crossfire ATI X1900XTX (crossfire meaning that you connect x2 cards), a multiprocessor dual-core system and putting 4GB DDRII (dual channel supported by mothercard) ;D . Apart from this, if you see that you win the battle by far, just click "autoresolve". Just don't click it on the beginning cause it will be a disaster if doing so (autoresolve does not work as supposed too...).


@swgbex, darthcarth : The turn speeds of ships can also be take cared easily. As for the small maps (there were some complaints that cap ships were too big in the current maps), heh, we're waiting for a decent map edittor to remake all the 82 maps, like every other modder :) .


@Sith_Interceptor, PipfunatUT: A short note on ATAT and ATST issues. As mentioned in readme file, the headmounted of ATAT weapons are Anti-air weapons. As for the ATST, it will be tweaked properly (already enhanced against infantry but needs more we guess), but with the chance, we'd like to inform you that in the coming version we'll try to import SW Databank descriptions to most units we can find datas for :) .


@PipfunatUT: Could you give us more info? The royal guards did pretty good job slaughtering some infantry and even t2b tanks in our tests, until getting stopped by some infiltrators or rebel heroes...


@darthcarth: The ATAT is "balanced" in such a way that can easily smash 3 T4B Tanks attackin front the front. It can even handle 4 T4B tanks if their "power to weapons" ability is not activated. Obviously, if the play or AI attack an ATAT from the back, then it will suffer major hits until he turns to fire. Now, AI normally does not move the tanks around when attacking, but a human player will (obviously) do this, if he's smart enough not to let the ATAT face his tanks. Thus, it is general rule to combine a good force when attacking; sending an ATAT in wolf's mouth without adequate back (let's say from some SPMAT sitting some kilometers behind -also guarded well), is most luckily to fail.




IMPORTANT NOTE: It would be V-E-R-Y helpful if you could send us in the contact email (found in last section of README file) along with the feedback described here, some screenshots or even short videos showing the problem you are talking about. In your email just put a easy-referance subject (ie. bug: Piett rapid turn speed, imbalance: ATST no efficient against infantry). You may also copy & paste the description of the problem as posted in the forums, but do not omit to post the problem in the forums too, so that other people that face the same problem acknowledge that it's already reported.


Orao recommends using FRAPS program (uploaded to our site) to record in-game videos. It can capture screenshots too. Mind to turn your screenshots into .JPEG format, so that they are not huge (.tga format: 5 MB/image, .jpeg format: 200 KB/image .


Thanks again for the feedback :)


(this note is edited into the first post too)


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To avoid misunderstandings and duplicate messages reporting bugs/imbalanced etc, ill post both in PFF and these forums, so that everyone can keep track of the whole progress :). Mind however, that the main thread (and which i check first always) is the PFF one.



@faded13: I think you really messed up with the XMLs somewhere :D. Run a fresh re-installation and DELETE any previous mods installed. Below i give you an image that everything works ok...


Space skirmish - Buildable fighters, Darth Vader squadron



@shadow3dje: About the Veers crawling, it may happen with other capital ships too and it's due to the fighters they carry as i said. One solution is to (temprorarily) set all video options to low, until the memory overcomes the bottleneck.


@swgbex: Just checked the turn speeds of capital ships and you are 200% right....till the v2.1, you can justify this by saying that the captain takes the turns with the handbreak on :D


@someone...: Im not sure if this is posted here or in LF forums, but someone said that Interdictor has a laser-battery hardpoint on its engines. just checked it, and no such issue spotted.


Interdictor laser-battery hardpoints on engines??



Apart from this, i was wondering the other day in an EaW site (won't say its name) and i fell on an image of an EaW mod (won't say its name either)....i just post it below to remeber what you (and me) were playing all this time........how didn't we fix the scalings right from the first installation, remains a mystery, heh


"Towering ATAT"....you kidding us? :lol:



EaW: Total Realism v2.0


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wile playing a land skirmish i had a problem with the atat

i was asking it to move closer to and shoot a laser tower, but there was a chewbacca and a t2b tank, for some reason, no matter how many times i told it to attack the tower it would stop and attack cheewbacca and then attack the tank, by which time the tower had almost destroyed the atat


i like the long landing times, but i think its a tad too long, if ur base is being destroyed and uve just built some units, by the time they get down ur base is pretty much gone

maybe it could be a little shorter

heh, at first i thought the mod was broken when units didnt come down at first :D

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wile playing a land skirmish i had a problem with the atat

i was asking it to move closer to and shoot a laser tower, but there was a chewbacca and a t2b tank, for some reason, no matter how many times i told it to attack the tower it would stop and attack cheewbacca and then attack the tank, by which time the tower had almost destroyed the atat


i like the long landing times, but i think its a tad too long, if ur base is being destroyed and uve just built some units, by the time they get down ur base is pretty much gone

maybe it could be a little shorter

heh, at first i thought the mod was broken when units didnt come down at first :D


About the first issue it has to do with targetting priorities, which we didn't even touch. Probably, when a hero is nearby the ATAT will attack him. Apart from this, sometimes the games acts "weird" :)


As for the landing times, don't worry, they'll be fixed. We agree they are too long. One explanation could be that a transport ship has to bypass the atmosphere & start landing procedure, but we'll put aside that much realism in v2.1 :)

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To avoid misunderstandings and duplicate messages reporting bugs/imbalanced etc, ill post both in PFF and these forums, so that everyone can keep track of the whole progress :). Mind however, that the main thread (and which i check first always) is the PFF one.



@faded13: I think you really messed up with the XMLs somewhere :D. Run a fresh re-installation and DELETE any previous mods installed. Below i give you an image that everything works ok...


Space skirmish - Buildable fighters, Darth Vader squadron



@shadow3dje: About the Veers crawling, it may happen with other capital ships too and it's due to the fighters they carry as i said. One solution is to (temprorarily) set all video options to low, until the memory overcomes the bottleneck.


@swgbex: Just checked the turn speeds of capital ships and you are 200% right....till the v2.1, you can justify this by saying that the captain takes the turns with the handbreak on :D


@someone...: Im not sure if this is posted here or in LF forums, but someone said that Interdictor has a laser-battery hardpoint on its engines. just checked it, and no such issue spotted.


Interdictor laser-battery hardpoints on engines??



Apart from this, i was wondering the other day in an EaW site (won't say its name) and i fell on an image of an EaW mod (won't say its name either)....i just post it below to remeber what you (and me) were playing all this time........how didn't we fix the scalings right from the first installation, remains a mystery, heh


"Towering ATAT"....you kidding us? :lol:



EaW: Total Realism v2.0




When i said back hard points i meant the back lasers hard points and they are shoot red lasers and the front laser hard points shoot green lasers. 0c37c671.jpg

Btw with scaling is this accurate scaling or made up scaling?

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I am intereasted in trying this mod out. Though I am disapointed at your choice to include the CE maps for free download. Here's the legal run down:


The maps were part of the CE from the US and Germany. Lucas Arts is a United States based company. U.S. copyright laws protect these maps because they are part of a seperate product, no matter if that product were to be 10 dollars more, or just a penny more they are still protected. In order to distribute these maps legally you must have written consent from Lucas Arts, it doesnt matter if you are in the process of doing this or not, you have to have it now once you start the distribution process. Im not saying I disagree with you though, I do think it is ridiculous to charge an extra 10 dollars for a few maps but that's just the way things are.


Also it is a disapointment to see you do this espicially after you noticed we were forced to lock a thread for doing this before hand.


But the mod does look good other wise.


EDIT: Im sorry Athanasios but Im going to have to remove the download link. CE map distribution is illegal. We will be happy to host your mod as long as you post a download link of the mod without the CE maps. Until then Im going to have to remove the link.

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You know, sorry if this is a stupid question but how do I operate all the camera functions included in this mod? i read all the files and I didn't find anything about how it works...


Like, how do I get that huge birds-eye view, or the ability to zoom in and watch battles from the ground point of view?

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I agree with Popcorn on two things that the mod looks really great, and that adding the CE maps was pushing it.


I have a question for you though Athanasios, why did you not first release the version without the CE maps and wait for approval?

It's a matter of copyright laws. You ask first, you don't just go out and do it. There are repercussions. If you're lucky, you just get shut down so that you can still release the mod. If you're unlucky you may even end up with a lawsuit in your lap on the outside.


I don't like it and Lucas Forums will not condone this mod at the moment. Not until you have approval from LucasArts or Petroglyph. When and if you do, PM me. For now, this thread is closed and all references/links will be deleted. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Okay the issue has been sorted out, the mod has been repacked w/o the CE maps. I want to thank Athanasios for his cooperation in the matter and for not starting the usual flame war that I have ran into in the past when dealing with these issues. Athanasios handled the situation very professionally.


Thread Re-Opened.


EDIT: Download link re-posted.

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PS1: One small note, everyone who's keeping an eye on LF forums too, i try to update both threads so that people dont have to move from one forum to the other and mess up with 10 explorer windows. Yet, some info (like the first quoted message) can be found only here in PFF forums, since the appearce of it is more easier to be organised.


Now, to start and finish the small issue with CE maps:


Well, for evey non-moderator/admninistrator, just calm down and don't send me emails "why?!?!!?!?!", "let's make a strike against LEC offices" and other stuff expressing your disappointment. Due to the great mutual understanding with the moderators (they handled lightsaber better than i could*), the issue of CE maps will be pulled aside until LEC decides to write down the 2-3 letters needed to say "Yes, No". It's a matter of bureaucracy and you may know how this stuff works.......they may answer tomorow, they may answer after the expansion pack is out, or they might not even answer and just send a couple of FBI agents in my house and put me in Al Katraz for the rest of my life making patches for their games :D


Seriously speaking, the mod is now re-packed without the CE maps and any referance to them. You may keep downloading the file from the main site. As soon as we get the "ok" from LEC or Petroglyph, we'll just upload the first package.


Now, to cheer things up, here's a short list of "numbers" we scored due to your support:


It's been ONLY 3 days from the first announcement of EaW:TR v2.0 and:


1. PFF forums: 1700 views, 90 posts (4 pages)

2. LF forums: 1800 views, 75 posts (2 pages)

3. SWR, Filefront, Heavegames: 300 views each, few posts (not over 5 but they're kind of "dead" forums)


And the best. Within 1 single day we gathered 530 downloads (only from the main site) ! Note, that v1.1 had gathered 280 downloads only after 2-3 weeks but its advertishment campaign was inexistent.


So, spread the word out, so that we end up playing MultiPlayer games as meant to be ;) !



* PS2: The truth (the above is just for people's eyes) is that my lightsaber battery turned off in the middle i had both Pop and Cain.......@!#%$!@#$ batteries and they were just recharged!! :D

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