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ET Warrior

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Not sure why I didn't make this thread ealier, perhaps because I'm lazy.


Anywho, I went and saw Slither on last friday night, and then I went again on saturday night because it was soooo good.


It's basically a tongue-in-cheek B horror movie. I hate most all horror movies, I'm jumpy, easily frightened, and basically a big sissy. But B horror is fun. I'll still jump, and it's disgusting, but they're also a lot of fun to watch, and Slither is an absolute gem.


The film gets great help from it's cast. Nathan Fillion is absolutely brilliant and hilarious, Gregg Henry also adds a lot of humor, and Elizabeth Banks is very attractive and a talented actress. This movie was fun, funny, exciting, interesting, creepy, disgusting, and a whole lot of other adjectives.


See this movie. You'd be doing yourself a favor.

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I won't see it just out of principle, because the commercials annoy the piss out of me.


Now that's a good reason to not see a movie. And here I was being silly, going by word of mouth, checking out reviews, things like that. Little did I know...


I might see it, I might not. I'm like you ET, very jumpy (with an overactive imagination), so I tend not to see Horror of any sort, with only a few exceptions.

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Its got pretty good reviews, not many great reviews, but also almost no bad reviews. Everyone seems to think it's fun. Which is a change from everyone thinking it was going to suck a few months back..


I'll watch it, if and when it ever comes out over here.

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Now that's a good reason to not see a movie. And here I was being silly, going by word of mouth, checking out reviews, things like that. Little did I know...


See, I don't know who you are, but flamebaiting, that's the type of s*** we usually try not to start. I have my own oppinions and reasons, and as retarted as they may sound to you, they are my oppinions and reasons. Many people can herald one movie as the best piece of cinematography ever, and there will still be those people that disagree. It's called oppinion.


Now I won't see it because of the ads, and because of you :)

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Hmm... after watching the commercials/trailers/5 or so minute movie clips I thought the movie looked kinda of.... stupid. Of course, I'm starting to think that for more and more movies these days, but maybe it IS just bad advertising?


Anyone else feel the same?

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Hmm... after watching the commercials/trailers/5 or so minute movie clips I thought the movie looked kinda of.... stupid. Of course, I'm starting to think that for more and more movies these days, but maybe it IS just bad advertising?


Anyone else feel the same?


I thought it looked kinda bad too but then I saw it and really liked it.

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