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PS3 price...499 to 599 euros


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Yo, Teg, don't post spam like that. Unless uou have something to say, don't post. Especially not just smilies/gifs.


It basically turned into this the last generation...


FPS - Xbox

RPGs/Adventures - PS2

Kid games - NGC (and yes I know that there's more than just "kid games" but that's what comes to most peoples mind, not mine though)


It's sad how neglected the NGC was :(


The onoly part about the ps3 that I can even see myself actually being interested is the linux support.

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Yeah I'm a kid cause I play Metroid, Zelda and Resident Evil... I'd be more mature if I played Halo, Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto...


I don't think the GCN was that neglected actually, at least not in the way you would think. It's just that it has a lot of great games that most people choose to ignore. And then there's the fact that a lot of the great third party Nintendo exclusives didn't end up staying exclusive, which was the biggest loss for Nintendo.

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Yeah I'm a kid cause I play Metroid, Zelda and Resident Evil...

Well, since you say it that way... :p


But you know what he meant. For me, I'm going to wait. I was planning after I get my job for the summer I could get a PS3 (UT2k7 and MGS4 look really really sexy) but the price is just horrible. If they release it at that price, it won't sell at all.

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The GCN was horribly neglected... and even when it did get games they were usually PS2 ports that didn't flex it's muscle at all.


Worst of all, i don't get WHY it was neglected - it sold nearly as many units as the Xbox (though more to the casual market than the hardcore one, so i guess that audience might buy less games) and a few of the 3 platform games sold best on the GCN. But then they just stoped porting games and load of games became PS2/Xbox and forgot the GCN.

(Soul calibur 2 I think sold more on GCN than either PS2 or XBOX, and I think the early burnout games did pretty well too).


I agree with nintendo that the early 6 month drought of games hurt their image and meant that people assumed the GCN had fewer games - which became self fulfilling. I also think their not-online stance hurt them when a lot of later games in the generation had larger online components and so i guess maybe weren't worth porting.


But for a lot of games it just seemed like the GCN was forgotten for no obvious reason.


Owning all 3 from the start seems a waste of money... as most games are cross platform anyway... its only really the few platform exclusive that make the platform matter - and then it's just a case of picking the platform witht he exclusives that match you best.

I think that owning both a 360 and a PS3 is going to be unusual this generation as there will be less exclusives and consoles and games will cost more. I'd expect a few people might have 360+Rev or PS3+Rev combinations though.


I'm not getting a 360 or PS3 until both have launched, price cuts have been announced and a game comes out with real next-gen graphics. Oh, and probably not until i get a HD tv either, as without that its kinda pointless.

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@ TiE: Yeah I know what he meant :p I was just having my lil fun.


@ toms: Actually half of the games were ports, the other half were GCN exclusives that got ported to the PS2 and to a lesser extent, Xbox.


And the biggest irony is that Soul Calibur 2 wasn't the only game to sell the most on the GCN over the PS2/Xbox. RE4 is another game, so's Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, Eternal Darkness, hell even LEGO Star Wars sold extremely well despite being released long after the PS2 and Xbox version and the release of RotS.


Everyone agrees that the 6month drought hurt them, but going online without a clear plan as to how to go online would've hurt them more. It's bad that Nintendo didn't bother to explore that path when the chance came, but it's good that Nintendo didn't force an online network upon the GCN otherwise it would just be all over the place.



As for the 360 and PS3, down here in Australia, basically no one has a HDTV yet the 360 is selling well. This is because Australia has basically the same kind of trends as the US when it comes to videogames, except that sports and racing games are a little more popular. The 360 is selling for 649AUD down here and most people don't even realise what they're missing... hell there are even people who don't even bother to explore all of the features of the 360.


So, it's pretty obvious that they bought the 360 because it was expensive. After all the general thought is, if it's expensive, it has to be good!

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