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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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"We could use your help, Gashon." Tari said, trying to persuade him. It was far from her best, but... "I'd rather have more than just one person who's trained and actually knows what they're doing. Katri may not be able to handle all the trouble we might find...and I'd feel a lot safer with you around."

It'd also be nice to have someone who actually does what I tell them to, too, but he doesn't have to know that.

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Tacit rolled his eyes yet again. He looked at Gashon. "To keep her... let's call it happy... I want you to stay as close to her as possible. I don't want to act as anything more than a guide."

Gashon nodded, blushing slightly. Then he realised who had issued the order. "I don't take orders from you, Geohound!"

"You do if you want to live through the night out here," retorted Tacit evenly.

Gashon stepped forward warningly. "Is that a threat?"

Tacit smiled slightly. "Not at all. Merely a statement of fact - if you want to avoid being killed by al'hayat, geshtal, or even from a yelt bite, you'll listen to me. If not..." he saluted mockingly.

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Tari shook her head. What am I doing? Let them kill eachother, what do I care?

She pushed her way between them, flipping her hair back over her shoulder, before starting off at a jog to catch up to Ty.

"I honestly think Tacit is going to drive me out of my mind by the time this trip is over." she said, once they were walking side-by-side at a comfortable pace.

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"I agree.. he probably will," he said, folding his arms behind his head as he walked. "Between me and you, you can count on me. I've had.. a bit of training myself." He looked at the ground for a moment, then glanced at her before looking back straight. "I mean.. you don't have too.. hopefully it will never come to it, but if it does, well.."


He nodded to himself. "Yeah.."

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The Herpetlec mountain range grew ever closer as the suns set in the west. Tacit turned to face them, stopping. "We'll camp here tonight," he said.

"If I'm not mistaken, there's a small stream a few minutes North," said Gashon. "I have a few water skins with me. We should fill as many of them as we can."

"Agreed," said Tacit, nodding. "We'll need some firewood, too. You shouldn't go alone, though." he added, as he made to leave. He turned to Ty. "You go with him," he said sharply.

As Gashon and Ty went to get water and wood, Tacit turned to Tari and Katri. "Get your sword out, princess," he said. He ignited his beam sword. "We'll start with basic techniques. Blocking would be a good place to start."

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"I had thought you'd forgotten." Tari said, disappointed. She drew her sword lazily. "Now what?"

"Try to stop my blade with yours." was the Jedia's simple instruction. A moment later, he shot forward, with little warning.

Seeing the green beam of light flying her way, Tari yelped and dove to the ground, Tacit's blow flying right where her head had been.

"You actually tried to hit me, didn't you?" she asked, her eyes narrowed.

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"It's set to low power," he said defensively. "You would only have felt a mild tingle. Stand up," he added, helping her up. "Let's try again. Don't be afraid - I'm not actually trying to hit you. YOu have to learn to trust me, or this will be a very short trip."

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"As if saying it makes it all that much easier." she murmured. This time, she looked as if she actually wanted to learn. Her right foot stepped back, and her knees bent, her sword held upright at chest-level. She hadn't a clue what she was doing...but the stance felt right, somehow.

"Alright, do your worst, Jedia."

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He scrutinized her posture. "Keep your elbow up," he said. Without another word, he came at her again, his blade humming deeply. She managed to block him, but he flicked the sword up and out of her hands, then brought his weapon down and pointed it at her throat. After a few seconds, he deactivated it, and drew her sword into his hand.

"You can't let your concentration slip," he said, passing her the longsword hilt first. "Keep your mind focused, your thought unclouded. Keep a firm grip on the blade."

"I'm trying!" she said sharply.

"There is no 'try'," he said calmly. "Allow your mind to go blank. Reach out with your feelings. Allow instinct to guide your blade."

She fell into her battle stance again. He placed a hand on her arm and lifted her elbow. "Always keep it up," he said. He walked a few feet away, then turned.

He attacked again, this time bringing his blade up in a slash. She blocked it, then brought her blade around to block another. She managed to meet two more attacks before he disarmed her again, the beam of his blade at her throat once again.

"Much better," he said, dropping his weapon. He turned away from her, attaching his weapon to his belt again. "You have potential," he said.

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Tari stuck her sword point-first into the dirt, massaging her palms with her thumbs, grimacing slightly. "Potential, huh? I don't see how I could fight when I can't even hang on to the dumb thing." after a moment, she pulled the blade back out of the ground, and resheathed it, moving to sit down in the grass.

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He crouched down beside her. "Sorry, no..." he looked around. "But if you want, I can go find something. Dula meat is pretty good, as long as you don't eat the liver. Or the spleen." He stood again. "And the lungs are pretty dangerous, too... not to mention the heart..."

She gave him a startled look. "Don't worry," he said. "The rest of it's alright."

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He smiled slightly, and stalked off into the forest.


After ten minutes of hunting the large herbivore, he finally had it cornered. He kept his beam sword ready, a hunting dagger in his other hand. He snuck up quitely behind it.

He heard movement behind him. He sensed a malevolet presence nearby. Throwing the hunt, he ignited his weapon, and brought it around in a wide arch. His blade cut through nothing but air. He heard rapid movement in the trees, and the presence disappeared suddenly.


When he returned to camp, he found that Ty and Gashon had returned, and had a small fire going. He dropped a load of berries and other edible plants on the ground next to Tari. "Sorry, all I could get. Gashon? A word?"

Gashon gave him a curious look, but stood and follwed Tacit out of earshot of the others.

"What is this about, Jedia?" he asked.

"While I was hunting, I sensed... a presence. Something... something dark. Sinister."

"Ok... why are you telling me?"

"Just thought you might like to know," said Tacit sarcastically. "Why do you think? If there's something out here, I want to be able to depend on you to help watch out for Tari, in case I can't be there. And I just don't trust Ty."

Gashon nodded. "Alright. I'll keep an eye out."

"Good. Oh, and one more thing."


"Don't bring back any of that red bark next time. That's where spinnle wasps make their nests."

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Tari looked at the berries a moment, before reaching for one, and studying it. When she noticed Ty looking strangely at her, she said, "What? Knowing how Tacit and I are such great friends, these are probably poison or something." After a moment, though, she shrugged and popped the berry into her mouth.

When Gashon and Tacit returned to the firelight, she said, "I hope you two had fun." and picked another berry from the pile.

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((I edited my old posts and deleted a few so I could meet up and rp with you guys))


Jack spent most of the day hiking up to moutains. He decided to take a short cut through the forrest. He'd been walking through the forrest for almost two hours without stopping, he had his sword out to cut down the wines, leaves, thorns and bushes that got in his way.


He heard two voices and he crouched down. He put his sword away and pulled out his machiene gun. Jack listened to the voices, there was a man and a women. Jack didn't want to take any chance so he slipped into the trench behind him and lyed down on his back, he quickly put ammo in his machiene gun and then placed his finger over the trigger. He wasn't going to make the first move. He didn't really they were at all hostile but he'd rather be safe than sorry.

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"Now, we get some sleep," said Tacit. "Actually... I won't be sleeping. I'll stay up and keep watch."

"No," said Gashon. "I'm not going into that forest with an exhausted guide. I'll keep watch."

"I can go days without sleep," said Tacit firmly. "I'll be alright."

"It's not you I'm worried about..." he muttered. He sighed. "Alright..."

"Good. Tari: sleep closest to the fire. That way, anything... or anyone... that wants to kill you will have to go through us."

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