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My theory about kotor 3


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Iam pretty sure that the game will come out late or soon.

if we look at how much money they make making kotor's game's.

they always win Rpg of the year awards. even ppl who dont like Star wars like kotor.





and if you cant wait for kotor 3 , here how to wait , just read kotor comic books, cause the game have been make by the comic source.

a new collection is currently in progress , the 3 first issues are out already.




a new combat system more like Jade empire sound good , and be able to play a different species should be fun to not like i hate the human's but after 2 main character been human . its getting boring.

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1. Meh, I'm not really in any rush to have Knights 3 right now. I can wait.


2. Yeah, there pretty cool.


3. No. Leave the combat system alone. It's worked fine the last 2 games, why change it now? Different species, sure I guess. Why not.

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1.they should make single light saber more advantage


Cause i played alots kotor 1 and 2 , i know alots how the stats work and yeah single light saber is very useless , and more in kotor 2 than 1 cause you can reach 30 def (the maximum defence you can get ) even using robe this so easy wiout so much dex in kotor 1 .


2. About level limit

They should put less level or stay 50 i dont realy care but at leats be able to reach it wiout using glitch please...



i think single lightsaber should make more dmg than dual's .. sound nonsense ? lets me explain , just use a baseball bat , its will hit stronger with 1 hand than 2 hand , realy dont think. and anyway its lots more acurate with 2 hands.


4. combat Form's

they should add "forme ,Stance's" only for single , dual's,double blanded weapon.

and different animation's for each stance , its should make the game more interesting. and enemies to should be able to use form's , and them personal form to.


5. about new combat system

i can understand you , cause iam a fan my self i dont realy like it when the dev's change what iam a fan for , but no iam not a fan of the combat system.

cause some ppl are not good enough for a real time combat system and they even use the pause glitch to beat boss out. we not supposed to be able to use instant medpack by using glitch.

A new combat system should be good using jade empire one. to bring the game to the next lvl , no more semi-real time rpg to real time rpg. And also more skill needed to beat boss' using them personel forms of lightsaber or Force form.

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A new combat system should be good using jade empire one. to bring the game to the next lvl , no more semi-real time rpg to real time rpg. And also more skill needed to beat boss' using them personel forms of lightsaber or Force form.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is highly unlikely...


1.) Jade Empire is still a turn based combat system, though cleverly disguised, while it works in the Martial Arts genre it would be totally out of place in Star Wars.


2.) Jade Empire does not use the D20 system and KotOR III has to... so much for the combat system right there.


3.) The game adds a 'twitch' factor to combat and this is something that does not go over well with the core fans of RPG's. While these games can be fun it is impossible to play for others.


The KotOR games are Pure RPG's and as such "twitch" reflexes are not required to finish the game... your "more skill needed" statement is simply an excuse by those to try and turn every other genre of game into your favorite style of reflexive 'twitch' gaming play... sorry but the slower turn-based play is what this game is all about.


RPG's are not for testing the "skill" of the nimbleness of your fingers they are supposed to test the "skill" of your mind, and entertain you with a story. ;)

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The KotOR games are Pure RPG's and as such "twitch" reflexes are not required to finish the game... your "more skill needed" statement is simply an excuse by those to try and turn every other genre of game into your favorite style of reflexive 'twitch' gaming play... sorry but the slower turn-based play is what this game is all about.


RPG's are not for testing the "skill" of the nimbleness of your fingers they are supposed to test the "skill" of your mind, and entertain you with a story. ;)


You took the words right out of my mouth. Why must "action gamers" threaten to assimilate every remotely popular franchise into their own...KOTOR has been so succesful because it IS an RPG, if it had been just another action game I never would have even played it, or became a Star Wars fan for that matter.

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a new combat system more like Jade empire sound good ,


I strongly disagree. As RH said, those games test the skills of your fingers over those of your mind. Also, if you were replaying all three games in a row, wouldn't it be strange to suddenly switch from a D20 combat system into an action one? Lastly, there are plenty of good games with action combat systems. Look at Jade Empire or Oblivion. If you like action combat so much, play those. But there's no need to make KotOR III worse than it could be.

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if you were replaying all three games in a row, wouldn't it be strange to suddenly switch from a D20 combat system into an action one?


Nailed it. That's one of my biggest problem with changing the system. I think it would be a major turn off for a lot of people -just guessing from what I've read on this & other boards-. Again, if people need a hack & slash real time jedi game why won't/don't they play Jedi Knight & stop trying to molest this series into one?

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something should be good to , in kotor 3, new party member's nothing againts hk-47 i love him dont make mistake, but i dont want to see the old member's again in kotor 3 , at leats not in my party. i want be able to kill them or better kill them with another party member "party member vs party member" should be fun.



i want more darkside a pure darksider character in your team , no more Visas style ..

i want a party member like ordo , Darth Maul.


same thing about light side , no more neutral , and please no more damn wookie's!! . they can still put a wookie but damn they are so anoying. and useless.



Please be acurate with item's model , if you read the comic of kotor the armor and robe realy not look like the game one. like exar - kun and ulic armor.

they are realy cool in comic a cape with and amor .

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