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HK-47 with lightsabers, can it be done?

DarthMaul v.1/2

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I have always wanted to see HK throwing down with a couple of sabers (if Grievous can do it, why not HK?). I was under the impression that the game had NO animation sequences for him to use melee weapons or lightsabers, so therefore sabers would be impossible for him. I don't even care about him using force powers (also supposedly not possible), just lightsabers. Is there someone out there with the abilities to pull this one off? Is it even possible? Or is the info on HK I heard the truth?

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Here are the threads I came up with...






So the signs and portents on this issue point to HK-47 having no melee animations and thusly cannot use sabers.


So I would say the info you have heard is true... unfortunately.


On a upbeat tone, you can make him use Force Powers through using the Droid activatable (Flame Thrower/Ion Blaster) items. ;)

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Im not a modder, but wasnt the animations cracked a while ago? I read in that thread that you could get droids with mele wepons.

I keep on hearing this... but I have seen no mods released that does this. :giveup:


The thread being referred to is here for those interested. ;)

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Because one is a droid and the other is a cyborg. :)


* Prime closes the door behind him on the way out *

Hey Prime, I guess you got me there! I can hear George Lucas removing me from his will even as I type, which undoubtedly will be followed by the cast from Revenge of the Nerds (parts I and II!) kicking down my front door to forcibly remove my "Dork Society Platinum Club Card"!


I keep on hearing this... but I have seen no mods released that does this. :giveup:


The thread being referred to is here for those interested. ;)

Hail great RedHawke, Shadow lord of the Sith! Forgive my unfathomable ignorance, oh Red one, but I have read this entire thread, and it seems, at the beginning, that HK DID in fact have melee animations cracked, but then the posts degrade into whether or not Revan's stiff cape problem would be fixed and then I see no more mention of HK and his cracked melee animations--- do possibly no more than what is posted in that thread? Or maybe who I should ask about this? I only ask because you seem to be the one to ask these things of!


P.S. I can't remember whether or not I have personally THANKED YOU for the GREAT MODs you have made, and that I love to play with --- so THANK YOU! I would have to say the Revan's Robes is my favorite (I love all those variations), but I also play with Exiles Item Pack, General's uniforms, ArmorPack 1, and I am sure others, but I can't remember off the top of my head (I have 40+ MODs active on my current TSL savegame!). Anyways, I am fairly new around here (March) so I just wanted to let you and the other MODders and folks that make this KotOR universe better than ever know that I appreciate what you do! RESPECT!

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DM: you should really have added that second post to your first by editing it rather then making a new post.


Also HK may have meelee animations but he does not have close combat weapon animations. ie swords, sabers ot batons.

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All melee animation (lightsabers included) are linked to a hook (dummy) which HK don't even have. Yes he can hold a saber in hand and walk or run with it but nothing else. And that is not part of melee animation. HK can't play any melee animation.

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All melee animation (lightsabers included) are linked to a hook (dummy) which HK don't even have. Yes he can hold a saber in hand and walk or run with it but nothing else. And that is not part of melee animation. HK can't play any melee animation.

Hey there, OldFlash! Then it is as I heard, too bad --- I would love to see HK getting medieval on some hapless "Meatbags" with a couple of sabers!


I am guessing that since "hook" doesn't already exist for HK (or any other droids with arms, I suppose), that trying to make it for him is either impossible or close to it, right?


Anyways, thanks for the info, OldFlash!

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I was try to make HK to use sabers but... Read this thread.

Hey OldFlash! Man, you really give info in a "Flash"! --- I know, that WAS pretty lame! --- anyway, I read the thread, and the very last post in the thread, by Svosh, sounded at least like it might be REMOTELY possible to accomplish this --- is there any thing to what Svosh posted? Is Svosh out there? Anyone? ....Bueller? ....Bueller?

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Hey all you Master Force MODders! It seems to me that there is as much interest in this request, if not more, as any MOD request currently posted--- a veritable "ground-swell" of support from the masses (all 7 or 8 of us! hehe...) who, in our appreciation of the "Meat-Bag Mauler" --- aKa HK --- know that Obsidian and Bio-ware dropped the Easter egg by not making a SITH lord's personally constructed SITH assasin droid be capable of wielding a SITH's weapon! HK should definitely be capable of using ANY weapon --- melee, lightsabers, ranged, bare-hands ---


Well, we know that animations for the game have only recently been cracked, and I myself am VERY much a nOOb to MODding (I only just got KotOR Tool to work on my comp last night!) and no where near ready to attempt this type of thing, but I am confident that one, two, or several of the TRUE Masters (ChAiNz.2da, tk102, stoffe-mkb-, RedHawke, darth333, TNowhere, MacLeod, oldflash, Darkkender--- should I continue?) could get their thoughts on this together and implement this RE-QUEST into RE-ALITY.


What are the chances of this happening? Does anyone have info on this, other than what has already been posted in this thread?


Hey all you HK fans, speak up and chime in! The more of us that ask and show interst, the sooner it will happen (and it WILL happen --- can't you feel the disturbance in the Force?).

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