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Empire at War: Total Realism v2.1 ***RELEASED!***


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To let you know, we've already noted down the most critical fixes/updates that must be done and we'll be releasing v2.1.1 shortly this or the next week. It might be a stand-alone .rar to download which will include the fixed files, or (most likely to avoid installation problems/questions) the files will be merged into the installers.


The issues that will be corrected are:

  • Include unscaled space units files in separate folder
  • Include original TEXT files (omitted from v2.1)
  • Fixed english "without GM" installers that had incorrect original files
  • Fixed 501st Legion land crash
  • Fixed Fastest Gun, Shoot Out modes land tactical crash
  • Fixed GC modes not being playable online
  • Sniper riffle damage further increased against artillery
  • Scout trooper sticky bomb damage further increased against artillery
  • Home One given to "The Siege" GC mode when playing Rebels
  • Default camera views must set to lower zoom in
  • Enhanced skirmish max starting credits (20k -> 30k)
  • Lowered T4B health
  • Lowered T4B damage against ATAT
  • Various updates to readme files and installers


Apart from these, three small notes before going to sleep:


1. The envading force numbers cannot be tweaked currently (they are 3 as mentioned). This is bound to engine, since each reinforcement point defines the forces that can be brought down at once. Will be fixed as soon as we have that map edittor.


2. The 501st Legion troops issue will be handled in that way so that we do not remove them and also being used in skirmish too. We will keep the current style of them being selectable by one, since this gives them more flexibility (use binoculars etc) and makes them more like hero units, since they are a little harder to kill than normal troopers. You can make them selectable as squad by simply changing a value named <max_squad_size>.


3. The "Tourney" feature in the site will be shortly fixed. Mind to register as soon as this is done, so that apart from Tourney announcements, we can send you news for updates and more.


Yes, you read correctly. The new version of the already widely accepted EaW:Total Realism mod is coming!


For more info, visit the relative thread in PFF Forums and reply in any forum you prefer; we watch daily both LF and PFF forums :) .


And in case you're in a bit of hurry, Empire at War: Total Realism v2.1 is settled to arrive this Saturday, 15th April 2006 (edit: released, look up).


Stay tuned in our frequency (as always)! :)

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and if u guys r creating a mod this good,imagine what v3.0 will be like....

....it will be like 700-800 MB because 3-4 maps take up more than 4 MB!


Seriously, we're planning to make an area (in our site) for every pack of maps we make, rather than upload an 800 MB "mod"!


Heh, we can already imagine it...


"Empire at War:Total Realism v3.0. File size is 800MB. Click here to download or mail us for a burnt dvd!" :D

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Okey, and here it goes the announcement of the first screen update. Within 2-3 hours, we'll post you some nice stuff including: infiltrators' space stealth/spying abilities, ground fighters and last (but in no way least!), few images of the brand new, pioneering and hard-worked Galactic Conquest modes!


Stay tuned....;)

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Okey, here come the images we promised you. One small note, the ground fighters images will be posted tomorow, couple hours before the awaited upload of EaW:TR. The reasons are that (1) we couldn't shot any decent images for show-off ;D and (2) they will be posted a long with the images of the enhanced space squadrons & ground companies (so, they'll be more in topic). However, to "make up" for the minor disappointment this small delay might cause to some of you, we post below (among the rest), the first images "behind the scenes", showing our beta testings online; which means........prepare for fierce tourneys!


In few words, below you can see (in the order they appear): Infiltrators space stealth and spy abilities, the modification of RAID ability, some screens of the beta tests of TR online and finally, some of the 14 Galactic Conquest modes. Enjoy! :)



1. Infiltrators - RAID ability



Infiltrators space stealh & spy abilities; infiltrators as meant to be.



RAID ability now only for infantry and hero units. In the screenshot, the cursor was grabbing the infantry units.



RAID ability again. In the screenshot, the cursor was grabbing the T2B unit.





2. Total Realism beta tests online



EaW:Total Realism beta tests online - screen 1



EaW:Total Realism beta tests online - screen 2



EaW:Total Realism beta tests online - screen 3




(....images continued to next post, cause the forum doesn't allow too many images/smileys in a single post)

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(...continue from above post)




3. Galactic Conquest modes



GC mode "Chain Reaction" - Minimap screenshot



GC mode "Chain Reaction" - When the atmosphere is literally "explosive".



GC mode "Front Lines" - Minimap screenshot



GC mode "Front Lines" - Protest your bravery; retreat is not an option.



GC mode "Messed up" - Minimap screenshot



GC mode "Messed up" - ...and there's only one way to apply "order".



GC mode "Shout Out I" - Minimap screenshot



GC mode "Shout Out II" - Bored of Land or Space Skirmish? We got the solution! :)


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(...continue from above post)




3. Galactic Conquest modes


GC mode "Fastest Gun I" - Minimap screenshot



GC mode "Fastest Gun I" - Shout Out is good, but craving for more "advanced" situations? Check this out...



GC mode "The Siege" - Minimap screenshot



GC mode "The Siege" - When things get really tight...:D




Stay tuned for the tomorow screenshot update and ofcourse, the announcement of the download link ;)

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One small clarification about the GC modes....


(direct copy from PFF forums)


I like the GC maps but that last one...rebs are kinda screwed...

Hehe, all maps can be played both from Rebelion and Imperials side ;). Believe, the particular, "The Siege", mode has some very intense moements especially if you play it against a human player. Obviously, all modes have something special, they're not like the original modes (they were even 4 in total i think....heh) that were just a bunch of selected planets.


And ofcourse, the uniqueness and variety of each mode is purely based to the full remaking of Galactic Map.


Oh, and just to mention, that you saw nothing relatively to the rest GC modes and features :D ...

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@Lord hobo: Yup, multiplayer tests. The mod is 100% online compatible (online = MP/Lan), providing that both sides have the exact same version of TR installed.......which means, as said, that tourneys will follow 1-2 weeks after the v2.1 release, so that we have some adequate feedback before launching them :).


@Popcorn: Heh, Popcorn, and you saw only 4-5 GC modes out of 14 :D !




What's left now is the 2nd screen update which will include: "Dozens lasers" feature, zoom enhanced, ground fighters, space squadrons, ground companies and more!


And one small note.... Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 yesterday night broke the record of 2.000 downloads in only 10 days! We hope that v2.1 will follow these numbers as well .


As for the rest, the site proved to be more complicated than we thought. So, we will upload the new site, but it will be finished later on . Apart from this, everything goes according to our plans.


So, wait from coming screen update and the announcement of download link!

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sounds very awesome, cant wait to play

general question, if its coming out today, like you said in the first post, is it going to be coming out in a more general playing time

2.0 came out at 11.55, whihc really didnt give much playign time as i had to get up the next morning....but i still played for a wile :D


i noticed in antoher thread somewhere, i cant rememebr whihc one now

but they suggested about the rescaling of everything, but a better way (in my opinion) of doing it

i dont know how big the isd will be in this version, but in the last it was pretty big, is there any chance of making everything smaller, but then setting the camera to defualt in closer, so everything looks the same size, but the maps then generally become bigger

just wondering what your opinion on this was :D

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Star Destroyers and Mon Calamaris have been scaled down a bit along the other changes we needed to do for the system crawling issue we had reports about.


As for bigger maps, heh, no map can be "bigger" unless you make it bigger :). They are just so small, that no eye-trick method works.


The upload should be around the same time. We're trying to have everything talor-made and bug-free, so that we don't need to upload 10 version for minor-bugs and as such, we need every second till 24.00 :)

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RAID ability now only for infantry and hero units. In the screenshot, the cursor was grabbing the infantry units.

So, basically, what you are saying there is that the Imperial player can counter any and all raids just with a company of TIE Maulers. Seems like a pretty awful idea to me...and there's really no good reason why raid fleets can't include vehicles.


By "shout out," do you mean, "shoot out?" That name would make a lot more sense.


I have to say I'm very disappointed in your new galactic maps. Having every single planet connected to every single other planet is just silly. Introduce some choke points! Make some worlds more important than others! Alter them so that some actual strategy must be used to succeed, rather than just rushing for planets and building a huge army just like every other run-of-the-mill RTS game.

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lol, il let you off this time, but it looks like i wont be getting alot of sleep tonight :p


i like the "dozens laser" thing uve done, hopefully it will look awesome

and the idea of easter egss, interesting lol

ohwell, few hours to go till we can get our hands on it

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So, basically, what you are saying there is that the Imperial player can counter any and all raids just with a company of TIE Maulers. Seems like a pretty awful idea to me...and there's really no good reason why raid fleets can't include vehicles.


RAID ability in original game is the easy way for rebels to conquer planets. With Total Realism modifications, grab a company of 3 T4B and conquer whatever you want, unless the AI has some ATATs somewhere.


The base is that RAID must be used for sabotages. Yes, you can easily get wiped out by that Maulers (unless you got some Plex), but who cares if i destroy that hypervelocity gun first? RAID ability will give a boost to the strategy applied when raiding planets; you'll feel more like playing RPG or FPS, while watching your few and vulnerable forces completing their tasks.


However, we're looking forward to people's feedback; if the majority doesn't like the tweaking of raid ability, it will be just modified accordingly to their preferances.


By "shout out," do you mean, "shoot out?" That name would make a lot more sense.
Heh, yes, just a small mistyping issue (screenshots are from beta - text in forum images was just copy & pasted). It's already corrected.


I have to say I'm very disappointed in your new galactic maps. Having every single planet connected to every single other planet is just silly. Introduce some choke points! Make some worlds more important than others! Alter them so that some actual strategy must be used to succeed, rather than just rushing for planets and building a huge army just like every other run-of-the-mill RTS game.

If you played EaW:Total Realism v2.0, you should now that there has been put too much work to re-create the Galactic Map. The new 12 modes (out of 14) are mainly intended for fun gameplay, both in Single Player and especially in Multiplayer. For more advanced strategy and the choke points you're looking for, Galactic Conquest and The Conflict Begings modes, consisted of 43 and 21 planets respectively, are there waiting for you (already introduced in v2.0, as said) :) !

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I don't know if this is proper or not, but could I make a small request? Or suggestion?


Could you possibly make a scout trooper unit for the imperials? I know there's already speeder bikes, but I'd like to see an actual unit of scout troopers on foot (other than having his speeder bike destroyed!).


The way I imagine them, is that they're more like "special forces" for the Imperials. They are kind of like stormtroopers, right? Only they have outdoor survival and stealth skills. I guess they wouldn't come in squads like stormtroopers but maybe each unit of scout troopers would have two groups of two scout troopers.


For abilities... nothing like the rebel infiltrators, but something a step below that. They wouldn't be able to spy or infiltrate or raid. But they could have snipers, like the infiltrators, and also the binoculars ability. Just a thought...


I'm just suggesting this on two terms:


1. I really like scout troopers, and it saddens me to see that the only way I can use them is if they're on speeder bikes. They should be able to do more than that. In the movies, they were stealthy... I mean, they actually *almost* captured Leia, but they did manage to sneak up on her pretty easily. And shoot at her, practically unseen.


2. Granted that the Rebels should have the "guerilla"-type units, it just seems like an army for a Galactic Empire would have the intelligence to include something like snipers in their military. Or something equivalent to Special Forces. I'm not saying "hey, let's give the Empire something equivalent to infiltrators." I'm just saying, they could use an elite ground troop, similar to infiltrators.


As elite units, Infiltrators should be more powerful no doubt, and they would be because they'd have the spying and raiding abilities (not to mention those nice explosives they have), but still. I just think the Empire should also have some kind of special forces. Seems like you're giving the Empire some ground fighters anyway so... why not also give the empire some kind of elite sniper ground troop?


Again, just a suggestion. Don't imagine it would be too hard to implement either.

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Pesonaly i like thast u are limiting raids i still think hero units shouldnt be able to but thats me by limiting the raids u have made it so the rebels cant just go in and with 8 or so infinatry units and take a less defended planet inside of the empires colection of planets.

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Pesonaly i like thast u are limiting raids i still think hero units shouldnt be able to but thats me by limiting the raids u have made it so the rebels cant just go in and with 8 or so infinatry units and take a less defended planet inside of the empires colection of planets.


Mind the only 1 hero unit can participate in each RAID squad. Just like the leader of the raiding force ;) .

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Mind the only 1 hero unit can participate in each RAID squad. Just like the leader of the raiding force ;) .


2 things


1) Is it possible for you to try and make an increased galactic map gameplay speed version? I really did not like how slow 2.0 went (skiped others)




2) You could have Han or other stealth units waiting in orbit to call down as renforcments to by pass the limit to the amount of units you can raid with.


In the normal game I raid planets even when I control the airspace to shorten the time in deploying my intial forces

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2 things


1) Is it possible for you to try and make an increased galactic map gameplay speed version? I really did not like how slow 2.0 went (skiped others)




2) You could have Han or other stealth units waiting in orbit to call down as renforcments to by pass the limit to the amount of units you can raid with.


In the normal game I raid planets even when I control the airspace to shorten the time in deploying my intial forces

See this is what im talking about thats how people that play with the rebelion get planets so easly because of that what u are asking basicly is that u dont put in the raid cap.

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Okey people, before grabbing a shotgun and chase us, we'd like to clear out that we have all files ready to upload, everything is tested and as meant to be, but the site we promised wasn't even touched ;D. However, since we don't want to use the same plain xml and moreover, because we want to set the bases for the new site, we'll postpone the upload till tomorow noon (GMT). Ofcourse, the site will be in no way ready by tomorow noon, we'll use only one part of it only, but we don't want to postpone the release for one more week (and we guess you don't want either...:)).


So, just make patience 12 more hours and remember that we're working for your enjoyment. Till tomorow then, we're posting the promised screenshots (more than promised to make up for this small delay ;)). Enjoy!



Ground modifications




More zoom enhancement - image 1



More zoom enhancement - image 2



More stormies - image 1



More stormies - image 2



More stormies - image 3




TIE Adavanced G-Fighter - deadly as in space (G stands for "Ground")



TIE G-Fighter - a decent counterpart against Snowspeeder and air force for imperials



X-Wing G-Fighters with locked S-Foils!




(continue at next post...)

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(...continue from previous post)


Space modifications



Enhancement of space squadrons (image 1) - watch the formation, heh, surprise!



Enhancement of space squadrons (image 2)



Virago in action



Moldy Crow in aerobatic tricks - live! :D



"Dozens of lasers" feature - image 1



"Dozens of lasers" feature - image 2



"Dozens of lasers" feature - image 3



"Dozens of lasers" feature; masterpiece, isn't it? :)


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