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A question for the informed among you...

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Thrawn

Also, when I was born I was stabbed in the face by the nurse who was carring me's fingernail. I still have the indentation that it made. So it's basically my birth mark.



"You'd have to use a ladder to rise to my level of crap!"


Rogue 6

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Well, as I've mentioned before, my best (human) friend for most of my youth was a girl. What this means is that I'm one of the few guys who actually understands women.


Think of that Mel Gibson movie, only without the telepathy. wink.gif


The washroom thing is actually easy to understand.


Y'see, contrary to popular belief, most women (there are exceptions to every rule, of course), are not more hung up on their looks than guys are (the old "fashion sense" argument). The difference is that most guys are delusional about their looks.


In general, we're too confident; most of us can go outside with our gut hanging over our waistband, food stains on our shirts, and messy hair and still be convinced that we look good.


Women, on the other hand, are realists. They know that if it's windy their hair will be messed up, and if they've been eating they might have food on them, and if it's hot they'll have been sweating. Unlike men, women are observant enough to know that sometimes, they don't look their best. (Whether this is accurate or not is a matter of opinion; I've known girls who look their best without makeup, with tangled hair, and wearing jeans and a dirty sweatshirt.)


What does this have to do with restrooms, you ask? Simple.


Restrooms are one of the only "public" places you can find a half-decent mirror. Try it sometime. Without resorting to a restroom, you (and by "you," I mean "us guys") are stuck with the sides of cars, windows, and video screens, which might be okay if you're just checking your teeth, but if you have long(ish) hair, and want something that's not translucent/coloured/curved, you'll need a washroom.


As for bringing friends along, that's obvious too; sometimes a subjective opinion isn't all that helpful, and/or you need someone to compare with. They're also private, which means that people can talk without having to worry about being overheard.



It's like I always say: When the going gets tough, the tough . . . switch to artillery.

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*note to self, somehow get a folding comb for hair.*


yes, it's alot longer now. I actually have to COMB it.


it takes awhile, too. -_-



This post has been proven more fun

than nailing a weasle to your forehead!

Because the weasle might care.


Official Diablo II Guru!

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie:

Women, on the other hand, are realists. They know that if it's windy their hair will be messed up, and if they've been eating they might have food on them, and if it's hot they'll have been sweating. Unlike men, women are observant enough to know that sometimes, they don't look their best. (Whether this is accurate or not is a matter of opinion; I've known girls who look their best without makeup, with tangled hair, and wearing jeans and a dirty sweatshirt.)


yeah, but we understand also that we dont need to look our best, just look presentable.

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I guess we should all be grateful for that whole procreation thing,... otherwise I doubt women would ever have anything to do with any of us.


Can't say I could blame them for it either. To this day I still can't figure out why more of them aren't lesbians...

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This is why, in my SF writing, I have at least three species that are exclusively female.


The b'oriik are hermaphrodites, but the female aspects are dominant.


The azz'anat species is made up of hive-minds; some of the drones are male, but only the "Queens" are sentient.


Then there're the tarella. There are tarella males, but they're non-sentient creatures used for breeding stock only. The species counts three sexes; male, fertile female, and non-fertile female.


I also have the inib'tt, who consider themselves exclusively male. Actually, they're asexual, but adopt male pronouns when among other aliens.


And the carak are asexual parasites who adopt the sex-typing of their host (a carak inhabiting a female host-body will identify itself as female).


There're also various species who're divided into sexes, but the divisions serve no reproductive purposes (cybernetic life-forms, silicon-based life, etc).



It's like I always say: When the going gets tough, the tough . . . switch to artillery.


[This message has been edited by Flying Beastie (edited August 06, 2001).]

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well, on the bathroom subject, there is also a much more practical reason why a lot of girls go to the restroom in pairs or groups. safety. all our lives, we women are told that somebody is gonna snatch us or rape us as soon as they get the chance. hence, we girls have taken to using certain precautions. a creep is much less likely to go after multiple females than a lone one. not to say that FB isn't right, but i think the safety factor is probably more the cause of bathroom migration than anything. me personally tho, i have no problem going to the bathroom by myself...which is a good thing considering that a lot of the places i go i'm by myself tongue.gif *shrugs* but most girls just need that security factor, plain and simple.



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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*scribbles notes down*

Now, about that whole "telling if they like you" part....... why all the games? Honestly, you LIKE a person or you don't! a simple yes or no answer would be nice.


'Hey, do you like me?'

(Girl)-"Well, you're cute....."



*sigh* can someone try to explain this one to me?

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okay, as far as guys are concerned, here is what i have noticed about girls in some stages of their lives:


first we have high school. in high school, girls seem to have this preconcieved notion of what their perfect guy is because they watch too many soap operas, and they very rarely will date anyone who doesn't live up to it. therefore, they often turn down guys that would be much better than their ideal for many reasons, but also just for the fact that their ideal doesn't exist.


next we have college girls. college girls have finally realized that their high school ideal is just that, and that he doesn't exist. therefore, they begin to throw all of their guy-choosing sensibilities out the window and will date the first guy that comes along because they're afraid they've waited too long or some crap like that, and now they're afraid to be alone. this is the reason that all college girls seem to be taken. this is a situation that seriously frustrates me because now almost all of my friends keep falling for these losers because they "think they can't do any better." and these guys are real jerks...anyway...


next we have post-college girls. the post-college girl is recovering the standards that she had in high school, but they are more realistic now. the only problem is, since the girl has waited until after she's out of college, the majority of the good ones have already been taken; hence the anal retentive ***** mode most of these girls end up in.


this is about as far as my girl-knowledge goes. now, these are just general stereotypes of my observations. not all girls are half-witted ninnies like this, but unfortunately, the majority of them are, at least in some point of their lives. someone who was an idealistic high-schooler can become a person who realizes that guys are not fantasies, they are real, and they discover that they could be very happy with one that actually exists. some girls actually do grow up as they get older, so these are the ones you wanna be keeping your eyes opened for. those, and the ones who never go through these phases.

signs that a girl isn't a stereotype are as follows:


she is down to earth


she is not a daddy's girl who has always gotten what she wants


she has plenty of male friends, preferably more male friends than female


she is slightly quirky, girls like that are the most fun, and they obviously do not match the norm


i can't think of any more signs, but if i do, i'll just edit this tongue.gif well, i hope i was of some help and clarified some of your issues.



[This message has been edited by Andromeda (edited August 07, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Andromeda:

she is slightly quirky, girls like that are the most fun, and they obviously do not match the norm


<FONT SIZE = "7">YES!!!</FONT>



Sorry Rommie, had to get that out of my system.</small>


What Rommie says is right (almost by definition, that wink.gif ).


Everyone has their own standards, of course, but for me, the only type of girl worth paying attention to is the odd one; the exact opposite of the kind we've been describing. The one who's not careful about her appearance, and who doesn't act exactly like modern society wants her to.


Trouble is, because seemingly every other guy is looking for the standards, the only girls who'll allow themselves to be unusual are the ones who aren't looking.


It's the same type of problem girls complain about; all the "good" ones seem to have a boyfriend, a husband, are lesbian, or just not interested. All the single girls look and act exactly alike. frown.gif


I don't want to get into the whole nature-vs-nurture thing, but I think that most of what we consider "normal" behaviour is enforced by a society that teaches everyone to maintain the status quo.


Yes, guys have it just as bad as women, we're just trained not to notice it.


Normal girls are boring as Hell.
--Angel, explaining why he's interested in Buffy (BtVS).



It's like I always say: When the going gets tough, the tough . . . switch to artillery.

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