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Female Crimson Guards??


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Ok, this argument happens in one of those half drunken state, but anyhow...


Does anyone think there is ever a Female Crimson Guarl??

From what I remember all royal guards are human males.


Yes there may be some stormies that are female (in male stormie armor, not the Lara Croft style "lookie mah tummy" armor), but definitely not guards.



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Read that, along with that related (somewhat) bounty hunter comic.

Sure they don't look like clones, but we also knwo that they are chosen from other grunty sources, and that the "clone samples" deviates quite a bit afterwards.


To BBD, MC is just telling the truth :3 And its always smart to hide your internet tracks from your girl/wifey/cat ... learn to clean up caches and such often!

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  • 3 months later...

Well, other than being relatives of a high ranking official(or sleeping with one), I always wonder how a female Admiral and such accend to power, there are rarely any positions for female, and most stormies(if not all) seem to be males. Yes I am talking about normal non-spy, non-force-sensitive females.

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