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Ever go skydiving? That's fun too...





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Guest BrianJedi

Go run into a wall, thats lots of fun.


And I was never afraid of the dark,I was just afraid of what was in the dark



At this point I have a request for our fans, if any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of differant color, or women, please do this one favor for us - leave us the f*ck alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records. - Kurt Cobain


Check out my P.O.S. site! WHen I get XWA to work proporly, I'll refurbish it. http://BrianJedi.homestead.com/Opthanger.html

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Naw,... but I just don't care for them. The others I've tried once: Skiing, water-skiing, mountain climbing, biking, as well as most of your organized group sports like football, baseball, soccer, etc... If I never do them again in my life I really won't care.

Whitewater rafting is the only one that I actually wanted to do again when it was over. I've done it about a half-dozen times, and would go again if I could find the time.

The rest of them... eh. Just didn't do it for me, sorry. I just don't see the big deal.


I never done freefall Nitro, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. Looks fun, anyway. Hang gliding too. The italian blood in me loves driving really, really fast, so I wouldn't mind taking up racing. And I plan on getting a pilot's license someday.

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Hmm, a pilot's licence. Why would you want to fly a plane when you can pilot an A-wing? No gravity, no ground to crash into, and let's no forget the best thing, lasers!


On an unrelated note:

Any person who says "gravity is my co-pilot" obviously isn't very good at flying. biggrin.gif

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I personally want to fly for one of the big airliners Like Southwest, ect. And then just before landing go over the com system (like it an accident) and say "now which lever do I pull bring down the landing gears...oops not that one"



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Flying Beastie:

I'm arachnophobic, but I'm actually getting over it (writing SF from the pov of spider-like aliens who thing that tarantulas are cute'n'cuddly is actually helping).


I'm actually more scared of webs than of spiders. If I see the beast, I can avoid it. It's when I see a big, thick web, and can find absolutely no trace of what built it that I get creeped out.


I'm not scared of death but, since I believe in an afterlife, I'm scared of dying the "wrong way."


I used to be scared of being in public (like what Taarkin mentioned upthread), but I'm pretty much over it now, as long as I can prepare before going out in public (comb my hair, wear something nice, etc).


I don't think I've ever been scared of the dark. Darkness is like an old friend to me; I have unusually strong night-vision, so while darkness blinds others, I can see clearly.


Now that I think about it, a psychologist would probably be really interested in how my social phobia has shaped my personality. I compensate by paying much more attention to (and, conversely, taking more pride in) my physical appearance as far as fashion and style than is usually normal for guys. I'm also only really able to feel comfortable when I can pretend that people don't see me, like when I'm in the dark or lurking around the fringes of a crowd.


I actually wouldn't be. I know I can out-think the bigger creatures, and the raptors. . . well, I can actually think of a few vulnrabilities.


(Wait for one to strike, then quickly dance to the side and put a blade/pointy stick through its eye into the brain. Then run to avoid its backup.)


<small>(Alternatively, get a bunch of raptor eggs and raise the hatchlings --social creatures that raptors are-- the same way you'd raise hunting-dogs. Then rely on them to help you against wild raptors.)</small>



Ever watch the episode of Gargoyles with Anansi the Spider King? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I am totally afraid of flying! I'm also scared to death of the cockpit--I look in there, see all those dials and switches whose proper use determines whether I land safely in San Francisco or plunge screaming along with 200 other terrified victims into the ground like the Hindenburg on rockets, and I see the two hairless monkeys sitting there chattering away at each other about football or some such crap that has nothing to do with our immediate chances for survival, and I'm overcome with dread...

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I love flying, and I will go up anytime, in anything, with anybody!


Fave flight of all time:


I went up in a open cockpit biplane with a stunt pilot in the mountains of New Hamshire with my uncle, who must have paid him a little extra to make the flight "exciting". We had no seatbelts in the front, and this guy was a nut, buzzing the treetops and mountaintops, and doing all kinds of sick manuvers! I loved it,... but my uncle was as white as a ghost by the time we landed. biggrin.gif

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Don't let all the gauges and stuff fool you. Most of them seemed to be related to the engines themselves and not the actual "flying" parts. The altimiter and artifical horizon and all that stuff is all you REALLY need to pay attention to. It's not like you need to watch the "OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: ENGINE #2" constantly. Well, that IS an airliner I'm talking about. A single engine prop plane has significantly less gauges, but one must pay attention more. I mean, you've only got ONE engine after all. Flying an airliner is probably simpler than driving a car.


Now before I sound like a total nutjob, I sort of know what I'm talking about. I'm qualified for a VFR license, EXCEPT I dont' have the hours to actually get it. BUT I CAN PRE-FLIGHT A CESSNA FOR YOU DAMNIT.

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Originally posted by Redwing:

Ever watch the episode of Gargoyles with Anansi the Spider King?


Anansi didn't bother me. He was intelligent, and he didn't look like a real spider.


Besides, he was voiced by Levar Burton, and I grew up watching Reading Rainbow. biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

Don't let all the gauges and stuff fool you. Most of them seemed to be related to the engines themselves and not the actual "flying" parts.


Nute, the engines are important! rolleyes.gif


<small>(Yes, I know what you meant.)</small>



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie:

Nute, the engines are important!

Not as much as you'd think... There's a reason every aircraft has it's optimum glide angle posted somewhere in the cockpit. I've done enough ground school to be multi-engine, and night IFR qualified... I just don't have the money to get the flight time to do the in-air training...





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Couple of words you don't want to hear form the pilot of a plane




2.How do I...


3.Help me God


4.Do we have any parachutes


5.How do I put on my seatbelt.


6.I wonder if I can do a barrelroll.


7.Why is that light blinking. Oh god we are going to crash...oops that was for landing gear.





"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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And remember, high wings=better glide on them. That's why a lot of military ones are high wing designs. But then again, most military grade aircraft (especially fighters) ignore all that "thrust, drag, lift, and gravity" stuff and work only on sheer forward power. Almost like a missile...

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Anyone else play 'Pilot Wings?' on Nintendo? It's a flight simulator, and it has a gyrocopter that (according to one guy who's flown real ones) handles just like the real thing. There is gravity, and lift, gliding and windage...takeoff, landing...I'm actually pretty good at it! wink.gif


Of course, I do crash a lot. rolleyes.gif 'A lot' meaning more than once, which is the only number of times you would be likely to get in real life...!

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