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Wireless Network Help

Boba Rhett

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Here's the deal, I'm trying to get my Dad's new computer hooked up to his wireless network. I've done this before with other computers for him but this one is giving me fits. I can get it to connect to the network but I am unable to get packets sent back or ping anything. I suspect this may have something to do with the IP I assigned but I'm not sure. Is there something obvious I'm missing? It's been quite a while since I've had to deal with any of this. Any help would be appreciated.


Danke. :rhett:

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do you have firewall software running. I had an identical problem setting up a wired network. They would show that a network was hooked, but no pings and no packet exchange. I shut off the firewall software and viola, problem solved.

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Does your wireless network have DHCP? I imagine it should, and you should use it. Then you just need to make sure your TCP/IP settings are set to obtain stuff automatically.


What are your wireless network settings? Any security? MAC Address filtering?


I'd try /release /renew but you said you assigned the IP yourself?


This stuff is easier to solve hands on.

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Yes, it has DHCP and it is running. My static MAC address filtering is off. Do I perhaps need to do a DHCP release/renew after I hook up the new one? Or should I try a release/renew on the new computers IP address first? When I set them to obtain automatically it just sits and grinds and complains about an invalid IP. I think it says the IP address is which would mean it is most likely a DHCP problem, correct?



I wish these two computers were in the same building. :/

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Some basic stuff I would try:


Get on the new computer, make sure the TCP/IP settings are correct, open up cmd, do the ipconfig /release and /renew. If the DHCP is working you should get a new IP address.


Also, are there any passwords you need to connect to your wireless network?

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I got the TCP/IP settings Ironed out to where I know everything is correct. It still didn't work after this though so I followed my other suspicion. I brought the PC into the same building as the router and it was able to get on just fine. The router is getting the signal to it but is having a hard time getting one back from the little USB network adapter I'm using.


I wonder if putting some boosting transmit/receive antenna on my router would help?

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A booster may help, but I would make sure that there aren't any windows updates or driver updates for the usb adapter first. My lil sis had similar problems and I think the driver update helped a lot. Of course this was in her apartment. If you have a wifi network across two buildings, you will need a booster. Just make sure you have it secured and change the default admin login stuff.

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