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[KOTOR]quick question about the containers on the Ebon Hawk


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The beginning "Leviathan Hawk" is a stunt module (Though not called "STUNT" as they usually are). So if you stored things in them then you might not be able to get them back because I'm pretty sure the module isn't used again.


Tragically I can't think of anyway to do this with ease. If we could spawn items by tags then it would be easier (Or if we had a function to grab an object by its resref...): I'd do this is by creating some global strings in globalcat.2da, and then set them using "SetGlobalString()" to set them to the tag of your items. Then you can cause the game to get them by that tag when you want it to and give the player those items.


But, sadly, that is not possible.

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well it seems you never get back to the first Hawk module after getting caught by the Leviathan so anything one had in those plasteel cylinders or in the hidden compartment in the cargo hold is lost, after escaping the Leviathan you get a 3th Hawk module and another on Rakata Prime with the broken hyperdrive. i wonder how much trouble would be merging all of them.

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Well, provided the devs didn't do anything stupid, like change the positioning of the model so the co-ordinates were off, I'd imagine you could do it easily by using a couple of conditional scripts to set up the module the way you like every time you enter. So you'd just tell the game to clear the actions of party members, move them to their waypoints and then start the dialogue - it wouldn't be hard at all. But, there may be mess ups to consider (What if doing this effects something else, unseen?)

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yes, that's what i was worried about :) what about scripts with the same name that do different things and stuff… it would be enough for me i think, merging the first module with the one where you choose the party member who's gonna rescue you on the Leviathan: before leaving the Hawk, a script would remove any stored item and after escaping i could remove all the containers (the sith took'em :p)

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i did join the modules but now i've got another problem -_-' i can't change the background music, the Ebon Hawk modules have different background tracks but i thought MusicBackgroundChangeDay would do the trick. what's wrong with it? :(


EDIT: it was just the delay :p i did the music change too early so i guess the game replaced it, now everything works!

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Apparently not, as Jinger did with no ill effects....

We don't know that to be sure, jinger likely will have a ton of testing to do on the module before this is so, trust me. A ton of 'things' can happen during a normal playthrough that will not appear when simply testing a module to see if it works. ;)

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there wasn't that much to do actually, with all the tools the guys out here make jinger didn't have much trouble, just fun :D it was only a matter of overriding any script loading a different Ebon Hawk module, i didn't even bother figuring out what exactly did they do, i just overwrited a string in each ncs. dialogs and other stuff didn't give me much trouble either, everything works just fine. now i'm thinking about other things i'd like to change on the Ebon Hawk: the script that populates the ship with your party members. on the ship Jolee and Juhani meditate and Mission plays a computer_use animation near a security console, obviously if they have weapons equipped they look very weird, besides they don't need equipment on the Ebon Hawk, so i think i'll make the script spawn stunt party members instead of the real ones, with clothes on, and nothing else. it should be easy, i just have to know if any local data is stored on them (booleans or numbers), if so i'll have to think of some other way.

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On the ship Jolee and Juhani meditate and Mission plays a computer_use animation near a security console. Obviously if they have weapons equipped they look very weird. Besides, they don't need equipment on the Ebon Hawk, so I think I'll make the script spawn stunt party members instead of the real ones, with clothes on, and nothing else. It should be easy, I just have to know if any local data is stored on them (booleans or numbers).


Locals mostly seems to be used by the NPC AI in Kotor1 for your party members, with globals used to track miniquest and banter progression. Though it's been a long time since I did any modding for that game so I may have forgotten something.


The biggest potential problem I see with replacing party members with local NPCs on the ship is inventory management. You can change around the inventory items equipped on all your party members while on the ship even though none of them are in your active party. I don't know if this works on the local instances of the party members spawned into the area, or if it modifies the character data in the party table directly.


It's probably safer (though not 100% reliable) to just add a script that unequips their equipped weapons when they are spawned onto the ship, and then re-equips the weapon when they are added to the party at the ship exit transition. Something like this could be done by storing the tag or item name of the equipped weapon(s) of each party member in a Global String, though they might potentially get the wrong item re-equipped if you are carrying around several with the same name or tag.

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in K1 you can't select party members on the Ebon Hawk (on the equipment screen i mean) like in k2, i wish there was a way to mod that too :p but i'm sure it's hardcoded. so i guess i shouldn't run into any trouble then :) cool, i was considering to just unequip items but i thought there may be troubles in the case of a cutscene, like before and after the Leviathan (i merged the modules) and whenever else there's a dialog to start: some script could clear an NPC's action queue while he's unequipping items, it wouldn't be the first time i saw it happen. all right :) thanks!

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in K1 you can't select party members on the Ebon Hawk (on the equipment screen i mean) like in k2, i wish there was a way to mod that too :p but i'm sure it's hardcoded. so i guess i shouldn't run into any trouble then :) cool, i was considering to just unequip items but i thought there may be troubles in the case of a cutscene, like before and after the Leviathan (i merged the modules) and whenever else there's a dialog to start: some script could clear an NPC's action queue while he's unequipping items, it wouldn't be the first time i saw it happen. all right :) thanks!


Download the patch and it adds party management funtions to the Ebon Hawk. Basically, that is a fancy way of saying you can manage their inventories.

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i haven't played k1 a long time it seems, i forgot the patch fixed that, i didn't download it when i last installed the game. mmm then it's most likely that i'll need the real NPC's onboard :p thanks fot the advice! no matter, i had a better idea: you can't type well on a security console while holding a doublebladed sword anyway, now can you? i think i'll just put the hide items flag on in animations.2da for computer_use and meditate, i wouldn't wanna see Jolee stabbing his throat while meditating :D

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