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Well, suffice it to say that things went sour with Terra and myself... Over the past month or so, I found myself slowly falling in love with her... Real love. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. When I dream about her, all I ever dream about is us in the future... I see us graduating from university, or us as a middle aged couple with 2 kids and a dog, or us at our grandchild's birthday party... With all my past flames, all it's been is either sex or something we already did that's being re-lived in my brain.


If anyone's ever read (or seen... From what I hear the movie is actually pretty close to the book) Captain Corelli's Mandolin, then you know about the part where Dr. Iannis is talking to Pelagia about love, and says that love isn't that happy giddy feeling you get when you're first together... It's when the beauty and spendor has faded, yet it is inconcievable that you should ever part. I'm not in love with a beautiful young woman, with amazing eyes and a smile that could make a dead man happy... Not with a middle aged woman with wrinkles... Not a grandmother with false teeth and an artificial hip... I'm in love with the person that is Terra-Lee Duncan.


But she's too afraid of being hurt again, becuase all her other boyfriends have dropped her hard, and now she won't let me get close... But when I asked her how she felt about me, she said, "I can't tell you... It would just make things harder."


When I first started reading Captain Corelli's Mandolin, I thought I was Antonio, and Terra was Pelagia... But as I read from the firing squad scene until the end, I realized that I was not Antonio... I was Pelagia. She's going to walk out of my life, and I all I can do is sit, watch, and hope she comes back before he did.

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I'd kinda like some input from people who've read Captain Corelli's Mandolin... Cause only those that have read the book can truly know how I feel.


I wept at the end when he finally came back, and I realized it was him... It's not often a book will move me to tears, but all I could think was, "God, I pray to you that she doesn't take that long to come back," and it just hit me hard.

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First of all, true love for anyone is not based on that giddy feeling, as you said. But it's also not based on wanting to be together even though the giddiness isn't there. True love is based on a choice you make, and that's all. Because even the kind of love you describe will crumble away after a time. But making a choice to love someone no matter what - that's what makes it real and unconditional. That love should have as its source a desire to do what's best for the one you love, even at considerable personal sacrifice. Note I did not say a desire to do what makes the one you love happy, I said a desire to do what's best for her.


So you say you love her. Fine, let's say that's true, and you really do. If you think you can be what's best for her, then you owe it to yourself and to her not to just accept her response. I mean, come on, what is she going to do? Never date AGAIN? Yeah, right. Maybe she needs a little time, but that won't last forever. Just hang in there. Don't rush things on her, but make it totally clear to her how you feel. And when she's ready to date again, be there, first in line.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah hes right if you truely love her then you will let her make her own choices however wrong they seem to you.



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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me have no clue about wooo-man, me hit woo-man over head, bring back to cave, have gud time. me can not do that here. me sad. me go hit me over head, not have gud time


Lets jsut say, i have given up on the girl issue. I am such a messed up person that no one wants to have any serious relationship with me. It is allways "I jsut want us to be friends"


Everytime i see these romances in movies or telivision i get mad, and leave. it is never that easy. They should have movies and telivision shows where they guy falls in love with the women, but she gives him the "friend" line and he ends up being left in the cold feeling like total crap.


That is real


Everytime i fall in love, i just end up making myself miserable. Kinda like nitro.

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I've never actually told you guys about me and Mara and what happened, have I? Basically, everything was going really well, but we were going through your classic typical rough time where everyone needs their space. Then I get a letter from her, saying that we should take more time off from each other than just a few days. She said maybe a few years. Then she left me and headed down south. For so long I was worried about her and whether she was all right or not. I had long nights when I would cry myself to sleep thinking about her. I had a really ahrd time letting go. I don't think I'm over her entirely just yet. Mostly, but I still take the time to think about her everyday. We've not spoken or had any sort of communication in months. In the meantime, I've found someone else. But hey...I'm babbling now so...


Bascially, I'm just saying, Nitrous you'll pull through this. You're one of the strongest people I know. Even though it may seem bleak now, there's always a way out. Life goes on. You'll persevere. Whatever Terra's thinking now...it's prolly not all that different from what Mara was thinking before. I'm not saying you'll turn out like me. GOd, I hope you don't. Like Ike said, if you love her, let her go and find what she needs to find. If it's love, she will return to you. Just believe.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:


Everytime i see these romances in movies or telivision i get mad, and leave. it is never that easy.

That is real


I know how you feel. Today, at school, I was waiting for someone and this couple walked up right in front of me. They were kissed each other for like 10 times and I was so pissed, I was this close to bashing their heads together, knocking them out unconsious.


But if you keep having that attitude K_K, then you will have no chance of finding someone and it will hurt even more.

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Guest Rogue15

Originally posted by JR2000Z:

I know how you feel. Today, at school, I was waiting for someone and this couple walked up right in front of me. They were kissed each other for like 10 times and I was so pissed, I was this close to bashing their heads together, knocking them out unconsious.



hehe, i'd get out the pepper spray and blind them.


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you guys are pathetic!


right now i am practically juggling 3 women at once. All it takes is confidence and assertiveness. I met this one girl who physically resembles Britney Spears and asked her out the same meeting. We are supposed to be going out tonight.


[This message has been edited by Ike (edited October 17, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Ike:

love also means letting go, Nitro. If you let her go and she comes back to you, then it was meant to be.


I know that... That's why I said,

She's going to walk out of my life, and I all I can do is sit, watch, and hope she comes back before he did.


I don't want to push her into anything...

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Oh yes, she also admitted that she does indeed have feelings for me, but she's still not over Angus, the guy who ditched her the day he left for university.


And we decided to spend some time away from each other... Until next Monday, we're on our own.


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Originally posted by Ike:

you guys are pathetic!


right now i am practically juggling 3 women at once. All it takes is confidence and assertiveness. I met this one girl who physically resembles Britney Spears and asked her out the same meeting. We are supposed to be going out tonight.



Jen, Amy, Meghann, Regan, Angie and Donna. Donna got the axe last week, and Jen is getting cut off. Amy just asked me to be her pledge husband wink.gif, Angie is 2 hours away at Western, Regan is 5 hours away at Miamo of Ohio. Meghann and I are dating. Regan dates other people also and we talk about it all the time. Meghann knows of Jen and Regan, Regan knows of ALL OF THEM. It takes a whole buttload of confidence and assertiveness, and not being afraid of getting kicked in the nutts. Of course, only Regan knows of teh full involvements with any of them, and shes too cool to care since we are so far apart. And it's not like this all fell in my lap.


Nitro, when Jen and I broke our 'relationship' off, she told me that she loves me and just can't date me for fear of trampling me, the only true lesson I have ever learned from dating: Girls are ****ed in teh head pal


[This message has been edited by Zargon (edited October 17, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Ike:

you guys are pathetic!


right now i am practically juggling 3 women at once. All it takes is confidence and assertiveness. I met this one girl who physically resembles Britney Spears and asked her out the same meeting. We are supposed to be going out tonight.


[This message has been edited by Ike (edited October 17, 2001).]




*goes to write his funeral speech at RS.net* wink.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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