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I've gotta try and figure out where I'm gonna come up with $300 before December 5th...


I got stopped doing 170, in a van whose speedometer only goes to 160, and I've got a $300 ticket. If she ain't paid in full by December 5th, then Ryan's got a date with a sexy man-cop on the 12th at the Provincial court.


Someone shoot me.

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170 KPH... what does that come out to in MPH?


EDIT: Nevermind, I found the answer here: http://www.convertit.com/Go/ConvertIt/Measurement/Table_Output.ASP?Fm=KPH&Begin=0&Inc=10&End=200&To=MPH&RndTo=1


About 105 MPH. Not too bad.

I don't think I'd drive that fast in a van,.. but I've gone a lot faster than that in my last car. Haven't got the new one quite that fast yet. I suspect it has a limiter set @ 100 MPH anyway.

Lucky for me I never got caught though...


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited October 27, 2001).]

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Exactly... I've never been stopped before, and I speeed CONSTANTLY... But the one time I put my foot to the floor, I get nailed... biggrin.gif





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

if hes got any sense this will stop him from doing it again biggrin.gif



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting the cash from my parents...


Now let this be a lesson to you all... Speeding sucks. I started off as just another limit-pusher that the cops don't give a flying rat's ass about, but it wasn't enough. I've had racing and driving in my blood since I was a wee lad... My first and second words were, respectivly, "car" and "key"... And soon enough, I found myself pushing 20 over the limit on a regular basis... But it still couldn't fill my need for speed, so I pushed further, harder, faster, until 90% of my driving was done with my foot on the floor, and the other one ready on the brakes.


Then one fateful night, I really wound the b*tch up on a four-lane highway, faster than I've ever had her before... And I got nailed big time... Now I've got one point left on my liencese, a $300 fine, and God knows how big an insurance hike...


The moral of the story is to NOT START SPEEDING AT ALL!!! Obey ALL posted speed limits from the second you get behind the wheel for the first time, because once the need for speed gets a hold on you, it will never let go.





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Guest Rune Haako

If you're gonna do something, do it right!


Plow into the ass-end of a 30-foot RV and reap the insurance money when the insurance companies say it's the other guy's fault.


I got $1200 for that one. biggrin.gif



"I hope our plan works, Master Robin."

"Just puff out your chest and look virile, Alfred."


[This message has been edited by Rune Haako (edited November 10, 2001).]

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