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Flying Beastie

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Time to take down the "11 days without a word posted in whining" sign.


She has a boyfriend.


For those of you keeping track at home:


Girl 1: Boyfriend

Girl 2: Best Friends (since grown apart)

Girl 3: Just Friends

Girl 4: Boyfriend

Girl 5: Husband

Girl 6: Boyfriend

Girl 7: Boyfriend




Let the comiserating begin. Drinks are on Niner.



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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Don't worry, there will still be:


Girl 8

Girl 9

Girl 10

Girl 11

Girl 12


Now let us suppose that Girl = x, we will have:


lim x = <font face="Symbol">+ ¥</font>

x<font face="Symbol">® + ¥</font>


<font size=1><font color="#616161">



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited November 19, 2001).]

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I had a dream where I hit on a girl. I was doing a pretty good job too, which was my #2 indication that it was just a dream.



You're supposed to be dumpster-diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody!


Official forum Psychic

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pass out the beer boys



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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Maybe it's a sign telling us to all get off the computer and get a life...


NAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! biggrin.gif





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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You know, for all women talk about men being immature and insensitive, they are AT LEAST as immature and insensitive, at least in their teens and twenties. It really sickens me. Even "religious" girls with some supposed morals still act like jerks. (And I'm not just talking about sexual things here. More like kindness and charity.)


There are a few girls I've noticed who go to my church who are exceptions to this. They make good Confessions and good Holy Communions and really try their best to be good people. This is always refreshing to see, because just knowing ALL girls aren't like that makes me have a little faith in people.


Nevertheless, I have no interest in dating any of them. Being dumped totally without warning after a four-year relationship has really taken its toll on me. I simply have no interest in having another relationship (and no, I have not become gay you sick bastards). I thought I would just sort of forget about it after a while, but this Thanksgiving will mark the 1-year anniversary of it, and I feel just as bad as when it first happened. Worse, actually.


If young women could just be a little more sensitive, things would be a lot better in this world, I think.

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Originally posted by Taarkin:

I had a dream where I hit on a girl. I was doing a pretty good job too, which was my #2 indication that it was just a dream.


Dare I ask about the #1 indication?


Originally posted by Keyan Farlander:

This is always refreshing to see, because just knowing ALL girls aren't like that makes me have a little faith in people.


Not helpful; Bad Boy like me, I'd end up corrupting them. wink.gif


I"m kidding, of course, I'm actually too nice. I'm the sort of guy who makes a much better "best friend" than a "boyfriend."


Y'see, it's a universal constant; Nice Guys<sup>TM</sup> never get the girl. Instead, we're the ones girls turn to when they need to complain about the bastards they're sleeping with. mad.gif



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie:

I'm actually too nice. I'm the sort of guy who makes a much better "best friend" than a "boyfriend."


Reminds me of The Mask when Mister Nice Guy (Jim Carrey) says that nice guy finish last. Then the journalist tells him that loads of women are lookin for a man like him (a nice guy).


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