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[FIC] My first attempt (Be Gentle)

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“Damn,” Kila Prieto muttered under her breath.


She was examining the latest system scan reports and there was absolutely no sign of any Imperial ships anywhere. The Dauntless had been at it for two days and found absolutely nothing in the Telos system.


“Captain Andar, call back the fighters. We’re going home.”


“Yes Sir.”


Kila sat back in her command chair. She wished they had found something, anything, General Antilles would not have ordered her out here without a reason, but the system scans were clean and the X-Wing flights had made no contact with any enemy vessels. She sighed softly and pushed away any thought she had of staying any longer.




Standing on the bridge of his ship, staring out at Korriban, Admiral Rice couldn’t help but wonder what Darth Malice had planned for the Jedi and the Republic. Her apprentice had been holed up in his quarters for two days and she had not communicated again since her broadcast announcement.


“Admiral Rice, there is a shuttle signaling us, it is her. She wants to come aboard.”


Rice turned to face the ship’s communications officer, “Direct Lord Malice to the docking bay and alert Lord Ragnos.”


“Yes Sir.”


Rice left the bridge on the ship’s elevator and headed for the main docking bay. He arrived just as the shuttle’s loading ramp was lowering. Darth Ragnos was already waiting and Rice walked up beside him and stood at attention. Two squads of stormtroopers stood on either side of the ramp and came to inspection arms as she descended.


The hood of her black cloak covered her face and her black robe ran head to toe. She moved passed the stormtroopers and Ragnos kneeled as she approached. Rice followed suit so as not to incur the wrath of either Sith. Malice stopped in front of them.


“Rise apprentice and you as well Admiral.”


“Welcome aboard the Annihilator Lord Malice.”


“Thank you Admiral Rice. Are your ships ready?”


“Yes Lord Malice, at your command.”


“Good. We will crush the Jedi and with them the Republic. The Empire will rule again. Come Admiral, we have much to discuss.”




The images that came to Jade were blurry at first, but as she meditated and focused on the Force they began to clear. She could see the surface of Yavin IV and the academy. Then she saw the fire began to rain down. Blast after blast struck the ancient temple and flames began to burst from it. Pieces of the stone temple crumbled away, and then she saw the ships above the planet and the images of a hooded figure. She probed through the Force, trying to see further, but darkness swirled in around the images. Jade opened her eyes and got up. She had to alert Master Skywalker and Alaura.




“You see Admiral; my plan is simplistic in nature yet just as deadly.”


“I see my Lord, but if we attack Onderon, wouldn’t the Republic be able to trap us?”


“The Republic has no forces on Onderon or in the sector, and Onderon is not our true target but merely a distraction to draw the Republic defenses away from Yavin Four. Then we will swoop in and crush the Jedi with one blow.”


“Why are the Jedi so important Lord Malice?”


“Because you fool, the Jedi are at the heart of this new Republic. They prop it up and are a symbol of everything it holds dear. If we crush them, the Republic will fall at our feet.”


“Forgive me my Lord, for questioning you.”


“Of course Admiral, You cannot be held responsible for your ignorance.”


Malice kept to herself the Sith teachings she was hoping to recover from the Jedi Academy.




“Jade, are you certain of what you have seen?”


“Yes Master Skywalker, the academy is their target.”


“I have to contact General Antilles, and Leia. If we cannot get a defensive fleet to Yavin in time, your vision may come true.”


Skywalker left the room, and Jade questioned her Master,


“Now what do we do?”


“Now Jade, we wait.”




The Imperial Star Destroyer Firehawk dropped out of hyperspace and it was not alone. The ship was accompanied by the Star Destroyer Vengeance, and 12 cruisers and frigates. As they drew near to Onderon, squadrons of T.I.E fighters and bombers poured from the large ships. The people of Onderon had no hint of the impending doom in the space above their planet. Many were still sleeping in their beds when the guns of the Star Destroyers opened up on their homes.

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Standing on the bridge of his ship, staring out at Korriban, Admiral Rice couldn’t help but wonder what Darth Malice had planned for the Jedi and the Republic. Her apprentice had been holed up in his quarters for two days and she had not communicated again since her broadcast announcement.


“Admiral Rice, there is a shuttle signaling us, it is her. She wants to come aboard.”


Rice turned to face the ship’s communications officer, “Direct Lord Malice to the docking bay and alert Lord Ragnos.”


“Yes Sir.”


Rice left the bridge on the ship’s elevator and headed for the main docking bay. He arrived just as the shuttle’s loading ramp was lowering. Darth Ragnos was already waiting and Rice walked up beside him and stood at attention. Two squads of stormtroopers stood on either side of the ramp and came to inspection arms as she descended.


The hood of her black cloak covered her face and her black robe ran head to toe. She moved passed the stormtroopers and Ragnos kneeled as she approached. Rice followed suit so as not to incur the wrath of either Sith. Malice stopped in front of them.


“Rise apprentice and you as well Admiral.”


“Welcome aboard the Annihilator Lord Malice.”


“Thank you Admiral Rice. Are your ships ready?”


“Yes Lord Malice, at your command.”


“Good. We will crush the Jedi and with them the Republic. The Empire will rule again. Come Admiral, we have much to discuss.”




“You see Admiral; my plan is simplistic in nature yet just as deadly.”


“I see my Lord, but if we attack Onderon, wouldn’t the Republic be able to trap us?”


“The Republic has no forces on Onderon or in the sector, and Onderon is not our true target but merely a distraction to draw the Republic defenses away from Yavin Four. Then we will swoop in and crush the Jedi with one blow.”


“Why are the Jedi so important Lord Malice?”


“Because you fool, the Jedi are at the heart of this new Republic. They prop it up and are a symbol of everything it holds dear. If we crush them, the Republic will fall at our feet.”


“Forgive me my Lord, for questioning you.”


“Of course Admiral, You cannot be held responsible for your ignorance.”


Malice kept to herself the Sith teachings she was hoping to recover from the Jedi Academy.




Alaura and Jade had traveled to Coruscant the previous day at Master Skywalker’s request to assist Master Tionne in transporting the artifacts recovered from Telos to the Jedi Temple. They had used one of the Academy’s transports and both master and apprentice were in the archive when they were met by one of Alaura’s former students, Kira Fenn.


“Master Bedel, you must come quickly!”


“Slow down Kira, what’s wrong?”


“Master Skywalker sent me to find you, Onderon is under attack!!”


“What?! Let’s go Kira!”


The three Jedi broke into a jog as Kira led the way back to the doors of the Jedi Council chamber.


“Thank you Kira.”


Alaura and Jade moved passed the young Jedi and through the doors of the council chamber. Master Skywalker, and the rest of the council were assembled. All eyes turned toward the new arrivals as the doors closed behind them.


“Welcome Master Bedel.”


“Kira told me the news. It is it true? are we certain?”


Skywalker nodded grimly, “I’m afraid so. Onderon’s distress calls have just begun coming in.”


“I don’t believe this attack is what it seems,” Jade said speaking up.


“What do you mean young one?” Master Tionne asked.


“My vision, I believe this attack is a distraction to draw our attention away from the true target.”


The archivist looked somewhat confused and Alaura briefly explained to her what Jade had seen in her vision. She nodded after Alaura was finished.


“It is very possible that this attack on Onderon is a feint,” Luke said, “but Leia and Wedge have already ordered our closest fleet to Onderon to turn away the Remnant ships. It is the same fleet that was meant to protect the academy. Alaura, take Jade and wait for me at the transport. I will talk to Leia and see what can be done to protect the Academy.”


Alaura nodded and she and Jade left the chamber headed for the temple’s hangar.




“We’re approaching the Onderon system Admiral.”


“Take us out of hyperspace, order all ships to engage, fire at will.”


Aron Onasi sat back in his command chair as fleet began to engage the Imperial ships in the space above Onderon. He was confident his three Mon Cal cruisers, their support ships, and X-Wing squadrons were more than a match for the small enemy force.


What he was unsure of was how much damage the hutt slugs had done to defenseless Onderon. Unfortunately the planet had not been deemed strategically important enough for the Republic to station neither a fleet nor a garrison in the sector. Aron was certain they were regretting that decision now.




The Dauntless had only been back in her home system of Corellia for a few hours when General Antilles order came in. Kila had to have the general repeat it twice before she believed it. Onderon attacked, Yavin IV on the target list and hers was the closest command to the Jedi Academy.


“Captain, call back the CAP X-Wings. We depart for Yavin Four as soon as they’re aboard.”


Yes Admiral.”


“Recover those fighters quickly Captain, the Republic needs us.”


“Yes Sir.”




The transport dropped out of hyperspace and was immediately accosted by X-Wing fighters.


“Transport entering the Yavin sector, identify yourself.”


Alaura looked out the view port and recognized the markings on the X-Wings, they were Rogue Squadron fighters.


“This is the transport Anakin returning to the academy. We are transmitting our I.D signature now.”


“Identity confirmed. You may proceed.”




“What is the progress report from Onderon Admiral Rice?”


“Admiral Kreal reports that he has lost 4 of his support cruisers and that the Vengeance is disabled. He says the Rebels have him outnumbered my Lord Malice.”


“Admiral Keral is no longer our concern, he has served his purpose. He will retreat or surrender, if he does not he will be destroyed. Order the hyperspace jump to Yavin. The time for our attack has come.”


“As you command Lord Malice.”





After Alaura put the transport down in the academy hangar, Master Skywalker left for the control center and Kyle Katarn sought her out.


“Alaura, I know Rogue Squadron is in orbit, and we heard about the attack on Onderon. What in the name of the galaxy are we dealing with?”


“An unknown number of Imperial ships and at least one Sith Lord.”


“A Sith Lord?!”


“Yes, the academy is their target.”


“Do we know where they’re coming from?”


“No, but we believe Onderon to be a distraction to draw the Republic’s attention away from the academy.”


“Looks like all we can do is wait.”


“Yes, and that is the worst part.”




“Admiral Onasi, the lead Star Destroyer is signaling its surrender.”


“Very good Lieutenant Lien, send orders for them to lower their shields and prepare to receive boarders.”


“Aye Sir.”


Aron still didn’t understand what would possess the Remnant to attack Onderon. It just didn’t make any sense to him. He shook his head as the boarding shuttles began to leave the hangar and streak toward the crippled Star Destroyers.


“Lieutenant Lien, put me through to Coruscant.”


“Yes Sir.”


It took a moment, but eventually the holographic image of General Antilles appeared.


“What to you have to report Admiral Onasi?”


“The last of the Remnant ships has surrendered Sir. We’re mopping up here.”


“That’s good to hear, I want you to send some men to the surface to assess the damage.”


“Yes Sir, I will do that as soon as the Star Destroyers are under our control.”


“Very good. One last thing Admiral, I need you to dispatch one of your Mon Cal cruisers to Yavin Four immediately. We’re in for more trouble.”


“Understood Sir, Onasi out.”


Aron pondered the general’s order. Trouble? On Yavin IV? The only thing there was the Jedi Academy. Oh well, his was not to question.


“Mister Lien, send orders to the Alderaan that she is to get underway immediately for Yavin Four, General Antilles orders.”


“Yes Sir.”


The admiral sat back in his command chair and hoped that the damage to Onderon was not extensive though he feared the worst.

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Three Star Destroyers and their 20 support ships dropped out of hyperspace and loomed over Yavin IV. It wasn’t long until they opened fire, but not on the planet. They were shooting at the X-Wing fighters of Rogue Squadron.


“This is Rogue Leader to all wings: Engage, fire at will!”


Luke, Alaura, Jade, and Kyle Katarn stood in the command center of the academy. They all listened as the Rogues engaged the Remnant ships.


“They will buy us time, but they are outnumbered,” Luke stated.


“I agree Luke,” Kyle said “I just hope the fleet gets here in time.”


Alaura said nothing, but her mind was whirling. She could feel the dark presence of the Sith Lord and she knew the other Jedi in the room could as well. She also felt something else, a familiar ripple in the Force, but she couldn’t place it. Jade, could not remain silent and as Alaura was thinking she spoke up.


“Master Skywalker, the Sith Lord is with them.”


“I know Jade; I feel the darkness as well.”


“Shouldn’t we do something? Shouldn’t we try to get to him?”


“Look at the odds kid,” Kyle said “No one is getting that close.”


As they spoke Alaura realized what had to be done if the academy was to survive.


“Master, let me go. The Sith Lord is the key to their attack. If he can be stopped….”


“Look Alaura,” Kyle interrupted her “like I told the kid, look as the odds.”


“No,” Luke said abruptly “Alaura is correct. The Sith must be destroyed.”


“Luke, you’ve got to be kidding!”


“Master, let me go,” Alaura implored “I can board the ship and confront him.”


“Luke you can’t seriously be considering this,” Kyle said incredulously


Luke said nothing for a long moment as he contemplated the situation they were in.


“Go Master Bedel.”


Alaura turned to leave, but Jade grabbed her arm


“Master, if you’re going so am I.”


“No Jade, you are not ready for this.”


“Master, I am strong enough, and you will need help.”


As much as Alaura didn’t want to admit that Jade was right, she was. Her apprentice was powerful, and Alaura knew that any help she could get she would need.


“Let’s go Jade, there’s no time to waste.”


The pair, master and apprentice, left the room leaving Kyle and Luke alone. As they disappeared down the corridor Kyle turned to his friend.


“I hope you know what you’re doing.”




Darth Malice stood next to Admiral Rice on the bridge of the Annihilator. They observed as the X-Wing fighters darted between the large ships easily avoiding the clumsy turbolaser cannons.


“I have seen enough Admiral, deploy what T.I.E. fighters we have and move us into position to fire on the planet.”


“Yes Lord Malice.”


The fighters poured from the Imperial ships and Malice took note of two fighters rising from Yavin. She felt the ripple in the Force and turned to her apprentice standing behind her.


“The Jedi think they can thwart our advance, go and show them the power of the Sith.”


“I will destroy them my Master.”




The two A-wing fighters fired again blasting another T.I.E. fighter as the ships streaked toward the lead Star Destroyer. There was a determined silence between Alaura and Jade as they approached the massive capital ship.


“Okay Jade,” Alaura said “I know you're new at this, but use the Force, and follow my lead.”


“I'm right behind you Master.”


Alaura lined her fighter up with the docking bay of the lead Star Destroyer and pushed the fighter to full speed to avoid the incoming fire from the destroyer's defensive guns. Jade mimicked her master's actions adjusting her controls and matching the speed of the other fighter. The Star Destroyer loomed in front of them, and Alaura slowed her approach only slightly and fired at the shield generator over the hangar bay. The shield dropped but the ship's bay doors began to close and Alaura shoved her throttle to full again.


“Okay Jade, here we go, full throttle!”


Alaura's fighter entered the destroyer's open hangar and she cut the engines and engaged the fighters braking thrusters. At the same time she popped the ship's canopy which blasted clear of the fighter and using the Force she leapt from the craft. As she landed she checked on her apprentice to see Jade's fighter screeching across the hangar bay coming coasting to a stop toward the far side of the bay. Her apprentice was out of the fighter quickly and joined her as stormtroopers began pouring into the hangar.

The Jedi lit their lightsabers and waded into the stormtroopers working in concert to take down their more numerous enemies.




Outside the space battle was raging and Rogue Squadron was not faring well. Even though the Star Destroyers were not carrying their full complement of fighters the Rogues were still vastly outnumbered. If help didn’t arrive soon, there wasn’t going to be anything left to save. Still, the elite pilots had managed to down several of the smaller cruisers but they could not prevent the move the larger ships were making to get in range of Yavin IV.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoyed the ending for sure. I love seeing the good guys win in the end.


I was wondering where your struggles had been, but I caught a couple things that would make it even better.


I caught a couple spelling/comma usage things, but no biggie (since we all do that to some degree or another. :D )


Alaura barely heard the girl’s question as she struggled to keep her emotions under control. She had not seen this man in almost 15 years, not since her parents were killed by the Imperial stormtroopers and she was placed in the custody of her grandparents. She closed her eyes and focused on the Force gaining enough composure to answer Jade.


I can see what Alaura's doing there, but I'd like to get a better sense of what she's really feeling. Is her stomach in knots? Does she have to breathe in and out slowly to regain control or do something else? What's running through her head when she realizes it's her brother? What's runningthrough Koren's mind? He has to fight his sister--did he feel any kind of emotion or conflict?


Alaura charged and went on the offensive again. Ragnos was quick in both attack and defense, but as they dueled Alaura began to notice he attacked with so much rage he often overextended himself and had to recover quickly when she countered. Alaura dropped her offense completely and assumed a defensive stance turning away the aggressive strikes of Ragnos with both of her blades. Several minutes passed and Alaura could tell the Sith Lord was beginning to tire. Still, he launched yet another attack, but this when Alaura defended she went back on the offensive using the Force to guide her strikes she began an overhead attack with her left hand and as Ragnos turned her strike away she swung at his saber hilt with her right blade and sliced it in half. Then using her momentum she thrust forward with her left blade and pierced the Sith’s chest. He fell to the ground and did not move again.


I can tell you what the issue is here because I had the exact same issue with mine, and Jiara pointed it out for me. The fight scene is a little flat, not because there's not much going on, because there is some great action there. However, we're not seeing the characters' reactions to the actions. I had to learn how to do this, and it's challenging sometimes!

What are Alaura and Jade feeling with each blow? Do they flinch as the heat of Koren's blade nearly grazes them? Do they have to struggle to block one of his blows? How does it feel when the blade plunges into Koren? Do any of their blows have any physical effects on Koren, like do any of them rock him back? What do you mean by Koren overextending? His arm? His whole body? Do the Jedi nearly get him at some point and it makes him really mad? How did Alaura know he was tiring? What signs did he give? Were his blows less forceful? Did she see it in his eyes?

You're not doing anything wrong per se, but I think if you add some of these details in, you'll like it even better.



“Master Bedel, are you injured?”


“I will be okay Master Skywalker.”


“Yeah, after a trip to the infirmary and a soak in some bacta,” Kyle interjected.


“That will not be necessary Kyle.”


“The hell it isn’t.”


“Perhaps Master Katarn is right Alaura. Jade, escort your master to the infirmary and ensure that she gets there.”


I had a tough time with this only because I kept thinking "Shouldn't these guys be helping Jade get Alaura to the infirmary??? Or healing her or something?" Luke's dialog seems just a little stilted and in the other conversations. In the movies he's a little more relaxed. I know he's very serious about being a Jedi, but he does have his moments of humor and caring/concern. I did love Kyle's quips. You did a nice job making him just a bit ornery. :)


I did enjoy this fic very much and hope you'll put a copy into the archives. I just wish I'd been able to give you more attention on it, but I had a serious attack of Real Life in November/December and couldn't do much of anything.

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  • 3 years later...

A/N: While the ending to this story has not changed there have been major changes to several parts in the middle that made the story a bit longer. Those who've read it feel free to reread if you like :) Those who haven't I'd love to hear input as I'll be looking to post the finished version in the archives soon.


Yet another stormtrooper fell to the lightsabers of the two Jedi as they pushed their way toward the Star Destroyers bridge. Jade, Alaura noted, was faring very well and her skill at turning away blaster shots with her blade was developing nicely. The Jedi were almost methodical and the stormtroopers stood little chance. At one point Jade called out to her master,


“That’s twelve!”


“That is hardly appropriate for a Jedi Jade,” Alaura scolded her apprentice, “besides I’ve got fifteen!”


Jade smiled at her master to which Alaura responded with a wink. Keeping count of her kills was something she knew she probably shouldn’t do, but she couldn’t help it. She knew starfighter pilots did it, but she had never heard of a Jedi doing so.


The pair pressed on taking the elevator up to the destroyer's command deck. As they entered the passageway leading to the bridge they stopped. There was not a squad of stormtroopers waiting for them as they expected, but a solitary figure. He was covered by a black robe and hood, and he addressed them as they approached. So, this was the familiar wave Alaura had felt in the Force. She still could not figure out where she had felt it before.


“It is impressive that you have managed to get this far Jedi, but not unexpected. My master has told me of the power she felt from you apprentice, and you Jedi Master, I knew that you would fair well. Now we shall see how you handle a true Dark Lord of the Sith!”


He threw off his robe and revealed his face for the first time. His hair was dark brown, but his face was hideous shade of gray and his had an angry yellow glow to them. Alaura recoiled in horror realizing now why the presence this Sith generated was so familiar. Jade saw and felt the emotion her master displayed and questioned the elder Jedi.


“Master, what is it?”


Alaura barely heard the girl’s question as she struggled to keep her emotions under control. She had not seen this man in almost 15 years, not since her parents were killed by the Imperial stormtroopers and she was placed in the custody of her grandparents. She closed her eyes and focused on the Force gaining enough composure to answer Jade.


“I-I know this man.”


“Know him? How?”


“Of course she knows me,” the Sith interrupted, “Tell your apprentice who I am Alaura.”


“He is my brother Jade. By the Force Koren, what have you done to yourself?”


“That name means nothing to me. Lord Malice has christened me Darth Ragnos after one of the most powerful Dark Lords to ever live, and what I have done my dear sister is unlock true power through the teachings of Lord Malice.”


“Malice, is that your master’s name? You were always impressionable Koren; now look at where you are. You’ve become everything our father fought against.”


“Our father was weak! Just as weak as everyone else who serves your pathetic Republic.”


“You cannot mean that, father loved us, protected us, and died for us.”


“He did nothing but hold us back, Lord Malice has shown me the truth.”


“Enough! Stand aside Koren. I am here for your master; I have no wish to fight you.”


“You will fight sister, you will fight or you and your apprentice will die!”


With that final threat he extracted his lightsaber and switched it on. The left side lit first and then the right becoming a deadly twin bladed weapon. Jade, trying to push back her fear, and sensing her master’s hesitation looked to Alaura for guidance.


“Master, you are conflicted, I feel it.”


Alaura focused on the currents of the Force and strengthened her resolve. She could not believe that standing in front of her was her own brother, a Sith. She was devastated and desperately tried to find some way she could avoid the end she knew this meeting was coming to.


“Please Koren, do not do this,” she pleaded with him “Join me, let me help you.”


“Help?,” he spat “I don't want any help you offer sister. I am a Dark Lord of the Sith, and now you feel my power.”


“Then you are truly dead Koren.” Alaura replied before addressing Jade “Come Jade, we will do what must be done. This monster is my brother no longer, he is truly a Sith, twisted and evil.”


“Attack me then Alaura,” the Ragnos sneered “and know the power of the dark side of the Force.”


Alaura focused on pushing away the pain she felt for her brother, and regarded her young apprentice.


“Remember what I have taught you Jade. Keep your guard up, analyze and look for an opening.”


Jade nodded, and then it began. Master and apprentice closed the distance to the Sith Lord and Alaura attacked first. Her identical violet blades met fiercely by the menacing red ones of the man who was once her brother. Alaura felt a stinging inside as she their blades clashed wondering what her parents would say to her now. Jade followed her master into battle making her attack from the Sith’s opposite side. Ragnos turned away their attacks with incredible quickness and launched his own strike swinging low at Alaura who jumped up and back landing on her feet. Now the Dark Lord turned on Jade and pressed the younger Jedi. She blocked and parried, but Ragnos was strong and drove her back toward the bulkhead of the ship. Alaura rejoined the battle and the two Jedi fought side by side. Lightsabers flashed and sparked as the battle raged.


It was young Jade who got to the Sith Lord first. With the Force guiding her she exploited a hole in his defense and slashed his right arm. He let out an angry growl and using his rage let go a wave of Force energy directed entirely at Jade. The girl flew back, smashed into the bulkhead, and crumpled to the deck.


“Jade!” Alaura exclaimed.


The girl did not respond, and Ragnos laughed sinisterly.


“Now it is just you and I dear sister.”


While Alaura was concerned about Jade she could feel life within her apprentice. She knew she would be okay and leveled her gaze at Koren.


“You will regret that.”


“Oh I doubt it.”


Alaura charged and went on the offensive again. Ragnos was quick in both attack and defense, but as they dueled Alaura began to notice he attacked with so much rage he often overextended himself and had to recover quickly when she countered. Alaura dropped her offense completely and assumed a defensive stance turning away the aggressive strikes of Ragnos with both of her blades. Several minutes passed and Alaura could tell the Sith Lord was beginning to tire. Still, he launched yet another attack, but this when Alaura defended she went back on the offensive using the Force to guide her strikes she began an overhead attack with her left hand and as Ragnos turned her strike away she swung at his saber hilt with her right blade and sliced it in half. Then using her momentum she thrust forward with her left blade and pierced the Sith’s chest.


Anguish filled Alaura as she retracted her lightsaber and watched the Sith fall to the ground. She had just killed her only brother. Something somewhere inside her said that she should have done more, she should have looked for her brother after she joined the Jedi. Maybe if she had found him before this Sith Lord she could have saved him. She had to shake off the regret though as she ran to check on Jade who was still recovering from her meeting with the bulkhead of the Star Destroyer.


“uhh…” she groaned as she started to sit up.


“Jade, are you alright.”


“I have a terrible headache.”


“Relax; concentrate on the healing techniques I showed you.”


The girl closed her eyes and sat there for a long moment before they fluttered open again.


“How do you feel?”


“Better,” she replied standing up. She looked over to where the Sith Lord lay.


“I’m sorry Master.”


“Do not be Jade; my brother vanished long ago, consumed by the Dark Side.”


“Still it must be sad to lose your brother.”


Her apprentice was too perceptive for her own good. Alaura knew Jade could feel her sadness. She truly had not wanted to kill Koren, but he had left her with no choice. Still, she wondered if her parents would have understood. Brushing aside such thoughts she nodded at Jade,


“It does sadden part of me that I could not save him, turn him back, but perhaps in his death some part of him will be redeemed. Come on, let’s get Malice.”




Even as the Jedi were confronting Darth Ragnos help was beginning to arrive for the beleaguered Rogue Squadron. The Dauntless and her strike group dropped out of hyperspace into the middle of the battle over Yavin Four. Kila rose from her chair and looked out of the view port.


“This is Admiral Prieto to strike group, all ships engage. Take down those Star Destroyers.”


The response to her orders was the firing of the Dauntless turbolasers. A verbal reply came from Rogue Squadron,


“Dauntless, this is Rogue Leader, boy are we glad to see you!”


“Rogue Leader, this is Admiral Prieto, you’ve done your part get out of there.”


“No can do Admiral, we’re not leaving this party until it’s over. Rogue Leader out.”


Kila could only smile and shake her head. It appeared that Rogue Squadron’s reputation had no chance of being marred today.




The doors to the bridge of the Star Destroyer parted and Alaura and Jade charged in. Admiral Rice turned as they entered. He could see that Darth Malice had not reacted to the entrance of the Jedi, and so he did the only thing he could do.


“Guards, take them.”


The stormtroopers on the bridge moved and both Jedi reacted. Lightsabers flashed as they dispatched the troops and turned again on the admiral.


“My Lord Malice, we have a complication.”


The hooded figure turned and regarded Alaura and Jade whose lightsabers provided illumination to the dimly lit bridge.


“I have been aware of them since they boarded your ship Admiral. So, Jedi, you have managed to defeat Lord Ragnos. It saddens me to lose such a talented apprentice, he had so much potential.”


“He was my brother witch,” Alaura nearly growled. She felt her anger beginning to rise and Jade could feel it as well.


“Master, do not let her bait you.”


Darth Malice laughed evilly, “Wise words from someone so young, and so strong in the Force. Perhaps you would like to be my next apprentice young Jedi? Think of the power you could have. You could surpass even the power of the Emperor and rule this galaxy with an iron fist.”


“Not on your best day,” Jade countered.


“Then perhaps your destiny is to die here,” Malice sneered.


Alaura never had a chance to react. The powerful burst of Force lightning struck her cleanly in the chest knocking her backwards and to the deck of the ship. Jade rushed to her side the Sith Lord only laughed.


“You Jedi are pathetic; I am not surprised the Emperor was able to crush you so easily. What will you do now apprentice? Your master cannot help you. You cannot defeat me, so join me and end the violence that rages outside.”


Jade stood and glared at the woman as her anger flared.


“You will pay for that.”


“Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you Jedi. I feel your anger, use it, and embrace the Dark Side of the Force.”


Jade tried to focus as Alaura had taught her, but the pain she felt for her injured master welled within her. She lit her lightsaber and leapt toward Malice. The Sith brought her own weapon up seemingly out of nowhere and turned Jade aside using the Force to push her away. Jade was back on her feet instantly, and attacked again launching a combination of quick strikes but Malice matched her blow for blow. She then landed a vicious kick that sent Jade sprawling backward. Her lightsaber shut off as she hit the steel deck.


“You cannot defeat me Jedi. I am stronger than you can possibly imagine. I will break you and then you will join me, or I will end you.”


The pain Jade felt in her chest would not subside no matter how hard she tried to push it away. Her emotions swirled in her mind and she could not focus on the Force. She knew Darth Malice was coming after maybe it would be easier to just give in to the Sith. Suddenly out of nowhere she heard a voice in her mind,

“Get up daughter, your time to die will come, but it is not today.”


“Father?” Jade whispered.

“Get up Jade, you can defeat her.”


“She’s so strong, so powerful.” Jade murmured


“Do not doubt yourself, use the Force. Remember what your master taught you. You have much life left to live daughter, and remember I am always with you.”




The voice said no more and Jade looked up. Malice was striding toward her. Jade stood and closed her eyes. The currents of the Force washed over her, and her fear flowed away. She held her hand out and her lightsaber jumped to her, the silver blade coming back to life.


“Defiant, even to the last. I will enjoy this young Jedi.”


Malice brought her saber up, and Jade opened her mind to the Force as she blocked the woman’s attack. Then she launched one of her own swinging her blade right, left and low. Malice blocked and Jade spun slicing at the head of the Dark Lord. The Sith blocked again and lunged at her chest. Jade parried her strike and brought her own saber back around slicing through Malice’s wrist. Malice’s scream echoed through the bridge of the Star Destroyer and she fell to her knees. As she did Jade placed her blade at the woman’s throat.


“You are beaten.”


“Kill me then Jedi, and be done with it. Take my life, and then take my place.”


“Jade, do not listen to her.”


The new voice belonged to Alaura who had risen from where she was laying and was walking toward Jade. The girl turned to look at her master and Malice did not hesitate, she swung her legs out and kicked at Jade’s knocking her back to the deck. Her hand reached for her lightsaber, but it never reached her. When the Sith Lord reacted so did Alaura. Using the Force to guide it she threw one of her violet blades toward Malice and it decapitated the Dark Lord at the neck. Her head fell and rolled to one side and her body dropped to the floor as the lightsaber returned gracefully to Alaura’s hand. The Jedi Master reached her apprentice and pulled her up off the deck.


“Thank you Master.”


“You are welcome. I am proud of you Jade, you fought well today.”


“Not well enough, Malice almost killed me.”


“But she did not, and with time you will learn to let small distractions go.”


Alaura turned toward a cowering Admiral Rice.


“Call your ships off Admiral, and order them to surrender.”


He looked at another officer, “Do as she says.”


“Yes Admiral.”




The Alderaan arrived as the Imperial ships were announcing their surrender. She teamed with the Dauntless and accepted the surrender of the Star Destroyers. Other Jedi from the academy traveled to the ships and took custody of the officers to be taken to the academy until transports could arrive to deliver them to Coruscant for interrogation. Alaura and Jade took an Imperial shuttle back to the surface of Yavin Four where Luke and Kyle Katarn were waiting for them in the hangar. Jade helped her Master who was still feeling the effects of Darth Malice’s Force lightning attack down the loading ramp. Luke and Kyle, seeing that Alaura was injured immediately moved to help Jade with her master.


“I will be okay Master Skywalker.” Alaura said as they draped her arms across their shoulders.


“Yeah, after a trip to the infirmary and a soak in some bacta,” Kyle interjected.


“That will not be necessary Kyle.”


“The hell it isn’t.”


“Master Katarn is right Alaura. Kyle and I will help Jade escort you to the infirmary.”


Alaura was in no condition to argue with Luke and the group made their way slowly to the Academy's infirmary. The medical technicians took over immediately when they arrived and as Alaura was being lowered in to the bacta tank Kyle addressed the lead technician.


“How long will she be under?”


“At least eight or nine hours Sir, she suffered some pretty intense electrical shocks.”


Kyle turned to Luke, “Force lightning.”


Skywalker only nodded knowing all too well what that particular instrument of the Dark Side could do. Jade confirmed Kyle’s statement,


“Darth Malice attacked her before she could react Master.”


“We will wait for Master Bedel to awaken, Jade...”


“I’m staying here Master, I won’t leave Alaura.”


Skywalker nodded “I will not force you to, but please try to rest as well, we will speak to you later.”


Jade kept her vigil next to Alaura’s bacta tank after the elder Jedi left. Despite her best efforts she could not help but allow the exhaustion from the day’s events to set in and she fell asleep in her chair. She only awoke when the on duty medical technician shook her.


“Ma’am, I’m getting ready to wake her.”


Jade opened her eyes, and blinked several times to focus on his face.


“Thank you.”


Jade watched as the technician injected the revival drugs into the tank’s line. Alaura’s eyes fluttered open and the technician and Jade helped the Jedi Master out of the tank, and to one of the infirmary’s beds.


“Ugh, I hate that smell,” Alaura complained.


“Jedi Master or not, you needed it.”


“I suppose I did.”


As they talked Master Skywalker came into the infirmary and approached them.


“The technician told me you were awake Alaura. How do you feel?”


“Much better Master, thank you.”


“Do you feel up to relating the events that took place on the Annihilator?”


Alaura nodded, and she told Luke the sequence of events from the time they landed all the way through their duels with the two Sith. Skywalker listened intently, and responded only after she was finished.


“It is not easy to find out that a member of one’s own family is capable of so much evil Alaura”


“No, it is not, but I can only hope that in the end Koren was redeemed in some small way.”


“Perhaps later I will share with you the things that I learned from my experience with my father.”


“I would like that Master.”


The elder Jedi turned to Jade, “It sounds as though you handled yourself well Jade. You faced the embodiment of the Dark Side with courage and resisted her attempts to turn you to her cause.”


“I had help Master, I-I heard my father’s voice in my mind at my weakest moment.”


“The Force works differently through everyone Jade,” Skywalker responded “There were many times where I heard Obi-Wan’s voice through it guiding my actions. We will all travel to Coruscant together to brief the Chancellor and the rest of the Council when Alaura is ready. Until then, I encourage both of you to rest, you’ve certainly earned it.”





The trip to Courscant was a whirlwind of briefings for Jade and Alaura. From speaking with all the members of the Jedi Council to Chancellor Organa and various military leaders, they must have told the story about the events leading up to and including the Second Battle of Yavin IV twenty times. Both of them were relieved when they finally returned to the Academy. Life slowly returned to normal, but before she could move on Alaura had one final task to accomplish.


So, now, in the presence of only Luke Skywalker and Jade, Alaura touched a torch to the funeral pyre that held her brother’s body. Tears streamed down her face as the smoke and flames rose into the Yavin nighttime sky. Even through her sadness, Alaura still felt that the saga was finally at its end.


“May the Force be with you Koren, wherever you are.”

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