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Ok, I'm effing sick of it!

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Rogue Nine = Insane super moderator and minor deity who posts too much, gets billed for everything and loves anime.


Rogue9 = Guy who helped save the RS forums long ago, rpged alot, typoed alot, obsessed with Corran Horn and the X-Wing, and...kinda stopped posting. :rolleyes:

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Don't blame me,.. you asked for it! :D


What you want (hooo) baby I got it

What you need (hooo) you know I got it

(Hooo) all I'm asking (hooo) is for a little respect

( Just a little bit) when you come home

(Just a little bit) hey baby ( Just little bit)

When you come home ( Just a Little Bit) Mister


I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone

I ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna

All I'm asking is for a little respect when you come home

(Just a Little Bit) Baby ( Just a little bit )

When you come home ( Just a little Bit) Yeah


I'm about to give you all my money

And all I'm asking in return honey

Is to give me my profits when you get home

(Justa Justa Justa) Yeah baby when you get home


( Just a little Bit ) Yeah ( Just a little bit )


Hooo your kisses sweeter than honey and guess what so is my money

All I want you to do for me is give it to me whn you get home

( Re re re re spect) Yeah baby whip it to me

( Just a little bit) when you get home now ( Just a little bit)


R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me

R-E-S-P-E-C-T take out the TCP ohhhh (Sock it to me,etc.)


A little respect oh yeah ( Just a little bit)

A little respect ( Just a little Bit)

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Very nice... but seeing that I can't help thinking of that Simpsons episode with Xena in it. :D


I was fooling around on the Alienware site and I configured myself a $19,000 system. So when your done with the card could you send it this way?

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Nitro, you're getting dangerously close to "Too-Much-Information-Land," there.


Originally posted by Rogue15

yes, it makes the mods/admins confident of themselves, and they feel like they're worth something.


It also perpetuates the illusion that we're under control so that when we do need to rise up they'll underestimate us for a few critical seconds.


<small>Who says you can't learn from Stargate?</small>

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