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Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer/MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender


MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender/Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer in-game?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender/Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer in-game?

    • Yes: Both in-game
    • Yes: MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender In-game
    • Yes: Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer In-game
    • No: Neither (I'll provide my comments as to why not.)

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Well Im wondering the Limt of the ALO and how many Verticals can a ALO can take because the model will not appear in the Viewer. so im wondering what is the .ALOs Limits?

Hi There.


I'm going to refer you to the other Forums for that question, magna mandaloe. Just post the same information over there (MC-104/Sovereign Topic) and someone will help you.

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No, neither, for two reasons:


1) Uber-amazing-super-ships with uber-amazing-super-weapons suck. I really don't like it when some EU writer or comic book artist or whatever feels the need for the Empire to have - OH NO - yet another planet-busting superlaser or star-nova-torpedo or some other dumb superweapon. That's just me, I've never liked plotlines or games based on the idea, "Oh, crap, my Single Unbeatable Ultimate Doomsday Weapon blew up! I'd better build another one, a bigger one, with another One Vital Weakness!" Sun Crusher, Darksaber, Eclipse Star Destroyer, yeah, they all stink.


2) Both of those ships are really ugly. Especially the star destroyer.

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No, neither, for two reasons:


1) Uber-amazing-super-ships with uber-amazing-super-weapons suck. I really don't like it when some EU writer or comic book artist or whatever feels the need for the Empire to have - OH NO - yet another planet-busting superlaser or star-nova-torpedo or some other dumb superweapon. That's just me, I've never liked plotlines or games based on the idea, "Oh, crap, my Single Unbeatable Ultimate Doomsday Weapon blew up! I'd better build another one, a bigger one, with another One Vital Weakness!" Sun Crusher, Darksaber, Eclipse Star Destroyer, yeah, they all stink.


2) Both of those ships are really ugly. Especially the star destroyer.


I hate to say it, wedge, since normally I agree with your opinions on stuff, but 'oh, crap, my single unbeatable ultimate doomsday weapon blew up, I'd better build another one, a bigger one' was the theme of the original Star Wars trilogy. EU writers didn't invent The Death Stars

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I find it a bit difficult to understand those that want the Star Wars "fantasy" to fit some perfect line of "realism".


It is "all" a fantasy cooked up in the mind of George Lucas. Considering the fact that none of it is real, there are bound to be inconsistant aspects when compared with reality. I mean really just about everything in Star Wars could be considered uber since its not real and its all a fantasy.


Just a thought.

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I find it a bit difficult to understand those that want the Star Wars "fantasy" to fit some perfect line of "realism".


It is "all" a fantasy cooked up in the mind of George Lucas. Considering the fact that none of it is real, there are bound to be inconsistant aspects when compared with reality. I mean really just about everything in Star Wars could be considered uber since its not real and its all a fantasy.


Just a thought.

Fantasy works wonders for the imagination and vice-versa. Just ask those from your homeworld of Korriban.


Please do not respond to Mr. Khasei's Reply. It is irrelevant to this Topic.


Darth Khasei: I'm certain you will find those whom share your views elsewhere. I suggest that you begin a new Topic about it. Please refrain from irrelevant information here. Much appreciated.



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Fantasy works wonders for the imagination and vice-versa. Just ask those from your homeworld of Korriban.


Please do not respond to Mr. Khasei's Reply. It is irrelevant to this Topic.


Darth Khasei: I'm certain you will find those whom share your views elsewhere. I suggest that you begin a new Topic about it. Please refrain from irrelevant information here. Much appreciated.




While, it is clear did not understand the point of the post(all of the ships are fantasy and your MC-104 is no more uber than any other SW ship), I will gladly let you know I decide when, where, how, why and what to post for me not you. Apology accepted.

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I hate to say it, wedge, since normally I agree with your opinions on stuff, but 'oh, crap, my single unbeatable ultimate doomsday weapon blew up, I'd better build another one, a bigger one' was the theme of the original Star Wars trilogy. EU writers didn't invent The Death Stars

Yeah, I'm aware of that; it's the shaky ground on my opinion here...I never understood why the Imperials would leave a direct shaft to the main reactor in the second Death Star, but this time, have it big enough for ships to fly into!


Doing it once is okay. Trying to build a second Death Star for Return of the Jedi isn't so bad. But when the comic book writers have World Devastators and Eclipse Super Star Destroyers and Sovereign Super Star Destroyers, and Kevin Anderson feels the need for the Sun Crusher and Darksaber, and Timothy Zahn brings in the Katana Fleet and clone armies, and Michael Stackpole wants to unleash Imperial bio-weapons on Coruscant, and whatsisname who wrote the Corellian Trilogy has Centerpoint Station collapsing stars....it just gets a little much for me. For a short time, I felt like each new story in the EU was going to be inventing a whole new superweapon for the Empire to threaten the Rebels with, and it got a bit tedious. The Imperial super-weapons and super-ships, the Death Stars and the Executor, were supposed to be special, unique, and the pinnacle of Imperial engineering--not to be out-done by nova-inducing fighters or even bigger SSDs with Death Star lasers. That's all.

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Hello Everyone.


Fantastic news!!!


ArucarD has just completed the Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer! It is ready to be downloaded and in-game!


It is here, at the Gaming Forums!


Please give him, Avenger85, roskov, and AWOF (magna mandaloe) a HUGE thanks for this.

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on the subject of superweapons like the death star, it is ofcourse all fantasy but the death star does serve the purpose of self replication. in order to build that thing you would need to strip-mine the iron core of a planet. and what better way to do so than blowing apart the whole planet to be mined. that was the best part of the starwars ships (and the huge fleets of them). where creation did they get all the metal? I mean Vader's fleet alone probably has more metal in it than the total amount ever pulled from the ground on earth. It's just all in good fun.

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Yeah, I'm aware of that; it's the shaky ground on my opinion here...I never understood why the Imperials would leave a direct shaft to the main reactor in the second Death Star, but this time, have it big enough for ships to fly into!


Doing it once is okay. Trying to build a second Death Star for Return of the Jedi isn't so bad. But when the comic book writers have World Devastators and Eclipse Super Star Destroyers and Sovereign Super Star Destroyers, and Kevin Anderson feels the need for the Sun Crusher and Darksaber, and Timothy Zahn brings in the Katana Fleet and clone armies, and Michael Stackpole wants to unleash Imperial bio-weapons on Coruscant, and whatsisname who wrote the Corellian Trilogy has Centerpoint Station collapsing stars....it just gets a little much for me. For a short time, I felt like each new story in the EU was going to be inventing a whole new superweapon for the Empire to threaten the Rebels with, and it got a bit tedious. The Imperial super-weapons and super-ships, the Death Stars and the Executor, were supposed to be special, unique, and the pinnacle of Imperial engineering--not to be out-done by nova-inducing fighters or even bigger SSDs with Death Star lasers. That's all.



I see where you're coming from completely. Sometimes I also just get a longing for more good old-fashioned fleet battles. I'd like to see hundreds of Star Destroyers engage hundreds of Mon Cal cruisers without a jedi or a supermega-battleship coming along and turning the tide.

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Wedge2211 and IonFizzle both make apt points about EU. Personally, Wedges point about EU stories becoming nothing more than a competition to have an ever declining Empire invent ever greater uber weapons only to be foiled/destroyed by our intrepid rebel heroes time and time again. YAWN! Ive said it before in other threads and ill say it again...EU sucks. The authors simply replaced the threat of powerful sith with technology and it diminishes what were unbelievable achievements (DS 1 and 2, SSDs). EU kinda reminds me of a few 8 year olds trying to outdo each other "such adn such by a 1000" "such and such by a million" "such and such by a billion" Such and such infinite" "such and such infinite +1" etc etc. Ion if you want hundreds of capital ships going for it, EaW is not going to be able to provide this. Rebellion could get close but it was not very glamorous. In the SW universe it was rare for massive fleet actions; remember the Battle of Endor was the biggest space battle of the Galactic Civil War and I think someone counted the number of Star Destroyers and there was about 40. Even if the Rebs matched this you still have less than 100 cap ships total.

What i would like to know about building SSDs is how long are they going to take to build? They will certainly take longer than an ISD so you unless you have already build reinforcements ready to bring on, you are not going to be able to build anything else. If the rebel player is churning out ships as fast as they can then the battle may already be over before the SSD makes an appearance. I would think that to be in a position secure enough to build an SSD, if they take a while, then the battle is probably already won. And when the SSD makes an appearance there should be a rebel fleet already waiting for it.

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Well, in terms of Galactic-scale warfare, the Galactic Civil War was an anomaly. The Rebellion was fighting an enemy with vastly greater resources and exponentially bigger fleets and had to resort to guerilla tactics. The reason Endor was the largest fleet action of the war was simple that the Rebellion didn't have the resources for it. In the Star Wars universe as a whole (Sith War, Great Hyperspace War, Yuuzhan Vong War, etc) battles with hundreds or thousands of ships weren't uncommon.


But I digress. For this game that's not going to happen. I DO, however, enjoy this game's depiction of small-scale fleet action. I would prefer two things, howver


1.) if ships woud live longer. capital ship battles in Star Wars can rage for quite awhile. It's not realistic when one frigate reams another in 20 seconds. I've seen this fixed admirably in various mods by adding shield points and hull points. I've had some very entertaining fun with the Awakening of the Rebellion mod, particularly.


2.) Get rid of the asteriod fields and nebulas. They're rediculous and almost entirely un-canon in the orbit of worlds. They're annoying and vexing. maybe one field toward the middle of the map but everywhere is just rediculous



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I hear ya! When I first got the map editor I made a totally clean space map that i used to test ships against one another, especially when i modded XMLs. It was basically due to my lack of knowledge that I didnt put asteroids and nebulae around the place and it gave it a sort of deep space feel. I liked it. It was uncluttered and was just pure combat. Might even take some strain off the CPU too. Your right about increasing hit points too. I have made all ships as tough as they are compared to the TIE/Xwing series and its much more fun. An Acclamators shields would last all of about 2.9 seconds from an enemy turbolaser barrage and it was dumb. The ships are much more tougher now, fire alot more, are more accurate and its so much more fun. I must make a small correction though; capital ships going hammer and tongs at point blank range dont tend to last long; Have a look at the battle of Endor and Episode 3. I love the bit with the running broadsides between the Invisible Hand and a Venator. Its damage city. True both of them could already have no shields left but this goes to show once a ships shields are down they really start to get hurt.

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Hi Guys.


I am attempting to code the .XMLs with the Sovereign's information and I have a few questions.


Provided below is first, my SpaceUnitsCapital entries taken/copied/changed from Avenger85's CIS Mod.'s L.O.W. Super Star Destroyer.


NOTE: The highlights in yellow is information I do not know what to replace with and/or I am unsure about. Please check the rest of it for any errors, as well. Much appreciated.




<SpaceUnit Name="Sovereign_SSD">
<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Calamari_Cruiser Rebel_Star_Base_5 Home_One </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> Y-Wing_Squadron B_Wing_Squadron </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
<Armor_Type> Armor_Star_Destroyer </Armor_Type>
<MovementClass> Space </MovementClass>
<Space_Layer> Capital </Space_Layer>
<OverrideAcceleration> .02 </OverrideAcceleration>
<OverrideDeceleration> .02 </OverrideDeceleration>
<Required_Special_Structures />
<Required_Planets>Kuat, Fondor</Required_Planets>
<!-- was ??? -->
<Build_Countdown_Timer> Yes </Build_Countdown_Timer>
<Build_Countdown_Text_ID> TEXT_SSSD_COUNTDOWN_TIMER </Build_Countdown_Text_ID>
<Build_Countdown_Text_RGBA> 64, 128, 255, 255 </Build_Countdown_Text_RGBA>
<Build_Music_Completed> Galactic_Death_Star_Complete_Music_Event </Build_Music_Completed>
<Death_Clone />

<CategoryMask> Capital | AntiCorvette </CategoryMask>
[color=Yellow]<Icon_Name>I_BUTTON_SSD.TGA</Icon_Name> (Which of the two icons is this entry for?)[/color]
<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Asteroid_Field> Unit_Asteroids_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Asteroid_Field>
<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula> Unit_Nebula_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_LASER, Unit_HP_LASER_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_MISSILE, Unit_HP_MISSILE_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_TORPEDO, Unit_HP_TORP_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_ION_CANNON, Unit_HP_ION_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_SHIELD_GENERATOR, Unit_HP_SHIELDS_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_ENGINE, Unit_HP_ENGINES_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_GRAVITY_WELL, Unit_HP_GRAV_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
<SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Idle_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop>
<SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Moving_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop>
<SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop>
<Space_Full_Stop_Command> Yes </Space_Full_Stop_Command>
<Radar_Icon_Size>0.10  0.20</Radar_Icon_Size>
<Death_Clone>Damage_Normal, Jedi_Cruiser_Death_Clone</Death_Clone>
<Encyclopedia_Text> TEXT_TOOLTIP_SSSD </Encyclopedia_Text>
<Encyclopedia_Unit_Class> TEXT_ENCYCLOPEDIA_CLASS_SUPER </Encyclopedia_Unit_Class>
<Score_Cost_Credits> 130000 </Score_Cost_Credits>
<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 0.6f</Mod_Multiplier>
<!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
<SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> Unit_Star_Destroyer_Tractor_Beam </SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop>
<Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
<Tractor_Beam_Attack_Ability Name="Piet_Tractor_Beam_Attack_Ability">
<Activation_Style> User_Input </Activation_Style>
<Applicable_Unit_Categories>Transport | Corvette | Frigate</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
<!-- Modifiers. If 0 - no modifier is applied, 1 - "100% increase or decrease" -->
<Tactical_Build_Prerequisites />

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  1. Shield Generator (x 2)
  2. Engines (x however many engine nacelles there are on the model)
  3. Gravity Well Generator
  4. Tractor Beam
  5. Axial Superlaser (Hypervelocity Gun, or Protom Beam)
  6. Advanced Turbolasers (x 20)
  7. Advanced Ion Cannons (x 6)
  8. Laser Cannons (x 8)




(Size = a little bit smaller than a Super Star Destroyer)

  1. Engines (x however many engine nacelles there are on the model)
  2. Tractor Beam
  3. Hangar (x 2)
  4. Advanced Turbolasers (x 10)
  5. Advanced Ion Cannons (x 8)
  6. Laser Cannons (x 6)
  7. Proton Torpedoes (x 2)
  8. Concussion Missile Launchers (x 1)

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There is an issue with the Sovereign. It involves the green selection circle around/on the unit when I select it. It does not appear. Neither do the double bars (shield/hull) above the unit. I'm assuming that the double bars are a part of the selection ring, in that case.


I believe it has to do with the <Select_Box_Scale>800</Select_Box_Scale>


section of the code shown in my code Post below. I have experimented extensively with the <Select_Box_Scale>800</Select_Box_Scale>

values (from 1450 > 4000) without any change. I have not changed the <Select_Box_Z_Adjust>-50</Select_Box_Z_Adjust>

value at all, however. Perhaps that is where the issue stems from?


Perhaps someone can help me with that?

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Interesting, When this is totally finished could you possibiliy provide a mini-Mod with both ships or in addition with the required wings like the B-Wing, Just curios if you will. Explain to me from what non-canon series that the odysseus-class star defender came from? or was it just made up? But a mini-mod would be a great Idea once you have everything settled.

-Darth Extas

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i think the rebellion needs something to take out an SSD. those things are monsters.


That's just it, technically, the Rebellion doesn't have anything to take on a Super Star Destroyer. Now, the New Republic does, but not the Rebellion.

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...by the by is this gonna be released to the public? or has it already?

I had set-up a Topic as a project to convert the Odysseus to Empire at War's format in an effort to provide the ship to those who wanted it.


Things got ugly on the Topic and the individual whom converted the model has abandoned the project, I believe.


magna mandaloe and I are looking for someone whom can help with the textures for the model, however.


magna mandaloe had initially converted the .OPT model of the Odysseus to .3DS format. The other individual had converted the .3DS model to Empire at War's .ALO format. There was an issue with textures that was in the process of being resolved until, as I mentioned, things went bad.


Can anyone help with textures, please?


NOTE: I no longer need help on #39 below. I still need help on #41, however.

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