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can you have mira as a darksider??

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Ok so I dont want the wookie Hanharr in my party and am playing a darkside character. Is there anyway to get Mira instead of the wookie? I seem to recall that if your darkside you get the wookie. Perhaps use the SGE to make you liteside before landing on Nar Shaddaa?? Thoughts? Anyone...

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Get neutral, or use KSE to give you the necessary light points, there's a specific point where it determines who you'll get but I forget the point now. Maybe just play Nar Shada as a LS, maybe it will give you the necessary push up the morality scale. As long as your neutral you'll get her.

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I allways want Mira with me, so when I´m going to go to Nar Shadda docks after beating the red sun slavers, I use the KSE to be 100% lightside. So I get Mira, and when I recover my PC I use again KSE to return to the darkside.


It´s the only way to get Mira being darksider.

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You only have to have your background in the character update screen gray or blue in order to get Mira.


The best time to cheat light side points is right when you get on the docks. You know the part where you go and meet Visquis, and Atton just told you to be careful? Well, once you enter the docks module, Just give yourself enough light side points to be in the gray area in your Force Alignment before advancing then Mira will approach you.


Once Mira approaches you, you can then add the same number of dark side points to put you right where you just were in the dark alignment and Mira will now become your party member when the game advances. :D

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incase you dont know it the cheat is addlightside 50 - that will put you where you need to be no matter what, then once you have control of you pc again

use adddarkside 50 ;)



For some reason I cannot use the Cheats in TSL as I can in KOTOR. I have the proper command line in the .ini file but no dice so I just end up using KSE. Ahh well... I now have Mira as a Dark Jedi! When I trained her to make a lightsaber I used forcechoke on her and made her swear obedieance to me lol.. wish I had gotten a screen cap of that moment! :vsd:

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You have to be above 50 point mark on the light dark scale to get Mira.
Not true.


The scale of 50 is the exact middle between completely light and dark. 100 is completely light, 0 completely dark. Making this clear for those following along wanting to know the real answer.


You can be at 40 (10 points towards to dark side) and still get Mira. Try it out if you have a hard time believing this. Use the Save Game Editor and put your Force aligment at 40 to see.


Now put it at 39, your background screen goes red and then it is scripted to spawn Hanharr instead of Mira.


Again, if you need to find out for yourself if you find this hard to believe, just go test it out. You'll see that I'm right.

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For some reason I cannot use the Cheats in TSL as I can in KOTOR. I have the proper command line in the .ini file but no dice so I just end up using KSE. Ahh well... I now have Mira as a Dark Jedi! When I trained her to make a lightsaber I used forcechoke on her and made her swear obedieance to me lol.. wish I had gotten a screen cap of that moment! :vsd:


Get the Mira Hanharr Choice mod here



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  • 5 weeks later...
'cept Hanhaar can't be a Jedi (or at least that's what I heard)


Yeah but hes as powerful as one. Wookie Fury gives you the extra attacks that speed gives Jedi. Hanharr will be your most powerful melee and ranged NPC pretty much no matter what you do. Think about it. In terms of melee, hes got Wookie Fury and starts with 20 strength. No other NPC is gonna get close to that melee damage unless you give them your best lightsaber crystals, which unless you are using a consular, you probably wont. And even then, Hanharr will be just as good or better. Hes the best ranged attacker. Once again, think about it. He gets two extra attacks from the Wookie Fury feats still. But he also gets the precise shot and targeting feats for free. Mira gets them for free too but you stop getting them once you become a Jedi so Hanharr will end up coming out on top there by a bit.


The only NPC who COULD be better than Hanharr at stuff is Atton who as a jedi using sneak attack is pretty good too if youve got a consular who uses stasis field/insanity all the time.


But Mira has NO chance of equaling Hanharr in melee and falls a bit short in ranged combat because in order to make her a Jedi you gotta forfeit a couple of the free ranged feats that Hanharr gets.

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Why would you want Mira though honestly? Ive found her wrist launcher thing to be totally useless, and Hanharr is better in every single way.


I prefer Mira to Hanharr since she's the best blaster wielder in the game due to her Scout feats, in addition to the other ranged combat feats you can pick. There are enough decent melee fighters in the game already so you don't need another, but few others who are decent enough with blasters to make a difference.


I don't bother giving her any melee feats at all since she's useless with melee weapons, even as a Jedi. Ignore her weakensses, focus on her strength and just pump every feat pick she gets into the ranged combat feats (Rapid shot, power blast and the Precise shot series are obvious picks for her).


I tend to wait turning her into a Jedi until around level 21 to pick up all the Targeting feats. While it will prevent her from picking up much force powers that's usually not a problem since she only needs a few buffing ones, like Master Speed.


Then give her two of the best blaster pistols you can find (Elite Watchman Blasters, buildable at a workbench will do nicely if you can't find anything better), fully upgraded and she'll usually kill the enemies before they can close to melee range. She has no problem gunning down Dark Jedi either since her Attack is so high (due to the scout Targetting feats and the Precise shot feats) that their blaster bolt deflection rarely has any effect :)


While grenades generally are useless in the standard game there is one exception, which alone makes her rocket launcher worth it: Adhesive grenades (AKA Jedi Killers). When shot with the rocket launcher they reach their target quickly and explode on impact, making them more effective at stopping enemies in their tracks. Not only will it prevent groups of enemies from getting close, "glued" enemies also suffer defense penalties and are completely unable to use any force powers. And best of all, they offer no saving throw and no character in the (non-modded) game is immune to them. :)

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I prefer Mira to Hanharr since she's the best blaster wielder in the game due to her Scout feats, in addition to the other ranged combat feats you can pick. There are enough decent melee fighters in the game already so you don't need another, but few others who are decent enough with blasters to make a difference.


I don't bother giving her any melee feats at all since she's useless with melee weapons, even as a Jedi. Ignore her weakensses, focus on her strength and just pump every feat pick she gets into the ranged combat feats (Rapid shot, power blast and the Precise shot series are obvious picks for her).


I tend to wait turning her into a Jedi until around level 21 to pick up all the Targeting feats. While it will prevent her from picking up much force powers that's usually not a problem since she only needs a few buffing ones, like Master Speed.


Then give her two of the best blaster pistols you can find (Elite Watchman Blasters, buildable at a workbench will do nicely if you can't find anything better), fully upgraded and she'll usually kill the enemies before they can close to melee range. She has no problem gunning down Dark Jedi either since her Attack is so high (due to the scout Targetting feats and the Precise shot feats) that their blaster bolt deflection rarely has any effect :)


While grenades generally are useless in the standard game there is one exception, which alone makes her rocket launcher worth it: Adhesive grenades (AKA Jedi Killers). When shot with the rocket launcher they reach their target quickly and explode on impact, making them more effective at stopping enemies in their tracks. Not only will it prevent groups of enemies from getting close, "glued" enemies also suffer defense penalties and are completely unable to use any force powers. And best of all, they offer no saving throw and no character in the (non-modded) game is immune to them. :)


Hanharr gets those free scout feats too. And you dont have to wait until level 21 to make him have extra attacks. He will get the equivalent of master speed (wookie rage) at level 17, while if you make Mira a Jedi after level 21, then she will only get those two extra attacks at level 23. By that time the game is almost over.

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