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The Actual Nature of the Psychonauts?

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I was reading Squidbunnies comic and it dawned on me, we never actually learn what the Psychonauts do, are they a secret government organization like the MIB? Are they a business out to help those in the world like a private eye organization? WUT DO DEY DU!?!?!?


Whattya you all think?

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I thought that they took care of Psychic problems across the world.


If some psychic freak is trying to kill everyone, they'll release the Psychonauts. From what we saw with Milla and Sasha they seemed to be secret agents who aren't that secret.

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Well in the comic they jump into the head of someone who's gone slightly crazy...maybe they just take care of people who are causing trouble because of mental problems...like what Raz did in the game basically. Maybe they do both...they take care of ordinary people with mental problems and psychic people who are causing trouble.

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They're not insane. It's mearly a breakdown of the name.


naut-an explorer of a certain area. ex. Astronaut.

psycho-1)A famed movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

2)derived from psyche, a person who has a severe mental disorder. Ex. Psychopath.


Which pretty much means they're explorer's of insane minds!

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Ya know, I never really gave much thought to what Psychonauts did. It'd be sweet if they were like some Men In Black group.


Or maybe they are more like a gang? Do they commit levitate-by's shooting psi-blasts, and flashing gang signs? Like p-nauts west side boi !!

-wow that was stupid, I apologize.


P.S. I think horrible and doom flavors would be a good addition to the Klondike bar flavors. It would certainly be an improvement over current ones.

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Horrible and doom more accurately capture the lethal capacities of polar bears. And Psychonauts have better fashion sense than MIBs, am I right, Darth?

I don't know.


Men In black are like wannabee Blues Brothers without the pimp hats.


Psychonauts really represent individuality in the workplace. And they probably have casual Friday.


FBI is so old skool, but not in cool way old skool. Like the gumby haircut, or MY ADDIDAS!


The verdict!

Psychonauts are most fashionable, but the MIB can probably dance better and sing blues songs with Matt 'Guitar' Murphy and Donald 'Duck' Dunn playing in the background. And Also, MIB probably look cooler with Cab Calloway, and that gives them props.

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You so just made me imagine Oleander as Jake and Sasha as Elwood running from the law, a country-western band, a psychotic Carrie Fisher, and Illinois Nazis in an old cop car. I'm sure one of you fan fiction folks could have fun with that.

...OMFG!! ~dies~ Best thing ever.


Sasha-We're on a mission from god. AUGH!

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