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Simple question!

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how in blazes do you progress the story of the navicomputer in KOTOR II, I'm talking about the part where you can talk about the navicomputer to HK-47 and asking him to voice print the entry password but he can't because he dosn't know who locked it. If this isn't even a quest just a thing to drive you mad then tell me, if you have no idea what I'm talking about in the game then please ask and check back I'll be checking this thread often enough and I'll explain in greater detail then. Thank You for co-operating!

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To the best of my knowledge, that's not a quest that can be completed (or ever really started, for that matter...). Someone else around here may know if it was intended to be a playable part of the game and was cut or just part of the story arc.


Considering who the former owner of the ship was, I tend to think it's just back story.

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Considering who the former owner of the ship was, I tend to think it's just back story.

I have come to think that it will play a part in a potential KotOR III, it would also give us a reason to have the droids and the Ebon Hawk as a focal part of the game. ;)

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So, is it believed that the ship you see at the end is, indeed, the Ebon Hawk? The video file showing the Hawk getting unstuck on Malachor and falling deeper into the chasm was called, "The Death of the Ebon Hawk" -- and Kreia mentions some other ship available at the Trayus academy and T3 waiting nearby for the Exile with the directions to Revan. I always assumed the Exile took that other ship (which just happens to be a freighter-class just like the Hawk) one out of the hangars.


And then I always had to wonder how the heck Mira got off the planet, too. Or on it, for that matter.

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A good explanation for the EH is that at the end perhaps all your party was on the Hawk except for Mira and Hanharr(If your LS) but maybe they got on another ship, anywho when the Exile defeats Darth Traya and Malachor V is falling apart the Exile uses her strong ability in the force to summon the EH to her and as well she smooths out all or most of the dents in the Hawk.

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If I remember correctly, the Ebon Hawk was still pretty banged up when the pc got in it. I was being weird and watching some of the movie clips for no reason yesterday and when I watched the movie "escape from the trayus core" I saw that it was still in pretty bad shape when it flew out of that pit thing. I hadn't noticed it being all dented before and I too wondered how it was able to fly still.



Edit: Yeah, I just watched that movie again and there are breif moments where you can see the some damage, both when the hawk is escaping the core, and when it is flying away from Malachor into space.

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Considering there's only structural damage to the hull, I'm not surprised that it could still run. Only because in the beginning of the game the damage was so much worse, and yet the hawk was still going.


And yes, both times it's the Ebon Hawk. The ship fell into the core of the planet, and the ship comes out of the core of the planet, implying that during the "death" scene there was someone at the controls who piloted the ship through the abyss to the nearest opening, which was the Trayus core.

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