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Favorite Light Saber?


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Anakin Skywalkers lightsaber IMHO, it has a classic design.




Thats the same one Luke carried in 'Empire', but I seem to remember Lukes 'original' one (that Ben gave him in ANH) as identical to the pic, but lacked the grips at the end, like this one:



'maybe I'm just going crazy'


But I personnaly would carry this one:


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Thats the same one Luke carried in 'Empire', but I seem to remember Lukes 'original' one (that Ben gave him in ANH) as identical to the pic.)


Luke had it in ANH also, that is the original one.

If you remember in Episode III Obi-Wan picked up Anakins lightsaber after he defeated him.

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I liked Obi-Wan's RotS saber best. It the same base model as in ANH, but the little details like the little gold band makes me like it a tat more.



It's actually from an old RotJ preview, I like it better than the one Luke does build just because I like blue more. :lips1: But if we're talking canonicity than yeah, Luke's green saber.


It was changed because of the fight scenes on Jabba's sailbarge. It was nearly invisible with the clear blue desert sky. IIRC Lucas wanted to have only blue and red sabers, because they are the common good guy/bad guy colors.

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I did an extensive review of the first 4 films last night and concluded that:


The pic posted by pho3nix is of Anakins of the last part of ep.3 (Obi-wan picked it up out of the dirt after he defeated Anakin), AND is the same one given to Luke in ep.4, and maintained by him in ep.5 until Vader cut off his hand in the cloud city. I did discover that Anakin had 2 destroyed in the second film, and the one surviving lightsaber (which was given to Obi-wan by the rescueing jedi knights on geonosis) wasn't seen again in later films. Whats really interesting is that when Obi-wan was captured on geonosis his lightsaber was confiscated and reappeared in episode 3.


So now I'm wondering

1. how Obi-wan managed to get it back off geonosis.

2. what ever became of Qui-Gon Jin's lightsaber.

3. In ROTJ when Vader comments to Luke "I see you've created a new lightsaber", "much like your fathers" says the emperor, and the saber closely resembles Obi-wans, NOT Anakins/Lukes original (which was a generic one from Geonosis).


Someone have an explanation ???

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  • 3 weeks later...
It was changed because of the fight scenes on Jabba's sailbarge. It was nearly invisible with the clear blue desert sky. IIRC Lucas wanted to have only blue and red sabers, because they are the common good guy/bad guy colors.
Yeah, I knew that, I still like it better. But I think making it green made RotJ stand out a little more, so I think what they did is better than what I would've liked more.
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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry, but the first time you ever see a lightsaber snap into brilliant existence, it sticks with you forever. Mine was in 1977.


I still will never forget an old, decrepit Obi-wan handing over Annakin's lightsaber to a young, ignorant Luke in that hole of a dwelling on Tatooine as he lied to him and neglected to tell him who Darth Vader really was.


The snap hiss and humm of the sky blue blade as Luke wafted it back and forth, nearly decapitating a re-charging 3-PO, will forever be imprinted on my memory.


I love that blade.

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